Congresos de la Universitat Politècnica de València, FORTMED2015 - International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Western Mediterranean coast

Por defecto: 
Las fortificaciones militares del S. XVIII en Cartagena
Diego Ros McDonnell, María Mestre Martí, Enrique de Andrés Rodríguez

Última modificación: 22-07-2015


The fortifications of Cartagena, built during the 18th century, still have today a strong impact on the configuration and management of its territorial environment. During the reign of Carlos III and because of the defense need of Naval Base Arsenal it was established, by the Royal Order of July 5, 1728, improvements in existing military installations, and works in new buildings and defensive elements. The set of raised buildings, the walls, barracks, forts, castles and military defenses of the town determine and shape the current profile of the Historic Urban Landscape of the city and also they have formed the image of Cartagena in its characterization as Plaza Fuerte and naval base in the Mediterranean Sea. This valuable testimony of defense heritage is a physical manifestation, as a large open-air museum, that tells the military history of the city and also the importance of its strategic position in the Mediterranean Sea.


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