Issues of Formation of the Azerbaijan People, its Language and Culture in Iranian Historiography

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E. Madatli


The article states that almost half of the population of modern Iran  are native speakers of the Turkic language or know the language because the Azerbaijani Turkic language is the means of communication understood by entire population of the historical Azerbaijan territories. It is noted that the Azerbaijan Turkic language is a communication tool for millions of people not only in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey but also in many countries around the world, where this language has been developed and enriched unlike Iran, where Azerbaijanians, who for centuries have been living in this country and make up more than a third of the population, are deprived of such opportunities. Instead of development and enrichment of the Azerbaijani language, its assimilation takes place in Iran and historians, linguists, representatives of the intelligentsia bear a certain responsibility for this unnatural process.


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How to Cite
Madatli, E. (2016) “Issues of Formation of the Azerbaijan People, its Language and Culture in Iranian Historiography”, Problems of World History, (2), pp. 219–230. doi: 10.46869/2707-6776-2016-2-13.
Author Biography

E. Madatli

Madatli Eynulla – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow of A.A. Bakyhanov Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan in Ukraine (2010-2015)


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