The Effect of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa sp.) Gel Extract in Wound Healing Process Post Tooth Extraction

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Objective: This study aims to investigate the effects of black cumin extract (Nigella sativa) on the process of wound healing in tooth extraction sockets. Material and Methods: This study involved 24 patients from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery grouped into the control and treatment groups. After extracting the first or second molar left or right in adult patients, the black cumin extractwas applied to the socket in the treatment group as soon as possible while it was not applied in the control group. The sockets were divided into 1,2,3 groups, which were treated as black cumin extracts of 10%, 12%, and 14% respectively. On day 1,3,7, patients were recalled and sockets size were calculated to analyze wound healing. Results: Black cumin was found to be able to make the wound healing faster in the treatment group when compared to the control group. Although the effect was not immediately apparent on the second day, on the seventh day the group treated with black cumin extract had a smaller sizing average compared to the control group. The concentration of 12% black cumin extract was found to have the best effect on wound healing. Significance of findings: Black cumin extract can make wound healing in tooth extraction sockets in patients.

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