In order to kick-start effective national and international action by governments, environmental thinking has to prevail over the narrow focus most have on national economic growth conceived in purely monetary terms. This is measured even more narrowly in terms of Gross Domestic product (GDP) – the total amount of goods and services produced inside each country, less the costs of their production. This measure makes annual national growth in GDP the crucial mark of government success to the exclusion of all else (particularly long-term environmental and climate considerations).

This neo-liberal focus on national economies and growth is concisely summarised in Box 3.1, and contrasted with the environmentalist position summarised in Box 3.2. This emphasises a global rather than a purely national perspective and points out that the major challenge facing national economies (along with all other socio-economic and political structures) is climate change. Tackling this seriously would also provide the major economic boost the world (and national economies) need after Covid to get things working again.