Data Release

Coastal Land-Cover and Feature Datasets Derived from Landsat Satellite Imagery, Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

By Julie C. Bernier

USGS, St. Petersburg, Florida


This data release serves as an archive of coastal land-cover and feature datasets derived from Landsat satellite imagery at the northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana. To minimize effects of tidal water-level variations, 75 cloud-free, low-water images acquired between 1984 and 2019 were analyzed. Water, bare earth (sand), vegetated, and intertidal land-cover classes were mapped from Hewes Point to Palos Island using successive thresholding and masking of the modified normalized difference water index (mNDWI), the normalized difference bare land index (NBLI), and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Vector shoreline, sand, and vegetated feature extents were extracted for each image by contouring the spectral indices using the calculated threshold values. Barrier platform, beach, and vegetated widths were calculated from the intersection of the shoreline, sand, and vegetated vectors with transects spaced 300 m (10 pixels) apart alongshore.

Bernier, J.C., Miselis, J.L., Plant, N.G., 2021, Satellite-derived barrier response and recovery following natural and anthropogenic perturbations, Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana: Remote Sensing, v. 18, no. 18 (special issue), art. 3779, 27 p.,


File Name and Description Metadata (XML format) Metadata (text format) Download File
Zip archive containing thematic land-cover raster datasets in ERDAS IMAGINE (.img) format and comma-separated values (.csv) file detailing land-cover pixel count and total area for each of 75 Landsat image-acquisition dates.
nchan_landcover-met.xml nchan_landcover-met.txt
(1.4 MB)
Zip archive containing cross-shore transects and vector shoreline, sand, and vegetated feature Esri shapefile (.shp) and comma-separated values (.csv) file detailing derived feature metrics for each of 75 Landsat image-acquisition dates.
nchan_features-met.xml nchan_features-met.txt
(21.4 MB)

Graphic map of the study area with blue water, grey land, and a red box around the Chandeleur Islands.
Figure 1. Location map of the northern Chandeleur Islands study area

Suggested Citation

Bernier, J.C., 2021, Coastal land-cover and feature datasets extracted from Landsat satellite imagery, northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey data release,