Look Inside



What Makes America Tick? examines some of the historical and cultural events that occurred in 20th century America and uses them as a springboard to create an understanding of U.S. institutions, policies, attitudes, and values.
The goals of the text are to:
*improve reading skills by engaging learners in readings pertaining to important events in modern U.S. history
*increase learner proficiency in high-frequency vocabulary words and their derivatives
*enhance formal and informal writing skills via personal responses to events portrayed in the text
*improve formal presentation, informal discussion, and personal speaking skills in class discussions and more structured situations
*enhance listening skills via peer and instructor interaction
*provide interaction with authentic cultural artifacts from the 20th century, including literature, poetry, artwork, sculpture, photography, speeches, and make explicit their contextual importance.


The second edition also covers 20th century U.S. history but includes changes that offer practice in academic reading, writing, and speaking. Each unit’s Link to Today section, which examines the current effects of history on the life of today's students, has been updated or revised.