Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial International Conference on Safe Community, B-ICSC 2022, 20-21 September 2022, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia

Research Article

Spatial Analysis of Environmental Health Aspects on Cholinesterase Levels Among Farmers Using Pesticides

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.20-9-2022.2334144,
        author={Fitria  Saftarina and Dian Isti Angraini and Trio  Susanto},
        title={Spatial Analysis of Environmental Health Aspects on Cholinesterase Levels Among Farmers Using Pesticides},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial International Conference on Safe Community, B-ICSC 2022, 20-21 September 2022, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia},
        keywords={environmental health farmers pesticides spatial},
  • Fitria Saftarina
    Dian Isti Angraini
    Trio Susanto
    Year: 2023
    Spatial Analysis of Environmental Health Aspects on Cholinesterase Levels Among Farmers Using Pesticides
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.20-9-2022.2334144
Fitria Saftarina1,*, Dian Isti Angraini1, Trio Susanto2
  • 1: Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine Univesitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
  • 2: Forestry Departement, Faculty of Agriculture Univesitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
*Contact email:


Utilization of spatial data integrated in GIS to make efforts to solve the problem of pesticide poisoning is expected to be a solution with an accurate and easy method. Environmental aspects affect the amount of pesticides used. The aim of this study was to determine environmental aspects and level cholinesterase among horticultural farmers. A cross sectional study among 107 horticultural farmers in Gisting District, Tanggamus regency, Lampung. Data were collected from June-Augut 2022. Data collection was carried out using questionaires, spectrophotometer and spatial geospatial positioning instrument. Analysis data using chi-square test. The study showed 32 farmers (29,9%) decreased cholinesterase level, 59 respondents (55,1%) distance from land to settlement ≥ 250m, 64 farmers (59,8%) with distance from river to settlement ≥250m and farmers on low topography 79 respondent (78,3%). There were significant asssocation between topography for pesticide poiosoning among horticultural farmers (p=0,036). The data is visualized in the form of a map by arc.gis. Farmers with low topography had a risk to decreased level cholinesterase. Relevant stakeholders must educate farmers on low topography use pesticides based on guidelines for the use of pesticides that are safe for health.