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Database for the isopach map of the Brightseat Formation and structure contour map of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, in Maryland and Virginia


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Crider, E.A., Self-Trail, J.M., Parker, M., Seefelt, E.L., Staley, A., Beach, T., Bruce, T.S., and Quinn, H., 2022, Database for the isopach map of the Brightseat Formation and structure contour map of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, in Maryland and Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey data release.


The goal of the Atlantic Subsurface Stratigraphic Initiative (ASSI) is to create isopach and structural contour maps for all Coastal Plain formations within the Salisbury Embayment of Maryland and Virginia. Detailed information regarding thicknesses and extent of formations across state boundaries can then be utilized for more accurate documentation of the subaerial extent of aquifers across states. In support of this goal, lower Paleogene sediment elevation and thickness information from approximately 600+ data points from wells, cores, outcrops, and geologic maps were obtained from published and unpublished resources. Analyses started with production of a structure contour map of the unconformable contact of the Danian Brightseat [...]


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The database for the isopach map of the Brightseat Formation and structure contour map of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, in Maryland and Virginia is intended to serve as a foundation for applying geologic information to problems involving land use decisions, groundwater availability and quality, earth resources such as natural aggregate for construction, assessment of natural hazards (earthquakes), and engineering and environmental studies for waste disposal sites and construction projects.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9AHP9BC

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