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Cybercoaching: An Emerging Model of Personalized Online Assessment

Cybercoaching: An Emerging Model of Personalized Online Assessment

Ni Chang, Naomi Jeffery Petersen
ISBN13: 9781591407478|ISBN10: 1591407478|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781591407485|EISBN13: 9781591407492
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-747-8.ch008
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Chang, Ni, and Naomi Jeffery Petersen. "Cybercoaching: An Emerging Model of Personalized Online Assessment." Online Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation: Emerging Practices, edited by David Williams, et al., IGI Global, 2006, pp. 110-130.


Chang, N. & Petersen, N. J. (2006). Cybercoaching: An Emerging Model of Personalized Online Assessment. In D. Williams, M. Hricko, & S. Howell (Eds.), Online Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation: Emerging Practices (pp. 110-130). IGI Global.


Chang, Ni, and Naomi Jeffery Petersen. "Cybercoaching: An Emerging Model of Personalized Online Assessment." In Online Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation: Emerging Practices, edited by David Williams, Mary Hricko, and Scott L. Howell, 110-130. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006.

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This chapter introduces cybercoaching, an emerging model of online formative assessment. This model emphasizes the process of development rather than a procedure for evaluation. Personalized feedback is provided by the instructor through the Internet/cyberspace using accessible technologies of electronic mail and word processing. Unlike mechanical responses that are not individually tailored, the instructor offers the students detailed information for improvement. Included also in this chapter are practical suggestions, including a detailed discussion of rubrics and their uses.

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