Fractal Analysis to Study the Structural Distribution of Wenchuan Earthquake in China

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A comprehensive study of fractal property applied in earthquakes is analyzed based on the aftershock of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Different fractal parameters are analyzed to study the magnitude, epicenter and hypocenter structural distributions in time or space. The b-value is found to be 0.86 closed to which is usually 1.0 observed worldwide. This indicates there is a relative abundance of small magnitude events than large ones in the studied range. The spatial correlation is calculated using correlation integral technique, indicating that epicenters are approaching a two-dimensional region and the aftershocks are uniformly distributed along the trend of the aftershock zone. The rate of the fall of aftershock activity with time reflects the decrease of stress is modestly slow. Temporal correlation is 0.59 for aftershocks of M >4.0, indicating a non continuous aftershock activity. Geometrical probability dimension reflecting epicenter clustering degrees of the region was also analyzed. Also the volume fractal dimension of the aftershock region has been calculated using the box-counting technique to study the hypocenter distributions. From the assessment of slip on different faults it is inferred that 67.9% displacement is accommodated on the primary fault and the remainder on secondary faults.

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May 2011




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