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Govt. of India Trust : E/11049/Rajkot
Income tax of India 80G : AADTK8161HF20221
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Knowledge Empowerment Foundation is Not-for-Profit organization registered by Govt. of India ( Our mission is to produce the finest knowledge providing  materials in the world. To that end, we do our utmost to ensure that all of our authors have an outstanding experience publishing with Not-For-Profit Organization — Knowledge Empowerment Foundation.

We strive to highlight the best research in a wide array of fields and to present it to our readers on a single platform. We serve our publications in both print and online format to maximize accessibility and marketability.

The free flow of ideas is crucial to a free, educated society, but when publishing is driven by a motive for profit, popular ideas are easily accessible while important ideas might well remain unpublished.

At the Knowledge Empowerment Foundation, our mission is to support the furthering of education and dissemination of knowledge. As a not-for-profit publisher, we can put integrity before profit and research before sensationalism. We measure the success of our efforts by the contributions we make to the advancement of ideas from conception through to hands-on implementation.

Every innovation is built on earlier innovations. Ideas are built on earlier ideas. The fundamental process underpinning every advancement we have ever made as a species is the free mixing of ideas. At Knowledge Empowerment Foundation, we make the world a better place by ensuring that every idea is available to everyone.

We publish books, book series, journals, and conference proceedings for students, teachers, professors, scientists and doctors who do not have the resources to publish materials themselves.

We offer all of our books, journals, and conference proceedings to the public for the lowest possible cost.

If you’re looking to give your ideas the platform they deserve, please contact us today at to schedule an initial consultation.