Når danske myndigheder taler forskelligt dansk: Begrebsafklaring med terminologiske ontologier


  • Bodil Nistrup Madsen Copenhagen Business School
  • Hanne Erdman Thomsen Copenhagen Business School




Terminologi, Terminologiharmonisering, Begrebsafklaring, Begrebssystem, Ontologi, Termbase, Vidensbase, National Termbank


Terminological Ontology combines traditional terminology work with typed feature structures, thus providing a systematic and controlled method for concept clarification and definition writing. Terminological ontologies include a formalization of the inheritance of characteristics and a number of constraints which help experts formulate consistent intensional definitions. In this paper we illustrate the usefulness of Terminological Ontology with several examples from a scenario where various Danish authorities need to exchange digitized information. The authorities involved include units under the Ministry of Justice (the Prison and Probation Service, the Police, the Prosecution Service in Denmark, and the Danish Court Administration), the National Board of Social Services, and the Danish Agency for Digitisation. The examples evolve around the central concept of ‘case’, and show how concept clarification and harmonization is necessary in order to enable a seamless exchange of digitized information between these authorities, and in essence, between organizations in general. On this basis, it is concluded that there is a need for a shared, cross-ministerial concept and knowledge database with appointed terminologists to collaborate with and coordinate contributions from the interested parties in ministries, public agencies and other authorities.


