Research on Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) consistently links this trait to those who are politically and/or religiously conservative. In doing so researchers contend that individuals subscribing to these religious or political ideas are more willing to take away people's civil rights and more likely help set up an authoritarian regime. Altemeyer's conception of RWA is one where the authorities are given undue control over certain areas of our life, and he illustrates this propensity with issues such as the right to protest for progressive political causes, support of contemporary modern sexual attitudes, and the willingness to challenge traditional values. Altemeyer argues that we do not have sound definitions for political conservatism and liberalism. How we define conservatism and liberalism changes in the context of a given political culture. The RWA scale touches on many political issues relevant in modern culture, such as homosexuality, abortion, animal rights, and school prayer.