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Curriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education

Curriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education

ISBN13: 9781668450833|ISBN10: 1668450836|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668450871|EISBN13: 9781668450840
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5083-3.ch004
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Gill, Sukhpal Singh, et al. "Curriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education." Handbook of Research on Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication, edited by Eleni Meletiadou, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 62-80.


Gill, S. S., Fuller, S., Cabral, A., Chen, Y., & Uhlig, S. (2023). Curriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education. In E. Meletiadou (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication (pp. 62-80). IGI Global.


Gill, Sukhpal Singh, et al. "Curriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education." In Handbook of Research on Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication, edited by Eleni Meletiadou, 62-80. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching on a Cloud Computing module with more than 100 students based in different locations was moved online. In order to maintain student engagement, Cloud Computing had to be redesigned to be more adaptable for both online and in-person instruction. These changes should result in improved social justice and intercultural development. In this chapter, the authors present a case study of curriculum redesign showing how the Cloud Computing module has been updated to improve student engagement and employability while learning in multicultural environment. They have followed the professional frameworks to design intended learning outcomes associated with a usual student in terms of academic content, graduate attributes, and disciplinary skills. The teaching and learning profile has been redesigned by adapting teaching methods and resources for online and in person delivery to promote social justice and enable intercultural development. Assessment, feedback, and evaluation design were also considered as integral components of the curriculum redesign process.

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