Polytechnic University of Valencia Congress, Sixth International Conference on Higher Education Advances

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Enhancing students’ preparation for the professional field: A quasi-experimental study on a new community service learning module for first year pedagogical sciences students
Leonie Vreeke, Jorg Huijding, Susan Branje, Belinda Hibbel, Jaap Van der Ham, Isabelle Dielwart, Hanna Mulder

Last modified: 02-05-2020


In this paper, we describe the implementation of a new teaching module in the first year of a Pedagogical Sciences programme based on Problem Based Learning, Community Service Learning and co-creation principles. In this module, first year students answered a real-life pedagogical question for a project partner from a professional organization. Students ‘co-created’ solutions for the pedagogical-themed question by working together with a university expert and a project partner from a professional organization. Results indicated that students involved in this new teaching module scored significantly higher on a range of self-reported outcomes: feelings of being challenged, being able to link science to practice, feeling prepared for the professional field in general, and intrinsic motivation. Significant positive results occurred specifically when levels of co-creation were relatively high. This study underscores the importance of involving societal partners and challenging students to work on real-life problems very early on in academic education, that is, already in their first year at university.

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