The Effect of Dynamical Strain on the Maturation of Collagen-Based Cell-Containing Scaffolds for Vascular Tissue Engineering

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Diseases occurring to blood vessel are preferentially solved by replacing the vessel by an autologous graft. When it is not available, a synthetic graft is used which has low patency rates for small diameter (<6 mm) vessels. Tissue engineering of blood vessel aims to improve the performance of vascular substitutes. Bioreactors are used in vascular tissue engineering to mimic the mechanical and biochemical environment of blood vessel. A 2D bioreactor was custom made in order to impose a dynamical strain to silicone membrane receiving the collagen cell-based construct. Collagen gels with vascular smooth muscle cells cultured inside were subdued to maturation under dynamical uniaxial stretch regimes at 1Hz for 48 hours. The percentage of deformation encountered by the silicone membrane was measured by ImageJ. Collagen fibrils and porcine smooth muscle cells (PSMC) orientations were assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results show that the study of mechanical conditioning on cell activity is an important issue for enhancing the alignment of collagen fibrils.

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November 2011



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