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Data release of Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework Model of the Rio Grande Transboundary Region of New Mexico and Texas, USA and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico


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Sweetkind, D.S., Hanson, R.T., Ritchie, A.B., and Hawley, J.W., 2017, Data release of Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework Model of the Rio Grande Transboundary Region of New Mexico and Texas, USA and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This digital dataset represents the three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework for the Rio Grande Transboundary region of New Mexico, Texas, USA, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico. The data define the elevation, thickness, extent, and character of the principal hydrostratigraphic units of the region, and faults and igneous intrusive dikes that cut these units. The digital data describe the following five hydrostratigraphic units: RC, river channel alluvium; three informal subdivisions of the Santa Fe Group (USF, Upper Santa Fe Group; MSF, Middle Santa Fe Group; LSF, Lower Santa Fe Group); and BSMT, which includes all pre-Santa Fe Group rocks (basement). All units except BSMT (RC, USF, MSF, LSF) are split into two subunits. In each case, [...]


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The intended uses of this dataset include, but are not limited to, natural resource modeling, mapping, and visualization applications.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7JM27T6

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