In this chapter, the author accompanies the distinguished theologian Hans Küng on his quest to answer the question, “Does God exist?” The journey is nearly 1000 pages long, and the author is there as Küng interrogates the great philosophers and theologians across the ages from Plato to Descartes, from Hume to Kant, from Augustine to de Chardin, and including Hegel, Feuerbach, Nietzsche, and more. He interrogates these persons, the classical proofs for the existence of God, and the standard arguments for and against God. Every person and event relevant to the God question seems to be on the map that guides Küng's quest. He even engages the non-Christian religions. And yet predictably, his journey ends where he and the author knew it would when he started: at the altar of the Christian God and Jesus. The author describes this journey as a narrative proof for the existence of God subject to all the criticisms (some of which Küng himself identifies and affirms) the God proofs invite.