Volume 35, Issue 2 (summer 2022)                   JMDP 2022, 35(2): 165-192 | Back to browse issues page

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Gholipour Moghadam F, Esmaili R, Hadi peykani M. Implications of Socio-Cultural Sustainability of Marine-Based Development of Mokran Coastal Zone. JMDP 2022; 35 (2) :165-192
URL: http://jmdp.ir/article-1-4396-en.html
1- Department of Public Administration, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, , Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2- Department of Public Administration, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran. , r.esmaieili@khuisf.ac.ir
3- Department of Public Administration, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Abstract:   (1085 Views)
Purpose: Social development is about putting people at the center of development theory. Without considering the human, social and environmental factors of social development, development plans may create dynamics in such a way that the main development factors, instead of supporting development processes, act against development by bringing about delay. In this regard, the purpose of the present research was to identify the consequences of socio-cultural sustainability of the marine-based development of Mokran Coastal Zone.
Methodology: This research applied qualitative database method. The statistical population consisted of experts who had sufficient knowledge and practical experience in the field of socio-cultural sustainability. According to the research framework, a semi-structured method was used to collect the required data. After analyzing the contents of the interviews, the socio-cultural sustainability consequences of marine-based development of Mokran Coastal Zone were identified.
Findings: Findings show that the consequences of socio-cultural sustainability of the marine-based development of the Mokran Coastal Zone include social development, trust improvement, cultural intelligence enhancement, security stability and ethnic-local violence reduction. Nevertheless, the consequences of the socio-cultural instability include increase in the injustice, feeling of deprivation and exclusion, insecurity and instability, socio-cultural anomalies, dissatisfaction, pessimism, distrust and migration from underprivileged villages and areas to privileged cities.
Originality: This research can lead to the development of socio-cultural sustainability literature of the Mokran Coastal Zone with its exclusive ethnic-religious characteristics. Besides, by understanding the positive and negative stability outcomes of socio-cultural development of this zone, management can improve policy-making and planning for the development of Mokran coasts.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: Jan 17 2022 | Accepted: Oct 19 2022 | ePublished: Jan 02 2023

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