Mortality Rate and Outcome among Patients Admitted to General Intensive Care Unit during “Morning-Hour” Compared with “Off-Hour”


Aim: This study aim to evaluate the effect of time of admission on mortality of patients admitted to the ICU. Method: This retrospective study included 391 of patients admitted to the ICU of an academic hospital during one year. Patients were categorized according to time of admission: working-hours and off-hours. Mortality was compared in the groups and associated factors of mortality were examined. Results: Two third of patients were admitted during off-hours. There was no significant difference in the GCS, age and length of stay among patients admitted during working-hours and off-hours. There was no difference in mortality among patients admitted during working-hours and off-hours Mortality was significantly higher in older and more severe cases, regardless of time of admission. Conclusion: Time of ICU admission does not have significant effect on patient’s outcome.

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S. Ala, N. Pakravan and M. Ahmadi, "Mortality Rate and Outcome among Patients Admitted to General Intensive Care Unit during “Morning-Hour” Compared with “Off-Hour”," International Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2012, pp. 171-177. doi: 10.4236/ijcm.2012.33035.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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