The Effect of High-Doze Neutron Irradiation on Texture and Substructure Condition of Cladding Tubes from Zr-Based Alloys

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Texture and substructure changes in cladding tubes from Zr-based alloys under neutron irradiation in the atomic reactor during 6 years were investigated by use of X-ray methods. For this aim in the “hot” laboratory the automated X-ray diffractometer was set and the technique to handle with irradiated samples was elaborated. The residual radiation activity of samples correlates with integral texture Kearns parameters of tube, so that the texture weakens as the doze of neutron irradiation grows. Because of the initial substructure inhomogeneity of cladding tubes its changes under neutron irradiation are also inhomogeneous: relatively perfect grains of texture maxima become more distorted, whereas initially distorted grains of texture minima becomes more perfect.

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