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BRITTO, Gustavo ; ROMERO, João ; FREITAS, Elton ; COELHO, Clara ;


This paper expands the product space methodology to analyse the relationship between structural change, economic complexity and distinct paths of economic development. To do so, it presents product space networks for each decade since the 1960’s and analyses revealed comparative (dis)advantages indictors for Brazil and South Korea from the 1960s to 2000s. The exercise renders two main findings. First, it shows significant changes of the international division of labour and trade as well as each of the countries’ trade evolution in terms of comparative advantages in products classified by technological-intensity. Secondly, the indexes of revealed comparative advantage and disadvantage to analyse economies’ diversification, bottlenecks, and complexity show that although having similar initial per capita GDPs, South Korea achieved faster growth than Brazil by specialising early on higher complexity, technology-intensive goods and services. This shows that growth and development is highly path dependent and contingent on production complexity.


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DOI: 10.5151/engpro-1enei-078

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Como citar:

BRITTO, Gustavo; ROMERO, João; FREITAS, Elton; COELHO, Clara; "THE GREAT DIVIDE: ECONOMIC COMPLEXITY AND DEVELOPMENT PATHS IN BRAZIL AND SOUTH KOREA", p. 1404-1425 . In: Anais do 1º Encontro da Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação [=Blucher Engineering Proceedings, v.3 n.4]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2016.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/engpro-1enei-078

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