This chapter investigates intersections between Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) experiences of disaster and masculinities. It examines how masculinities have been constructed, resisted and produced in spaces impacted by a disaster by contemplating interactions with sexual and gender minority identities. Rather than arguing that hegemonic masculinity results in uniform forms of vulnerability for LGBT populations, it suggest that a nuanced understanding reveals both differing impacts of vulnerability, as ways in which hegemonic masculinity may in fact be resisted or deployed as a means of resilience. Masculinity, both as an ideology and identity, is thus understood as constructed in relation to categories including gender, age, race, sexuality and dis/ability. In many ways, hegemonic masculinity is defined by its difference from, or exclusion of, male homosexuality. A form of gendered knowledge and identity work was enacted to alleviate Mike's tension about potential homophobia, or at least uneasy relations between heterosexual and homosexual men, in stressful and traumatic post-disaster circumstances.