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Identifying Risk Factors and Enhancing Protective Factors to Prevent Adolescent Victimization on the Internet

Identifying Risk Factors and Enhancing Protective Factors to Prevent Adolescent Victimization on the Internet

Megan E. Call, Jason J. Burrow-Sanchez
ISBN13: 9781605669267|ISBN10: 1605669261|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781616923877|EISBN13: 9781605669274
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-926-7.ch010
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Call, Megan E., and Jason J. Burrow-Sanchez. "Identifying Risk Factors and Enhancing Protective Factors to Prevent Adolescent Victimization on the Internet." Adolescent Online Social Communication and Behavior: Relationship Formation on the Internet, edited by Robert Z. Zheng, et al., IGI Global, 2010, pp. 152-166.


Call, M. E. & Burrow-Sanchez, J. J. (2010). Identifying Risk Factors and Enhancing Protective Factors to Prevent Adolescent Victimization on the Internet. In R. Zheng, J. Burrow-Sanchez, & C. Drew (Eds.), Adolescent Online Social Communication and Behavior: Relationship Formation on the Internet (pp. 152-166). IGI Global.


Call, Megan E., and Jason J. Burrow-Sanchez. "Identifying Risk Factors and Enhancing Protective Factors to Prevent Adolescent Victimization on the Internet." In Adolescent Online Social Communication and Behavior: Relationship Formation on the Internet, edited by Robert Z. Zheng, Jason Burrow-Sanchez, and Clifford J. Drew, 152-166. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010.

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The Internet is widely used among adolescents. Although the Internet is a beneficial tool for youth, some children and adolescents are at risk for being victimized online. Media reports portraying online predators and their victims have received increasing publicity. However, some information in these stories can be inaccurate or misleading. Therefore, it is important that mental health professionals and parents receive accurate information about online victimization in order to protect youth from harm. The purpose of this chapter is to provide research-based information on adolescent Internet use and the risk factors associated with online victimization. Further, recommendations for increasing protective factors are provided as a means to keep youth safe while using the Internet.

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