As a resident assistant (RA) you share a suite with two other roommates. Although you have your own room, you share a common living area and a bathroom. This is the living arrangement for all the RAs in your building. One of your roommates, Jim, begins dating Emily, another resident in your building who shares a room with another RA, Sandy. Jim and Emily’s relationship continues to develop and soon you start to witness that Jim is becoming more and more verbally abusive of Emily while in your presence. You ask Sandy if she has witnessed similar abuse. She says she has heard Jim verbally abuse Emily, and she has even seen him forcefully grab Emily’s arm but has not done anything about it.

What are the issues in this case?

What are your options for handling the situation? How might each option play out? Which option do you prefer?

How will you address the behavior? What will you say to Jim? Will you do so in front of Emily? Will you talk with Emily separately?

What should you do if you learn that you are the only RA confronting the behavior? What should you do if Jim gets angry with you when you confront him and says that Sandy has never said anything?

Keep in mind that you have to live with Jim, and Sandy with Emily. Does this alter your approach to the situation? Would you handle things differently if Jim weren’t your roommate?