J Korean Acad Nurs. 2015 Feb;45(1):76-83. Korean.
Published online Feb 27, 2015.
© 2015 Korean Society of Nursing Science
Original Article

Factors that Influence Sexual Intercourse among Middle School Students: Using Data from the 8th (2012) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey

Seok Hyun Gwon,1 and Chung Yul Lee2
    • 1School of Nursing, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA.
    • 2Nursing Policy Research Institute·College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
Received August 25, 2014; Revised September 04, 2014; Accepted December 15, 2014.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/) If the original work is properly cited and retained without any modification or reproduction, it can be used and re-distributed in any format and medium.



The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence sexual intercourse among middle school students in South Korea.


Using statistics from the 8th (2012) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, hierarchical logistic regression analysis was conducted. The study sample comprised 37,297 middle school students aged primarily 12 to 15.


The significant predictors of sexual intercourse were grade, ever smoking, ever drinking, habitual or purposeful drug use, economic status, weekly allowance, cohabitation with family, and type of school.


The results suggest that intensified sex education is needed not only in the 1st grade of middle school, but also in the upper grades of elementary school. Sexual health interventions for high-risk groups may be needed, given the factors predicting sexual intercourse.

Students; Coitus; Sex education


Table 1
Individual Characteristics and Experience of Sexual Intercourse (N =37,297)

Table 2
Family and School Characteristics, and Experience of Sexual Intercourse (N =37,297)

Table 3
Predictors of Sexual Intercourse among Middle School Students (N =37,297)


This manuscript is an addition based on the first author's master's thesis from Yonsei University.


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