Published January 16, 2024 | Version plot
Software Open

yixiaohu19/Custom-code: v1.0.0



Custom code for data analysis and plotting. All relevent code here can be run on python 3.9. The python idle and source code can be downloaded at freely. The original code needs to read a 64x65 array data input from a specific serial port on the computer in order to run properly. This is to adapt to our data acquisition chip. Therefore, in order to provide an example of our code running, we also provided a test program that pre-inputs a fixed array and plots it. This program follows the same principle of plotting as our main program, and can be used to verify the feasibility of our code. The original code can run properly with a serial port connection and proper data input. All required modules listed at the beginning of the code are open-source modules from Python which can be installed through pip-install command.



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