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Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being

Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being

Dina von Heimburg, Ottar Ness, Jacob Storch
ISBN13: 9781799849759|ISBN10: 1799849759|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799858850|EISBN13: 9781799849766
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4975-9.ch002
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von Heimburg, Dina, et al. "Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being." Processual Perspectives on the Co-Production Turn in Public Sector Organizations, edited by Anja Overgaard Thomassen and Julie Borup Jensen, IGI Global, 2021, pp. 20-41.


von Heimburg, D., Ness, O., & Storch, J. (2021). Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being. In A. Thomassen & J. Jensen (Eds.), Processual Perspectives on the Co-Production Turn in Public Sector Organizations (pp. 20-41). IGI Global.


von Heimburg, Dina, Ottar Ness, and Jacob Storch. "Co-Creation of Public Values: Citizenship, Social Justice, and Well-Being." In Processual Perspectives on the Co-Production Turn in Public Sector Organizations, edited by Anja Overgaard Thomassen and Julie Borup Jensen, 20-41. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.

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Well-being is of vital importance for individuals as well as society at large. UNs Sustainability Goal #17, ‘Partnership for the Goals', support co-creation and co-production as necessary approaches to reach public values such as citizenship, social justice, and well-being. However, co-creation and co-production is not enough. It is necessary to address who participates in co-creation, how they participate, and how participation affects outcomes. Inclusive participation in everyday life, public services, and democracy is crucial to achieve active citizenship and well-being for all. This chapter will discuss how voices of citizens in marginalized and vulnerable life situations needs to be included and recognized in democracy and public sector practices as well as in decision-making processes. The chapter suggests how public sector organisations can promote active citizenship, valued social roles, and well-being through participation in co-creation of public values, placing well-being for all and social justice at the forefront of public value co-creation.

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