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Field, remote sensing, and modeling data used for Collins et al., Rockfall Kinematics from Massive Rock Cliffs: Outlier Boulders and Flyrock Resulting from the 2020 Whitney Portal, California Rockfalls


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Corbett, S.C., Collins, B.D., and Horton, E.J., 2022, Field, remote sensing, and modeling data used for Collins et al., Rockfall Kinematics from Massive Rock Cliffs: Outlier Boulders and Flyrock Resulting from the 2020 Whitney Portal, California Rockfalls: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release includes information used to support the manuscript "Rockfall kinematics from massive rock cliffs: outlier boulders and flyrock from Whitney Portal, California rockfalls". The included datasets and supplement include data that was collected and processed to investigate the kinematics of boulder trajectories and impacts to both other boulders and to existing trees on the talus slope beneath the source area cliffs. This data release includes four folders and one .csv file: 1) GIS Data – shapefile (.shp) of runout zone boundary, 2) RockyFor3d Model Data - .asc and .csv files necessary as input for RockyFor3d model, 3) Terrestrial Lidar- .txt file containing the XYZRGB point cloud collected post rockfall on July 6, 2020, [...]


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GIS 26.21 KB application/zip
Terrestrial Lidar 151.23 MB application/zip
WP_outlierboulder_data.csv 1.55 KB text/csv
20.78 GB application/zip
RockyFor3d Model 35.45 KB application/zip
README_SupplementInfo.txt 5.93 KB text/plain


These data were collected to investigate the kinematics, including outlier boulder and flyrock trajectories, of seismically-triggered rockfalls on 24 June 2020 that damaged campground facilities near Whitney Portal, California, USA – a heavily utilized outdoor recreation gateway to the Sierra Nevada mountains.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P93TJUXH

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