DOI: 10.48127/spvk-epmq/13.5.04a

Author's Information
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Vincentas Lamanauskas

Siauliai University - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 5
Issue 2

Article type :


Page No :


Abstract :

Pedagogical practice organization questions, innovative practice approaches were discussed in the conference. Very often universities do not attach enough attention to this sphere, doing the practice in itself is rather formal. One of the essential questions is the type of practice. Nowadays, the universities are looking for possibilities to involve students into peda-gogical practice already from the first course. The other important aspect is – the process of spread, development and maturity of student’s acquired competencies takes place during pedagogical practice. Effective feedback should guarantee study process changes. In this respect, clearly fixed pedagogical practice content is a significant thing. Quite often this cannot be achieved, because students, doing pedagogical practice, get a lot of tasks according to studied university subjects. Not always their activity and responsibility limits are notified clearly during practices. Very often the dichotomy between educational (didactic) and psychological tasks can be observed. It is understandable, that carrying out various psychological tasks (e.g., related to students’ personality cognition, their individual trait observation, interrelationship diagnostics and so on) students are not able to integrate their results into the educational process. In other words, pedagogical practice is a perfect period in the whole study process to relate the acquired pedagogical (didactic) and psychological knowledge into entire wholeness and be able to apply it practically. Thus, the problematics of pedagogical practice remains topical. How to achieve, that it were an effective instrument not only helping the student to develop, but also to understand the essence of pedagogical activity, to realise your calling and possibilities to do a very complicated and responsible pedagogue’s job in future. Can we agree with the statement, that there has to be left as little theory as possible, and to transform all theory into practice? It is obvious, that pedagogical practice process, should considerably be improved, adapted to the time period. How to do this? The question remains open.

Keywords :

pedagogical practice, study process, university education

References :


Cite as :

Lamanauskas, V. (2013). Pedagoginė praktika: keletas apmąstymų [Pedagogical practice: Some reflections]. Švietimas: politika, vadyba, kokybė / Education Policy, Management and Quality, 5(2), 4-6.