Nanotechnological Innovations for Soil Pollution Remediation and Environmental Conservation

Nanotechnological Innovations for Soil Pollution Remediation and Environmental Conservation

Omkar Singh, Shivangi Singh, Uday Pratap Shahi, Raghavendra Singh, Prabhat Kumar Singh, Karen K. Grigoryan, Hrant Khachatryan, Priyadarshani Rajput, Leonid Perelomov, Svetlana Kozmenko, Marina Burachevskaya
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
ISBN13: 9798369318904|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369346587|EISBN13: 9798369318911
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1890-4.ch012
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Singh, Omkar, et al. "Nanotechnological Innovations for Soil Pollution Remediation and Environmental Conservation." Harnessing NanoOmics and Nanozymes for Sustainable Agriculture, edited by Vishnu D. Rajput, et al., IGI Global, 2024, pp. 237-255.


Singh, O., Singh, S., Shahi, U. P., Singh, R., Singh, P. K., Grigoryan, K. K., Khachatryan, H., Rajput, P., Perelomov, L., Kozmenko, S., & Burachevskaya, M. (2024). Nanotechnological Innovations for Soil Pollution Remediation and Environmental Conservation. In V. Rajput, A. Singh, K. Ghazaryan, A. Alexiou, & A. Said Al-Tawaha (Eds.), Harnessing NanoOmics and Nanozymes for Sustainable Agriculture (pp. 237-255). IGI Global.


Singh, Omkar, et al. "Nanotechnological Innovations for Soil Pollution Remediation and Environmental Conservation." In Harnessing NanoOmics and Nanozymes for Sustainable Agriculture, edited by Vishnu D. Rajput, et al., 237-255. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2024.

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Globally, soil contamination threatens the ecosystem and human health. Ecological, financial, and efficiency issues plague excavation, chemical, and bioremediation methods. Nanotechnology is a promise for soil remediation, offering advantages over existing approaches. Nanotechnology technologies for soil pollution treatment and environmental conservation are covered in this chapter. It examines heavy metals, organic pollutants, pesticides, and radioactive contamination in soil and the limitations of current remediation methods. The chapter next discusses nanotechnology in soil remediation, including nanoparticles, nanomaterials for adsorption and degradation, nano-bioremediation, and nanosensors for pollution monitoring. Case studies and research show nanotechnology's success in soil remediation. Future nanotechnology for soil remediation views and difficulties highlight the need for more research and development to address scalability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental safety.

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