Published June 14, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Open Science Awareness Project for Central Asian Universities


The project aims to support the modern scientific values, including, but not limited to, universalism and communality. The project aims to rause awareness of important statistical concepts including p-value and false positive, and the connection of these concepts with certain negative trends in research publication like publication bias and specification searching. The project also aims to promote the importance of robustness and reproducibility for scientific research. 



Open Science Awareness Project for Central Asian Universities OLS-7 Saule Anafinova.pdf

Additional details


  • Acharya, A. (2004). How ideas spread: Whose norms matter? Norm localization and institutional change in Asian regionalism. International organization, 58(2), 239-275.
  • Christensen, G., Freese, J., & Miguel, E. (2019). Transparent and reproducible social science research: How to do open science. University of California Press.