Published December 7, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Psych theoretical Studies and the Development of Psychology in Türkiye

  • 1. St Clements University
  • 2. St. Clements University


The division of the psychology component in Turkey can be considered complex and complicated. Likewise, the current power of many different structures and names since the Ottoman Empire Period. Although developments in modern psychology emerged simultaneously with Europe after the 1960s, it was only after the second half of the 1960s that psychohistory was shaped as a subfield. The importance of psychological psychology, which is thought to continue dialectically through the general development process of psychology, crises, and solutions, comes to the fore once again. Although the form of psychohistory was first mentioned as a fictional science by the mathematician Hari Seldon, who took part in the famous Isaac Asimov's trilogy titled "Foundation," aiming to present projections about the future, it later became a part of real life and became both applied and applied, and a writer as well. It has also created a new area for regions. After explaining the general principles of this success, psychohistory studies in Turkey can be placed in the developmental stages of psychology.


Psych theoretical Studies and the Development of Psychology in Türkiye.pdf

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