Estimate of Flying Projectile Attitude Based on MEMS Gyroscope Measurements

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To estimate the flight attitude angles of Guided Projectile rapidly and accurately to realize the precise control, angular motion equations and MEMS gyroscope measurements were used to build the state equation and the measurement equationcombined withthe ballistic priori knowledge. Based on the unscented kalman filter for nonlinear system, an approach of estimating the attitude angles of Guided Projectile was proposed. Taking a certain type of Guided Projectile as an example, the data of triaxial angular velocities with the measurement noise was considered as the output signal of MEMS gyros, and considered the calculated ballistic data as the ballistic priori knowledge. Through the approach proposed in this paper, the above were used to obtain the estimates for attitude angles. The results indicate that, it’s feasible to obtain the attitude angles by angular motion equations and gyros. On account of the actual random noise signal of gyros, the accuracy of the estimated attitude angles can meet the requirement of trajectory control system for Guided Projectile.

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November 2012



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