year 21, Issue 84 (12-2022)                   J. Med. Plants 2022, 21(84): 39-49 | Back to browse issues page

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Ikawati Z, Hertiani T, Hartanti Y K, Sigalih N L. Anti-inflammatory activity of Indonesian polyherbal product containing Curcuma zanthorrhiza and Vitex trifolia as the main ingredients in carrageenan- and histamine-induced inflammation in Wistar rats. J. Med. Plants 2022; 21 (84) :39-49
1- Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia ,
2- Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3- Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract:   (1619 Views)
Background: The pathophysiology of the upper respiratory diseases involves inflammatory reactions, both immunological and non-immunological inflammation. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the activity of an Indonesian polyherbal product that combines the extracts of Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. rhizome and Vitex trifolia L. leaves, as the main ingredients, and other medicinal plants for the anti-inflammatory effects in respiratory disorders. Methods: The effects of the polyherbal product at different doses (167.5, 335 and 670 mg/kg, p.o) on the right hind paw edema were measured by plethysmometer after induction by subplantar injection of either histamine (100 µl, 2 %) or carrageenan (100 µl, 0.1 %), to represent two types of inflammation. Rat paw edema volume as baseline (Vo) was measured at 30 min before oral administration of the polyherbal and every 30 min for 0-6 h after injection of histamine or carrageenan (Vt). Anti-inflammatory activity was calculated as the percent inhibition of paw edema relative to the negative control, CMC-Na. Results: The polyherbal formula significantly decreased paw edema compared with the negative control(P < 0.05). Inflammatory inhibition rates of 167.5, 335 and 670 mg/kg doses were 25.19, 32.77 and 47.03 %, respectively, in histamine-induced edema, and 20.12, 56.62 and 68.87 %, respectively, in carrageenan-induced edema. Conclusion: The anti-inflammatory properties of a polyherbal containing C. zanthorriza and V. trifolia as the main ingredients showed a dose-dependent manner. The other herbal components i.e. Zingiber officinale rhizome, Citrus bioflavonoid complex, and Echinacea purpurea herb may contribute to overall anti-inflammatory activity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Traditional Pharmacy & Traditional Medicine
Received: 2022/08/22 | Accepted: 2022/10/19 | Published: 2022/12/1

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