Exploratory Study of the Role of Logistics Service Providers in Terms of Traceability in the Process of Outsourcing of Logistics’ Activities: Case of Moroccan LSP

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The paper focuses on Information and communication technologies (ICT) deployed by Logistics service providers (LSP), particularly for the monitoring and companies. Indeed, nowadays ICT are essential for any implementation of efficient traceability, notably for the outsourcing of logistics activities. This paper is structured around two parts: the first part presenting the state of the art in terms of outsourcing logistics activities and traceability. The second part concerns a comparative study combining a set of LSP operating in Morocco and those operating abroad through several criteria. These criteria include the services offered and the technology deployed for rigorous traceability. The comparative study will determine the profile of the LSP operating in Morocco and adopting an effective and efficient traceability strategy based on innovative technology.

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