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Model Inputs and Outputs for Simulating and Predicting the Effects of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Thermal Springs Recharge—A System-Based Coupled Surface-water and Groundwater Model for Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas


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Hart, R.M, and Ikard, S.J., 2021, Model Inputs and Outputs for Simulating and Predicting the Effects of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Thermal Springs Recharge—A System-Based Coupled Surface-water and Groundwater Model for Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release contains model input and output files for simulating and predicting thermal spring flows at Hot Springs National Park (HOSP), Hot Springs, Arkansas. A three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework of the Hot Springs anticlinorium beneath Hot Springs National Park was constructed to represent the complex hydrogeology of HOSP and surrounding areas to depths exceeding 9,000 feet below ground surface. The framework, composed of 6 rock formations and 1 vertical fault emplaced beneath the thermal springs, was discretized into 19 layers, 429 rows, and 576 columns and incorporated into a 3-dimensional steady-state groundwater-flow model constructed in MODFLOW-2005. Historical daily mean thermal spring flows were simulated for [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.
“Data Dictionaries”
9.91 KB application/zip
“HOSP Matlab Codes”
4.75 KB application/zip
“HOSP Modflow 2005 Model Files”
123.8 MB application/zip
“HOSP Modflow 2005 Recharge Grids”
3.36 MB application/zip
“HOSP Modpath 6 Model Files”
75.22 MB application/zip
“HOSP PRMS 4 HRUs - Flow”
239 KB application/zip
“HOSP PRMS 4 HRUs - No Flow”
585.86 KB application/zip
“HOSP PRMS 4 HRUs - Idaho”
31.25 MB application/zip
“Read Me file”
2.72 KB text/plain

“HOSP PRMS Model Files”
2.54 GB application/zip

“HOSP PRMS Recharge Scenarios”
3.52 GB application/zip


The data sets and related codes contained in this data release were used (1) to develop a surface water model of streamflow and precipitation using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) watershed modeling software to simulate variable precipitation rates in the vicinity of Hot Springs National Park (HOSP); (2) to develop the hydrogeologic framework of HOSP and surrounding areas for a three-dimensional (3D) groundwater-flow model of the Hot Springs anticlinorium developed in MODFLOW 2005; (3) to run 43 groundwater-flow simulations, each incorporating different recharge conditions distributed over the groundwater-flow model grid, which were produced by the PRMS model simulations. Thirty-four PRMS model simulations produced recharge grids that reflected recharge conditions attributed to climate change, three PRMS simulations produced recharge grids that reflected recharge conditions attributed to land-use changes, and six PRMS simulations produced recharge grids that reflected recharge conditions attributed to a combined effect of land-use changes and climate change.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9SBJVVL

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