Published 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Stocks of macrophyte in the natural monument «Сostal aquatic complex at cape Fiolent

  • 1. A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of Southern Seas


As a result of the conducted research in the water area of the “Coastal aquatic complex at Cape Fiolent” natural 
monument the stocks of bottom vegetation were assessed, the distribution of macrophytobenthos and the dominant algae 
species included in them by depths and sections was analyzed. It was revealed that along the whole coastal area of the 
natural monument the distribution of phytomass of macrophytes, Ericaria crinita, Gongolaria barbata and Phyllophora 
crispa was influenced by the depth and lithological composition of bottom sediments. It was found that at the depth of 
0.5–1 m, the phytomass of macrophytes, Ericaria crinita, Gongolaria barbata at the sites where boulders – a favorable 
substrate for attachment of macroalgae – prevail, was higher than these indicators at the sites where mobile fossilized 
boulders  were  abundant.  At  all  sites,  their  resource  component  was  highest  at  depths  of  1–5  m,  while  the  largest 
accumulations of Phyllophora crispa were recorded at depths of 5–10 m. The contribution of "Сystoseira" to the total 
macrophyte  stocks  decreased  from  79  to  64  %  with  the  increase  of  depth  from  0.5  to  10  m,  and  the  proportion  of Рhyllophora in the 0.5–15 m depth range fluctuated from 0 to 7 % of total macrophyte stocks. According to the calculated data, the total reserves of macrophytes were estimated as 3716.0 tons, of which Ericaria crinita and Gongolaria barbata 
made almost 2522.6 tons and Phyllophora crispa accounted for 87.6 tons (68 and 2 %, respectively). On average, the 
macrophyte concentration of the studied coastal area was 38.7 tons (including 26.3 t of Cystosira and 0.9 t of Phyllophora 
crispa)  per  one  ha.  The  analysis  of  the  obtained  materials  showed  that  the  water  area  of  the  natural  monument  was characterized by high productive indices of macrophytes and significant stocks of Ericaria crinita and Gongolaria barbata. 
It was found that the natural monument played an important role in the conservation and protection of the bottom vegetation in the coastal zone of the southwestern part of the Heracles Peninsula, being a peculiar reserve of  Ericaria crinita and Gongolaria barbata community. 


Ресурсы макрофитов памятника природы «Прибрежный аквальный комплекс у мыса Фиолент».pdf

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