

The obvious development trend associated with the transition to the 6th technological mode is the digitalization of all spheres of activity, including economic. The introduction of digital technologies is characterized by rapid dynamics and causes a sharp acceleration of scientific and technological development. In the oil and gas industry, despite its traditional conservatism – digital technologies are very popular. Western oil and gas companies – the leaders who were able to recognize and “lead” this new technological and digital trend – are already fully enjoying the fruits of their competitive advantages. Therefore, domestic oil and gas companies interested in the rapid reduction of the backlog in scientific, technological and digital development, it is necessary in a short time to develop road maps of digitalization and introduction of new technologies in order to take over the best practices and secure a place in the leaders of the world’s digital oil and gas industries in the long term. Achieving such ambitious goals requires strategic forecasting and planning, as well as a systematic approach to managing scientific, technological and digital development. The report presents the basic principles of forecasting, planning and management based on the analysis and synthesis of information from open sources - in the context of scientific and technological development, digital transformation and the introduction of new technologies.


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