EGU24-4300, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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A theoretical framework for evaluating cryosphere services

Bo Su1,2, Cunde Xiao1, and Deliang Chen2
Bo Su et al.
  • 1Beijing Normal University, China (;
  • 2University of Gothenburg, Sweden(;

The cryosphere makes significant contributions to human well-being directly or indirectly and materially or spiritually, providing a wide array of benefits, i.e., cryosphere services. However, with the global warming, the diminishing cryosphere would profoundly impact, not only on climate systems, but also its functions and services to support our societies. Although there is a wealth of studies on cryospheric processes and mechanisms, the interaction between the cryosphere and other spheres, and the cryospheric disaster risk, the systematic research on cryosphere services is still in its early stage. There needs to be a more systematic theoretical framework and methodology to enable the valuation and management of cryosphere services. Here, we will systematically present our recent work about the development of theoretical framework and methodology system, as well as related case studies. we first present a classification system based on the current process-based understanding of their nature and sustainability. Then, three different methods (i.e., empirical-based, monetary-based, and emergy-based approaches) for evaluating cryosphere services, are systematically introduced, and illustrated by three case studies. Finally, to adapt to the changing cryosphere services and mitigate risks, we further propose the approach to enhance society’s resilience in the cryosphere. The theoretical framework and methodology system is conducive for conceptualizing, monitoring, assessing and managing cryosphere services, and can help enhance socio-ecological sustainability and human well-being over cryosphere-affected areas.

How to cite: Su, B., Xiao, C., and Chen, D.: A theoretical framework for evaluating cryosphere services, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4300,, 2024.