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Volume 29, No. 1

Authors:Özer Feridun Fikret, Şimşek Deniz, Küçük Nuran in Bidil Semra



Abstract (English)

This study aimed to explore the differences in the distributions of plantar pressure in dynamic states and assess the strength profiles in the hip muscle of professional volleyball players according to foot posture index. Dynamic plantar pressure distributions were evaluated via the Pedar®-X plantar pressure insole during walking. Load Cell sensors were used isometrically to measure hip adductor/abductor muscle strength. Independent-Samples t-Test was performed according to Levene\'s homogeneity test results. Pearson correlation coefficient was performed to understand the relationship between the variables. For these measurements, significance level was set as p<0.05. The right adductor and right abductor strength of the prone group had significantly lower than the neutral group (p <.05). Similarly, the left adductor strength of the prone group had significantly lower than the neutral group (p <.05). Also, plantar pressure distributions of volleyball players with prone feet were distributed evenly across metatarsal bones, but highly uniformly on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd metatarsal head and midfoot regions in dynamic walking. Results between the neutral and prone foot posture group found a moderate negative relationship (r = -.570; -,529) between both right and left adductor hip strength and foot posture. Finally, in right and left abductor hip strength to foot posture a low negative relationship was found (r = -.471; -375). Reduced strength of the hip abductor relative to the adductor is associated with increased pronation at the foot. Furthermore, the decrease in arch height increased the risk of lower extremity injuries related to excessive use, including patellofemoral pain syndrome and medial tibial stress syndrome, as well as may have a negative effect on jumping performance.

Keywords (English)

volleyball, foot posture index, plantar pressure, sport, hip strength

Abstract (Slovenian)

Namen te študije je bil raziskati razlike v porazdelitvi plantarnega pritiska v dinamičnih stanjih in oceniti profile moči v mišicah kolka profesionalnih odbojkarjev glede na indeks drže stopala. Dinamične porazdelitve plantarnega pritiska so bile ocenjene s pomočjo vložka za plantarni pritisk Pedar®-X med hojo. Za merjenje moči mišic adduktorjev/abduktorjev kolka so bili izometrično uporabljeni senzorji celic obremenitve. Izveden je bil T-test za neodvisne vzorce glede na rezultate Levenovega testa homogenosti. Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient je bil uporabljen za razumevanje razmerja med spremenljivkami. Za te meritve je bila določena stopnja značilnosti p<0.05. Moč desnega adduktorja in abduktorja ter levega adduktorja je bila pri skupini s pronacijo stopala bistveno manjša kot pri nevtralni skupini (p <.05). Tudi porazdelitev plantarnega pritiska pri skupini s pronacijo stopala je bila enakomerno porazdeljena po metatarzalnih kosteh, pri dinamični hoji pa zelo enakomerno porazdeljena na glavico 1., 2. in 3. metatarzalne kosti ter srednji del stopala. Pri rezultatih med skupinama z nevtralno in pronirano držo stopala je bila ugotovljena srednja/zmerna negativna povezanost (r = -.570; -.529) med močjo desnega in levega adduktorja kolka ter držo stopala. Nazadnje je bila ugotovljena nizka/šibka negativna povezava med desnim in levim abduktorjem kolka in držo stopala (r = -.471; -.375). Zmanjšana moč abduktorja kolka glede na adduktorja je povezana s povečano pronacijo stopala. Poleg tega je zmanjšanje višine stopalnega loka povečalo tveganje za poškodbe spodnjih okončin, povezane s prekomerno uporabo, vključno s patelofemoralnim bolečinskim sindromom in medialnim tibialnim stresnim sindromom, prav tako pa lahko negativno vpliva na zmogljivost pri skokih.

Keywords (Slovenian)

odbojka, indeks drže stopal, plantarni pritisk, šport, moč kolkov; DOI:

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