Since business analytics is an emerging area, each day it witnesses numerous new applications of the same analytics concepts or development of newer and more evolved concepts. In light of this, this chapter attempts to address all the contemporary issues in analytics in HRM, partially arising due to changes in environment leading to changes in the way HRM functions. The first discussion is on Industry 4.0 – a technological revolution posing a disruption to traditional HR practices. This disruption has led to placement of high emphasis on empathy and people interactions, paving for people analytics and interaction analytics. Virtualisation is fast replacing contact sessions, calling for application of analytics in the data streams of voice and images. All these trends, and which data can be used for application of analytics, are explained in this chapter. Further, IoT analytics in HRM such as wearable sensors to predict employee safety, data visualisation and dashboards, Big Data analytics in HRM, and the impact of analytics on workplace ergonomics are also discussed, with corporate examples.