Travel is suggested to be an important factor within the home advantage (HA) effect. For away teams, the need to travel can often be disruptive to routines and results in a number of potential negative effects on preparation and performance. However, the extent to which travel is an issue for teams will differ based on the travel required, as the effects of travel result from combined effects of multiple different factors. To understand the potential effects of a bout of travel, it is important to understand each of the issues of circadian misalignment, jet lag, travel fatigue, and sleep loss, as all may play a role in post-travel physical and mental performance responses. Understanding the nature of these factors as well as their potential effects may allow support staff, coaches, and athletes to limit the influence of travel on the HA effect. Therefore, this chapter first discusses the mechanisms behind circadian misalignment, jet lag, travel fatigue, and sleep loss within the context of travel. Following, this chapter will report current lab and field-based research using athletic populations to identify the potential effects that travel may contribute to the HA effect.