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From Equality to Equity to Justice: Should Online Education Be the New Normal in Education?

From Equality to Equity to Justice: Should Online Education Be the New Normal in Education?

Junhong Xiao
ISBN13: 9781799872757|ISBN10: 1799872750|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799872764|EISBN13: 9781799872771
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7275-7.ch001
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Xiao, Junhong. "From Equality to Equity to Justice: Should Online Education Be the New Normal in Education?." Handbook of Research on Emerging Pedagogies for the Future of Education: Trauma-Informed, Care, and Pandemic Pedagogy, edited by Aras Bozkurt, IGI Global, 2021, pp. 1-15.


Xiao, J. (2021). From Equality to Equity to Justice: Should Online Education Be the New Normal in Education?. In A. Bozkurt (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Emerging Pedagogies for the Future of Education: Trauma-Informed, Care, and Pandemic Pedagogy (pp. 1-15). IGI Global.


Xiao, Junhong. "From Equality to Equity to Justice: Should Online Education Be the New Normal in Education?." In Handbook of Research on Emerging Pedagogies for the Future of Education: Trauma-Informed, Care, and Pandemic Pedagogy, edited by Aras Bozkurt, 1-15. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.

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Due to its role in addressing school closures amid the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency online education (EoE) is politicized and assumed to be the new normal in the post-crisis age. This chapter aims to answer the following questions: Should online education be the new normal for all, and if not, what should it be like? After briefly introducing how the world ensures educational continuity and distinguishing EoE from conventional online education, it examines education in the discourse of sustainable development goals, EoE from an equality-equity-justice perspective, and lessons learnt from EoE. It is argued that instead of OE, the new normal for all should be a package of solutions able to cater for learners of various types, minimizing inequality and inequity to allow as many people as possible to access quality education and hence enhance educational equity and justice. Issues related to the new normal are then discussed. The chapter concludes by calling on educational stakeholders to use this crisis as an opportunity to think about how to fix our already ailing educational system.

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