Evaluation of Structure Performance under Seismic Load with Non-Liner Time History on High-Rise Building Affected by Kendeng Fault Earthquake Simulation

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Indonesia is a country located in the convergence of small plates and large plates. Furthermore, this causes Indonesia to be high potentially to earthquake hazards. The newest geological research published by Geophysical Research Letter (2016) shows the existence of Fault Kendeng, a fault stretches along 300 km from South Semarang, Central Java, to East Java with a movement of 0,05 millimeter per year [1]. As a result of its research, an evaluation using a non-linear time history analysis for structural buildings is necessary. The objective of this study is to evaluate structural buildings using a non-linear time history analysis. This study applies DSHA (Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis) method to obtain acceleration time history on bedrocks. Since the record of ground movement in Indonesia is limited, the attenuation function equation used to scale and match other country’s time acceleration history data. SSA (Site-Specific Analysis) is used to propagate earthquake acceleration from bedrocks to the surface. The earthquake acceleration on the surface generates as the earthquake load on the buildings. The results of Kendeng fault earthquake simulation using non-linear time history analysis shows that column members capacity is more robust than beam members capacity which the beam collapse mechanism occurs initially. From the maximum total drift ratio result, when the Kendeng fault earthquake occurs, the building structure performance level is at collapse prevention level Based on ATC-40 [2]. This research result shows that 96,7% of plastic hinge has not yielded. However, some elements are already damaged. Since most damage members are column, then it may require column strengthening to enhance maximum performance level at life safety condition category.

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