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Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XXIV. The Mass–Metallicity Relation in Lensed Field Galaxies at Cosmic Noon with NIRISS*

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and

Published 2024 January 8 © 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
, , Early Results from GLASS-JWST Citation Xianlong He et al 2024 ApJL 960 L13 DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/ad12cd

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We present a measurement of the mass–metallicity relation (MZR) at Cosmic Noon, using the JWST near-infrared wide-field slitless spectroscopy obtained by the GLASS-JWST Early Release Science program. By combining the power of JWST and the lensing magnification by the foreground cluster A2744, we extend the measurements of the MZR to the dwarf mass regime at high redshifts. A sample of 50 galaxies with several emission lines is identified across two wide redshift ranges of z = 1.8–2.3 and 2.6–3.4 in the stellar mass range of $\mathrm{log}\,({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })\in [6.9,10.0]$. The observed slope of MZR is 0.223 ± 0.017 and 0.294 ± 0.010 at these two redshift ranges, respectively, consistent with the slopes measured in field galaxies with higher masses. In addition, we assess the impact of the morphological broadening on emission line measurement by comparing two methods of using 2D forward modeling and line profile fitting to 1D extracted spectra. We show that ignoring the morphological broadening effect when deriving line fluxes from grism spectra results in a systematic reduction of flux by ∼30% on average. This discrepancy appears to affect all the lines and thus does not lead to significant changes in flux ratio and metallicity measurements. This assessment of the morphological broadening effect using JWST data presents, for the first time, an important guideline for future work deriving galaxy line fluxes from wide-field slitless spectroscopy, such as Euclid, Roman, and the Chinese Space Station Telescope.

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1. Introduction

Nearly all elements heavier than helium (referred to as metals in astronomy) are synthesized by stellar nuclear reactions, making them a good tracer of star formation activity across cosmic time. Star formation rate (SFR) and metal enrichment peak at the "Cosmic Noon" epoch z ∼ 2 (Madau & Dickinson 2014, Figure 9), confirmed by a census of deep surveys with Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and other facilities. Metals are thought to be expelled into the interstellar/intergalactic medium (ISM/IGM) by stellar explosions such as supernovae and stellar winds. The cumulative history of the baryonic mass assembly, e.g., star formation, gas accretion, mergers, feedback, and galactic winds, altogether governs the total amount of metals remaining in gas (Finlator & Davé 2008; Davé et al. 2012; Lilly et al. 2013; Dekel & Mandelker 2014; Peng & Maiolino 2014). Therefore, the elemental abundances provide a crucial diagnostic of the past history of star formation and complex gas movements driven by galactic feedback and tidal interactions (Lilly et al. 2013; Maiolino & Mannucci 2019). Since detailed abundances are not directly measurable at extragalactic distances, the relative oxygen abundance (number density) compared to hydrogen in ionized gaseous nebulae (reported as $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$), is often chosen as the observational proxy of metallicity for simplicity.

Several scaling relations have been established, characterizing the tight correlations between various physical properties of star-forming galaxies, e.g., stellar mass (M*), metallicity Z, SFR, luminosity, size, and morphology (see Kewley et al. 2019; Maiolino & Mannucci 2019 for recent reviews). Metallicity abundance evolution was found to exhibit a strong correlation with mass during galaxy evolution history (Davé et al. 2011; Lu et al. 2015b). The mass–metallicity relation (MZR), has been quantitatively established in the past two decades in both the local (Tremonti et al. 2004; Zahid et al. 2012; Andrews & Martini 2013, mainly from SDSS), and the distant universe out to z ∼ 3 (Erb et al. 2006; Maiolino et al. 2008; Zahid et al. 2011; Henry et al. 2013b; Sanders et al. 2015; Guo et al. 2016; Henry et al. 2021; Sanders et al. 2021; Pharo et al. 2023). Recently, the launch of JWST has enabled the measurement of the MZR out to z ∼ 8 (e.g., Arellano-Córdova et al. 2022; Schaerer et al. 2022; Curti et al. 2023b, 2023a; Matthee et al. 2023; Nakajima et al. 2023; Rhoads et al. 2023; Sanders et al. 2023; Trump et al. 2023). The slope of the MZR is sensitive to the properties of outflows (e.g., mass loading factor, gas outflow velocity), which are a crucial ingredient to galaxy evolution models (see Davé et al. 2012; Lu et al. 2015a; Henry et al. 2021). The MZR slope has also been used to reveal trends in how the star formation efficiency and galaxy gas mass fraction depend on stellar mass (Baldry et al. 2008; Zahid et al. 2014). Mannucci et al. (2010) first suggested a so-called fundamental metallicity relation (FMR), which aims to explain the scatter and redshift evolution of the MZR by introducing the SFR as an additional variable, creating a three-parameter scaling relation. The FMR has a small intrinsic scatter of ∼0.05 dex in metallicity, making it possible to trace the metal production rates in stellar within cosmological time (Finlator & Davé 2008). Moreover, spatially resolved chemical information encoded by the metallicity radial gradients (Jones et al. 2015b; Wang et al. 2017, 2019, 2020; Franchetto et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2022b) is a sensitive probe of baryonic assembly and the complex gas flows driven by both galactic feedback and tidal interactions.

The Near-infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph(NIRISS; Willott et al. 2022) on board JWST now enables a tremendous leap forward with its superior sensitivity, angular resolution, and longer wavelength coverage compared to HST/WFC3. This allows metallicity measurements with better precision in galaxies with lower stellar mass at the Cosmic Noon epoch 1 < z < 3. Similar measurements have been done using data from NIRSpec gratings (e.g., Curti et al. 2023a; Shapley et al. 2023), NIRSpec prism (Langeroodi et al. 2023), and NIRCam WFSS (Matthee et al. 2023), and NIRISS (Li et al. 2023). This paper takes advantage of the deep NIRISS spectroscopy acquired by the Early Release Science (ERS) program GLASS-JWST (ID ERS-1324 20 ; Treu et al. 2022) in the field of the galaxy cluster A2744. By exploiting the gravitational lensing magnification produced by the foreground A2744 cluster, we are able to extend the measurement of the MZR down to 107 solar mass M.

In this paper, we present a measurement of the MZR using the NIRISS and NIRCam data from a sample of 50 lensed field galaxies in a low mass range at z ∼ 2–3. In Section 2, we describe the data acquisition and galaxy sample analyzed in this work. In Section 3, we demonstrate our method to extract metallicity and stellar mass for both individual galaxies and their stacked spectrum. The main goal of this work is to present our MZR measurements. We discuss the results in Section 4 and summarize the main conclusions in Section 5. The AB magnitude system, the standard concordance cosmology (Ωm = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7, H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1), and the Chabrier (2003) initial mass function are adopted. The metallic lines are denoted in the following manner, if presented without wavelength: O II λ λ3727, 3730 := O II; Ne III λ3869 := Ne III; Hγ λ4342 := Hγ; Hβ λ4863 := Hβ; O III λ5008 := O III; Hα λ6564 := Hα; and S II λ λ6716, 6731 := S II.

2. Observation Data

We use the joint JWST NIRISS and NIRCam data targeting the A2744 lensing field cluster. The NIRISS data are used to estimate the metallicity through modeling of emission line flux ratios, while the NIRCam data are used to calculate the stellar mass through spectral energy distribution (SED) Fitting.

The spectroscopy data from JWST/NIRISS of GLASS-ERS (program DD-ERS-1324, PI: T. Treu), with the observing strategy described by Treu et al. (2022), is reduced in Paper I (Roberts-Borsani et al. 2022). Briefly, the core of the A2744 cluster (130'' × 130'') was observed for ∼18.1 hr with NIRISS wide-field slitless spectroscopy and direct imaging for ∼2.36 hr in three filters (F115W, F150W, and F200W) 21 on 2022 June 28–29 and 2023 July 7. The total exposure times for the majority of sources in each of these three bands amount to 5.4, 5.7, and 2.9 hr (as detailed in Figure 1). This provides low-resolution R:=λλ ∼ 150 spectra of all objects in the field of view with continuous wavelength coverage from λ ∈ [1.0, 2.2] μm. This includes the strong rest-frame optical emission lines [O ii], [Ne iii], Hγ, Hβ, [O iii] at z ∈ [1.8, 3.4], and Hα, [S ii] at z ∈ [1.8, 2.3]. 22 Spectra are taken at two orthogonal dispersion angles (using the GR150C and GR150R grism elements), which helps to minimize the effects of contamination by overlapping spectral traces.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. 1D/2D spectra of six galaxies in our sample. Left: three examples at z = 1.8–2.3. The forward-modeled spectra, optimally extracted 1D observed flux Fλ (in units of [10−19 erg/s/cm2/Å]), and its 1σ uncertainty, are represented by the red and blue solid lines and the cyan shaded bands, respectively. The 2D grism spectra covered in three filters (F115W, F150W, and F200W) are continuum-subtracted. Right: same as the left panel, but at z = 2.6–3.4.

Standard image High-resolution image

The photometric data of the A2744 cluster we used are the publicly released NIRCam images (Paris et al. 2023), coming from three programs: GLASS-JWST (PI: Treu), UNCOVER (PIs: Bezanson and Labbé), and DDT-2756 (PI: Chen). It is an F444W-detected multiband catalog, including all NIRCam and available HST data. All reduced images in eight JWST/NIRCam bands (F090W, F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356W, F410M, and F444W), four HST/ACS-WFC bands (F435W, F606W, F775W, and F814W), and four HST/WFC3-IR bands (F105W, F125W, F140W, and F160W) 23 are used if available. This photometric data, with an observed-frame wavelength coverage of 0.4–5 μm at redshift z ∈ [1.8, 3.4], enable very good stellar mass estimates by sampling the full rest-UV to near-IR SEDs. We also use the half-light radius r50 of this catalog in Section 4.2. The half-light radius r50 is computed by SExtractor in the F444W band in units of pixel (the effective radius FLUX_RADIUS in SExtrator).

3. Measurements

In this section, we present the measurements of the physical properties derived from spectroscopy and photometry, with the result of 50 individual galaxies shown in Table A1.

Quantities (e.g., the stellar mass M* and SFR) that are derived from a single flux must be corrected for the modest gravitational lensing magnification by the foreground A2744 cluster. But properties that are derived from flux ratio (e.g., metallicity Z) or other observed quantities, are independent of lensing magnification. We adopt our latest high-precision, JWST-based lensing model (Bergamini et al. 2023a, 2023b) to estimate the lensing magnification μ. We do not consider the uncertainty of μ because the relative error is only ∼2.3%. The median estimate of μ is consistent but more precise with the calculation derived from the public Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) lensing tool 24 (Lotz et al. 2017) using the Sharon & Johnson version (Johnson et al. 2014) and the CATS version (Jauzac et al. 2015) computed by Lenstool software 25 (Petri 2016).

3.1. Grism Redshift and Emission Line Flux

We utilize the Grism Redshift and Line Analysis software Grizli (Brammer 2023) to reduce NIRISS data using the standard JWST pipeline (version 1.11.1) and the latest reference file (under the jwst_1100.pmap context). The detailed procedures are largely described in Roberts-Borsani et al. (2022). Briefly, Grizli analyzes the paired direct imaging and grism exposures through forward modeling and yields contamination-subtracted 1D and 2D grism spectra, along with the best-fit spectroscopic redshifts.

For each source, the 1D spectrum is constructed using a linear superposition of a spectra from a library consisting of four sets of empirical continuum spectra covering a range of stellar population ages (Brammer et al. 2008; Erb et al. 2010; Conroy & van Dokkum 2012; Muzzin et al. 2013) and Gaussian-shaped nebular emission lines at the observed wavelengths given by the source redshift. The intrinsic 1D spectrum and the spatial distribution of flux measured in the paired direct image are utilized to generate a 2D model spectrum based on the grism sensitivity and dispersion function, similar to the "fluxcube" model produced by the aXe software (Walsh et al. 2009). This 2D forward-modeled spectrum is then compared to the observation by Grizli and a global χ2 calculation is performed to determine the best-fit superposition coefficients for both the continuum templates and Gaussian amplitudes, the latter of which correspond to the best-fit emission line fluxes. In this way, our 2D forward-modeling practice not only determines the source redshift, but also measures the emission line fluxes, taking into account the morphological broadening effect. We refer the interested readers to Appendix A of Wang et al. (2019), for the full descriptions of the redshift fitting procedure.

We obtain a parent sample of 4756 sources with F150W apparent magnitudes between [18, 32] ABmag (the 5σ depth is 28.7 according to Treu et al. 2022), on which our Grizli analyses result in meaningful redshift constraints. Several goodness-of-fit criteria are implemented to ensure the reliability of our redshift fit: a reduced chi-square close to 1 (χ2 < 2.2), a sharply peaked posterior of the redshift ${\left({\rm{\Delta }}z\right)}_{\mathrm{posterior}}/(1+{z}_{\mathrm{peak}})\lt 0.002$, high evidence of Bayesian information criterion compared to polynomials (BIC > 100). As a result, there are 348 sources in the redshift range z ∈ [0.05, 10], with secure grism redshift measurements according to the above joint selection criteria. A total of 86 sources with secure grism redshifts are at redshifts z ∈ [1.8, 2.3] ∪ [2.6, 3.4], ensuring that the slitless spectra cover several emission lines: [O ii], [Ne iii], Hδ, Hγ, Hβ, and [O iii] (also Hα, [S ii] for the former zone), with high sensitivity for our three NIRISS filters (F115W, F150W, and F200W). However, 6/86 sources of our NIRISS spectroscopy catalog do not match entries in the NIRCam photometric catalog (Paris et al. 2023) within 0farcs7 (5 × PSF).

The fluxes of the intrinsic nebular emission lines ([O ii], [Ne iii], Hδ, Hγ, Hβ, [O iii], Hα, and [S ii], the same as in Henry et al. 2021) are 2D forward modeled by Grizli as output. There are 57 sources with Hβ detection, to ensure the reliable measurement of SFR. No other emission line criteria (e.g., S/N [O iii]) are used for selection, to avoid potential metallicity bias. Then we visually inspect the 1D spectra of each galaxy individually, excluding seven of those that are heavily contaminated. The 50 galaxies showing prominent nebular emission features, with zero possible active galactic nucleus (AGN) exclusions in Section 3.4, will make up the final sample presented in Table A1. A "textbook case" of our samples (ID: 05184 in Table A1) has been carefully studied through spatial mapping in our recent work (Wang et al. 2022a). We show as an example 1D/2D spectra for six galaxies in our sample in Figure 1, annotated with their exposure times, best-fit grism redshifts, and stellar masses (which will be discussed in Section 3.3).

Since the 1D grism spectra are extracted by Grizli simultaneously, it allows us to directly fit it using several 1D Gaussian profiles to obtain line fluxes and errors, as detailed in Section 3.5. But we still use the previous 2D flux other than 1D as our default result for subsequent calculations. The comparison of the line flux measurements between this 1D line profile fitting and the 2D Grizli forward-modeling procedure, is discussed in Section 4.2.

3.2. Gas-phase Metallicity and Star Formation Rate

We use these observed line fluxes $({f}_{i}^{{\rm{o}}},{\sigma }_{i}^{{\rm{o}}})$ to simultaneously estimate three parameters: jointly metallicity, nebular dust extinction, and dereddened Hβ line flux ($12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$, Av , fHβ ). We follow the previous series of work (Jones et al. 2015b; Wang et al. 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022b) by constructing a Bayesian inference method that uses multiple calibration relations to jointly constrain metallicity $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$ and (Av , fHβ ) simultaneously. Our method is more reliable than the conventional way of turning line flux ratios into metallicities, since it takes into account the intrinsic scatter in strong line O/H calibrations (${\sigma }_{{R}_{i}}$ in Equation (1)). And it combines multiple line flux measurements and properly marginalizes over the dust extinction correction. It also emphasizes bright lines (e.g., [O ii], [O iii]) with high signal-to-noise ratios (S/Ns) and marginalizes faint lines (e.g., Hβ) or even nondetection lines with low S/Ns quantitatively, (i.e., by assigning weights to each line according to its S/N in the likelihood function).

The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler Emcee software (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013) is employed to sample the likelihood profile ${ \mathcal L }\propto \exp (-{\chi }^{2}/2)$ with

Equation (1)

Here the summation i includes all emission lines, with their intrinsic scatters ${\sigma }_{{R}_{i}}:= {\sigma }_{i}^{\mathrm{cal}}\cdot {R}_{i}\cdot \mathrm{ln}10$. The inherent flux and uncertainty (fi , σi ) for each line are corrected from observation $({f}_{i}^{{\rm{o}}},{\sigma }_{i}^{{\rm{o}}})$ for dust attenuation by parameter Av using the Calzetti et al. (2000) extinction law. Ri refers to the line flux ratio, which is empirically calibrated by a polynomial as a function of metallicity: $\mathrm{log}R={\sum }_{j=0}^{n}{c}_{j}\cdot {(x)}^{j},x:= 12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$, where (x)j means jth power of x, with the coefficients summarized in Table 1. For flux ratio calibrations that do not use Hβ as the denominator (e.g., [Ne iii]/[O iii]), the terms fHβ in Equation (1) need to be replaced by the corresponding lines (e.g., f[O iii]). And one more term of uncertainty (e.g., ${\sigma }_{{\rm{O}}3}^{2}\cdot {R}_{\mathrm{Ne}3}^{2}$) needs to be added to the denominator of χ2.

Table 1. Coefficients for the Emission Line Flux Ratio Diagnostics Used in This Work

Diagnostic R and Notation c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 σcal ref
O3:= [O iii]/Hβ 43.9836−21.62113.4277−0.17470.05(Bian et al. 2018, B18)
O2:= [O ii]/Hβ 78.9068−45.25337.4311−0.37580.05 
Hα/Hβ 0.456370.00Balmer decrement
Hγ/Hβ −0.327900.00 
Ne3O3:= [Ne iii]/[O iii]−1.114200.04Jones et al. (2015a)
S2:= [S ii]/Hα −0.439740.34034−0.62850-0.070770.471470.31767upperJones et al. (2015a) b


a We note that the [O iii]/Hβ calibration reported in Bian et al. (2018) in fact refers to the flux ratio between [O iii] 4960,5008 and Hβ, i.e., a factor of (2.98/3.98) is needed (following Storey & Zeippen 2000) when we use the doublets let to calibrate pure [O iii] 5008. b The line flux ratio R[S ii ] is calibrated by polynomial with coefficients given by the "best" row, and the uncertainty σ[S ii] is given by the "upper" and "lower" rows, where the metallicity x is relative to solar $x:= 12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})-8.69$.

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

A wide range of strong line calibrations between line flux ratio and metallicity has been established (see Appendix C in Wang et al. 2019 for a summary; also see Kewley et al. 2019; Maiolino & Mannucci 2019 for recent reviews). Different choices can result in offsets as high as 0.7 dex (see, e.g., Kewley & Ellison 2008). In this work, we adopt mainly the diagnostics group "O3–O2" of calibrations prescribed by Bian et al. (2018, hereafter B18), for comparison with Sanders et al. (2021) and Wang et al. (2022b). The purely empirical calibrations in Bian et al. (2018, B18) are based on a sample of local analogs of high-z galaxies according to the location on the Baldwin, Phillips & Terlevich (BPT) diagram (Baldwin et al. 1981), with the notations and coefficients summarized in Table 1.

These calibrations are recommended for the metallicity range of $7.8\lt 12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$, which is appropriate for our sample that does not reach metallicities as low as those found at higher redshift (Curti et al. 2023b; Heintz et al. 2023). As a sanity check, we computed metallicities using the calibrations from Sanders et al. (2023), and indeed we do not find galaxies with metallicities significantly lower than 7.8. In order to make complete use of emission lines of spectra, we also collect Ne3O3, S2 diagnostics at the same time, even though the corresponding line fluxes are not so strong for our sample. We have tested that if they are removed, they do not significantly affect the metallicity estimation, which is dominated by the first two diagnostics O3, O2 in B18 and two Balmer decrements. We adopt the intrinsic Balmer decrement flux ratios assuming case B recombination with Te ∼ 10,000 K. We neglect the line-blending effect, since they are likely small in most cases (see Figure 4 and Appendix C in Henry et al. 2021 for more information). This Bayesian method is used to derive properties ($12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$, Av , fHβ ) of galaxies both from our individual spectra sample here and from the stacked spectra presented in Section 3.5.

From the dereddened Hβ flux fHβ , we estimate the instantaneous SFR of our sample galaxies, based on Balmer line luminosities. This approach provides a valuable proxy of the ongoing star formation on a timescale of ∼10 Myr, highly relevant for galaxies displaying strong nebular emission lines. Assuming the Kennicutt (1998) calibration and the Balmer decrement ratio of Hα/Hβ = 2.86 from the case B recombination for typical H ii regions, we calculate

Equation (2)

suitable for the Chabrier (2003) initial mass function. The total luminosity $L({\rm{H}}\beta )=4\pi {D}_{L}^{2}(z)\cdot {f}_{{\rm{H}}\beta }$ is corrected for lensing magnification according to Bergamini et al. (2023a). The corrected SFR values are given in Table A1.

3.3. Stellar Mass and Lensing Magnification

In this section, we fit broadband photometry to obtain stellar mass M* of target galaxies through SED fitting. We directly use the combined photometric catalog released by the GLASS-JWST team (Paris et al. 2023). The photometric fluxes measured within 2 × PSF FWHM apertures of all 16 bands are included if available. We match 2983/4756 galaxies of our NIRISS spectroscopy catalog in Section 3.1 to the 24,389 galaxies of the NIRCam photometric catalog with on-sky distances (d2d) lower than 0farcs7 (5 × FWHM in the F444W band, conservatively). As done in Section 3.1, the final selected sample of 50 galaxies yields accurate d2d match (<0farcs14, around the angular resolution of JWST/NIRISS), and visually crossmatching with the NIRCam image further validates our sources.

To estimate the stellar masses M* of our sample galaxies, we use the Bagpipes software (Carnall et al. 2018) to fit the BC03 (Bruzual & Charlot 2003) models of SEDs to the photometric measurements derived above. We assume the Chabrier (2003) initial mass function, a metallicity range of Z/Z ∈ (0, 2.5), and the Calzetti et al. (2000) extinction law with Av in the range of (0, 3). We use the double power-law (DPL) model rather than the simple exponentially declining form to capture the complex star formation history (SFH) of our galaxies at Cosmic Noon (rather than local Universe), following Carnall et al. (2019). The nebular emission component is also added into the SED during the fit, since our galaxies are exclusively strong line emitters by selection. The redshifts of our galaxies are fixed to their best-fit grism values, with a conservative uncertainty of zσ = 0.003. Note that we have obtained the entire redshift posterior from Grizli in Section 3.1 and set a criterion of ${\left({\rm{\Delta }}z\right)}_{\mathrm{posterior}}/(1+{z}_{\mathrm{peak}})\lt 0.002$ for secure redshift measurements. But here we still set a Gaussian prior centered on zpeak with zσ = 0.003 for simplicity in SED fitting, following Momcheva et al. (2016). Actually, the minimum, median, and maximum values of Δz/(1 + z) for our sample are 1.4 × 10−4, 2.8 × 10−4, and 1.5 × 10−3, respectively.

Our mass estimates are in agreement with Santini et al. (2023), even though we stress that our results are more robust, because we use spectroscopic redshifts. After correcting magnification according to our recent lensing model (Bergamini et al. 2023a), we are allowed to take a glimpse of the loci of our galaxies in the SFR–M* diagram as in Figure 2. We show the star-forming main sequence fitted by Speagle et al. (2014), which is extrapolated from $\mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })\in [9.7,11.1]$ to the mass range of our sample with ±0.2 dex scatters. Sanders et al. (2021) give stacked results of field galaxies fairly close to their extrapolated best fit out to $\mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })=9$. Our sample generally scatters around the main sequence at higher M*. But at lower M* high-SFR galaxies are dominant, especially for z ∼ 3 at M*/M ≲ 3 × 108. It might account for the low metallicity at the low-mass region when assuming the FMR (Mannucci et al. 2010), which will be discussed in Section 4.1.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. SFR–M* relation for our galaxy sample, where the low- and high-redshift individual measurements are marked in cyan triangles and magenta squares. As a comparison, we also show the star-forming main sequence fitted by Speagle et al. (2014) with ±0.2 dex scatters. Sanders et al. (2021) give results fairly close to their extrapolated best fit out to $\mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })=9$.

Standard image High-resolution image

3.4. AGN Contamination

The metallicity diagnostics used in this work are strictly for star-forming regions/galaxies, and the results will be incorrect if there is AGN emission. So the last step is to exclude the AGN contamination from purely star-forming galaxies, by using the mass-excitation (MEx) diagram as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. The mass-excitation diagram of our sample, used to exclude possible AGN galaxies. The positions of the likely AGN galaxies with the possibility of 0.8 and 0.3 are marked by the red and green curves. No significant possible AGN contamination is evident in our samples, with one galaxy (ID = 03854) only slightly off by 1σ.

Standard image High-resolution image

AGNs leave strong signatures on nebular line ratios such as O III λ5007/Hβ and/or N II λ6584/Hα, which form the most traditional version of the BPT diagram (Baldwin et al. 1981). Due to the limited spectral resolution of JWST/NIRISS slitless spectroscopy (R ∼ 150), [N ii] is entirely blended with Hα, which precludes us from using the BPT diagram to remove AGN contamination.

Fortunately, Juneau et al. (2014) proposed an effective approach coined the MEx diagram, using M* as a proxy for [N ii]/Hα, which functions well at z ∼ 0 (i.e., SDSS DR7). Coil et al. (2015) further modified the MEx demarcation by horizontally shifting these curves to high M* by 0.75 dex, which is shown to be more applicable to the MOSDEF sample (Sanders et al. 2021) at z ∼ 2.3. We thus rely on this modified MEx to prune AGN contamination from our galaxy sample. As shown in Figure 3, the green and red curves mark the steep gradient of P(AGN) ∼ 0.3 and P(AGN) ∼ 0.8, respectively, which represent the probability that the galaxy hosts an AGN.

Most of the sources are clearly unlikely AGN, and some scattered around the critical line are ambiguous. There are only two galaxies slightly above the upper demarcation within 1σ. Because our analysis is based on stacking, a small minority of contaminating AGN will have a negligible impact. Given the limited sample size, we tend to retain more applicable data, and consequently, no possible AGN is eliminated and we preserve all 50 galaxies.

3.5. Stacking Spectra

Robust emission lines are required to estimate metallicity for MZR measurement. So we need composite spectra obtained by stacking procedure to achieve higher S/N from low-resolution grism spectra. In the previous subsection, we have selected 50 spectroscopically confirmed galaxies in the A2744-lensed field that are undergoing active star formation. Then they are divided into two redshift bins (z ∈ [1.8, 2.3] and z ∈ [2.6, 3.4]), and three mass bins, respectively, as in Table 2. Our choice of binning aims to have a reasonable number of galaxies per bin. We tested that changing the mass bins does not significantly affect our conclusions. Approximately each mass bin contains ∼seven individual galaxies, and the S/N will be increased roughly by a factor of $\sqrt{7}=2.6$. The 1D/2D spectra of representative galaxies in each of the six bins are shown in Figure 1.

Table 2. Measured Properties of the Stacked Spectra

Group Ngal Mass Rangelog${M}_{* }^{\mathrm{med}}$ [O iii]/Hβ [O ii]/Hβ [O iii]/[O ii]Hγ/Hβ [Ne iii]/[O iii]Hα/Hβ [S ii]/Hα $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$
1.8 < zgrism < 2.3
117[6.8,7.7)7.427.21 ± 0.550.75 ± 0.079.62 ± 0.580.26 ± 0.040.07 ± 0.012.88 ± 0.260.01 ± 0.02 ${8.00}_{-0.04}^{+0.05}$
1210[7.7,8.7)8.207.27 ± 0.631.40 ± 0.165.20 ± 0.440.13 ± 0.070.01 ± 0.022.77 ± 0.290.08 ± 0.03 ${8.15}_{-0.05}^{+0.05}$
1311[8.7,9.9)9.094.84 ± 0.231.93 ± 0.152.51 ± 0.170.09 ± 0.050.02 ± 0.023.56 ± 0.240.09 ± 0.03 ${8.37}_{-0.05}^{+0.04}$
2.6 < zgrism < 3.4
215[7.1,8.2)7.845.10 ± 0.640.32 ± 0.0715.83 ± 2.94...0.04 ± 0.01...... ${7.98}_{-0.12}^{+0.19}$
229[8.2,9.2)8.847.48 ± 0.551.75 ± 0.154.29 ± 0.230.23 ± 0.150.03 ± 0.01...... ${8.25}_{-0.06}^{+0.05}$
238[9.2,10.0)9.573.91 ± 0.331.80 ± 0.242.17 ± 0.220.28 ± 0.160.05 ± 0.04...... ${8.47}_{-0.06}^{+0.05}$


The multiple emission line flux ratios are measured from the stacked spectra shown in Figure 4. The mass range and the median stellar mass $\mathrm{log}{M}_{* }^{\mathrm{med}}$ are both logarithmic values $\mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })$. The metallicity inference is derived from the measured line flux ratios in the stacked spectra presented in each corresponding row, using the method described in Section 3.2. Here we use the strong line calibrations prescribed by Bian et al. (2018, B18) and some others. See Table 1 for the relevant coefficients.

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Then we adopt the following stacking procedures, similar to those utilized by Henry et al. (2021) and Wang et al. (2022b):

  • 1.  
    Subtract continuum models from the extracted grism spectra. The continua are constructed by Grizli combining two orients. We apply a multiplicative factor to the continuum models to make sure there is no offset between the modeled and observed continuum levels around emission lines, to avoid continuum oversubtraction.
  • 2.  
    Normalize the continuum-subtracted spectrum of each object using its measured [O iii] flux, to avoid excessive weighting toward objects with stronger line fluxes. Here the [O iii] fluxes we used are the results of 1D line profile fitting instead of 2D forward modeling by Grizli, for a more straightforward normalization.
  • 3.  
    De-redshift each normalized spectrum to its rest frame, and resample on the same wavelength grid using SpectRes 26 with the integrated flux preservation.
  • 4.  
    Take the median and the variance of the normalized fluxes at each wavelength grid as the value and uncertainty of the stacked spectrum.

As shown in Figure 4, these key lines are more significant in stacked spectra. The (relative) emission line fluxes are measured by fitting a set of Gaussian profiles to the line in stacked spectra, as well as individual spectra. We simultaneously fit [O ii], [Ne iii], Hδ, Hγ, Hβ, [O iii], Hα, and [S ii]. The amplitude ratio of [O iii] λ λ4960, 5008 doublets is fixed to 1:2.98 following Storey & Zeippen (2000). The centroids of Gaussian profiles are allowed a small shift of the corresponding rest-frame wavelengths of emission lines, within ±10 Å, in order to accommodate systematic uncertainties. The FWHMs of each line are not required to be the same, but are set between [10, 25]Å, consistent with the rest-frame spectral resolution Δλ ≈ 7 Å corresponding to R ≈ 150 for NIRISS. We use the software LMFit 27 to perform the nonlinear least-squares minimization, with the measured quantities summarized in Table 2. The stacked metallicity is estimated using the same methods as the individual galaxies outlined in Section 3.2. Our later discussion will mainly focus on the stacked results.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Stacked grism spectra for galaxies residing in several mass bins at two redshift ranges, as shown in the upper (1.8 < z < 2.3) and lower (2.6 < z < 3.4) panels, respectively. Each mass bin contains 5 ∼ 11 galaxies, with the exact number of galaxies and corresponding mass range highlighted above each stacked spectrum. In each set of spectra, the blue curves represent the median stacked spectrum, the cyan bands mark the standard deviation flux uncertainties, and the red dashed curves show the best-fit Gaussian fits to multiple emission lines, while [S ii] and Hα are across a discontinuous range among other lines (i.e., the [O iii] λ λ 4960,5008 doublets, Hβ, Hγ, Hδ, [Ne iii], and [O ii]) in the broken axes at the right parts. The details of the stacking procedures are presented in Section 3.5.

Standard image High-resolution image

4. Results

From the joint analysis of the JWST/NIRISS and JWST/NIRCam data, we revisit the measurement of the MZR using the stacked spectra of the A2744-lensed field galaxies within the mass range of M* ∈ (106.9, 1010.0)M at z ∈ (1.8, 3.4), shown in Section 4.1. We also perform a systematic investigation of the differences between 2D and 1D forward-modeled fluxes of nebular emission lines from slitless spectroscopy, as detailed in Section 4.2.

4.1. The MZR at the Low-mass End

Our key scientific result is the measurement of the gas-phase MZR in the low mass range of $\mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })\in (6.9,10.0)$ at z ∈ (1.8, 3.4). The slope of the MZR has been shown to be a key diagnostic of galaxy chemical evolution and the cycling of baryons and metals through star formation and gas flows (see e.g., Maiolino & Mannucci 2019, and references therein). In particular, Sanders et al. (2021) argue that the shape of the MZR at z ∼ 2–3 is more tightly regulated by the efficiency of metal removal by gas outflows ζout, rather than by the change of gas fractions with stellar mass μgas(M*). Henry et al. (2013a) observe a steepening of the MZR slope at z ∼ 2, suggesting a transition from momentum-driven winds to energy-driven winds as the primary prescription for galactic outflows in the low-mass end.

We find a clear correlation between metallicity and stellar mass for both individual galaxies and stacked spectra at z ∈ [1.8, 2.3] and z ∈ [2.6, 3.4], as shown in the left panel of Figure 5. The z ∼ 2 and z ∼ 3 individual galaxy samples have Spearman correlation coefficients of 0.788 and 0.688 with p-values of 6.36 × 10−7 and 3.98 × 10−4, respectively. We perform linear regression over the stacks to derive the MZR:

Equation (3)

where β is the slope and Z8 is the normalization at M* = 108 M, as the blue and red solid lines with uncertainties at z ∼ 2 and 3 in both panels of Figure 5. We measure the MZR slope to be β = 0.223 ± 0.017 and β = 0.294 ± 0.010 for our galaxy samples at zmedian = 1.90 and zmedian = 2.88, respectively. We see moderate evolution in the MZR normalization from z ∼ 2 to z ∼ 3: ΔZ8 = − 0.11 ± 0.02. The stacked MZRs demonstrate good agreement with the individual results (linear fits are shown in the shaded regions in the left panel of Figure 5). The large uncertainty of the stacked metallicity in the z ∼ 3 lowest-mass bin, comes from the limited number of galaxies. More importantly, all five galaxies within this bin are high-SFR galaxies (Figure 2), which might explain their low stacked metallicity, under the assumption that the star-forming main sequence (Speagle et al. 2014) and the FMR (Mannucci et al. 2010) are valid below M* ≲ 8. A detailed study and characterization of incompleteness at the low-mass end is beyond the scope of this paper and is left for future work.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. MZR measurements for the star-forming field galaxies behind the A2744 cluster. Left: the individual (hollow) and the stacked (solid) result of our galaxy sample at z ∈ [1.8, 2.3] (blue triangles) and z ∈ [2.6, 3.4] (red squares), with their linear fits represented by shaded regions and solid lines. Right: comparison to other observational works, along with the IllustrisTNG100 simulation (Torrey et al. 2019) and the FIRE simulation (Ma et al. 2016). These colored lines are linear regressions of their respective results, with their parameters summarized in Table 3.

Standard image High-resolution image

We summarize our measurements in Table 3, along with other literature results. The right panel of Figure 5 shows the comparisons to other observations and two cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. In addition to z ∼ 2 and 3, we also include the three latest MZR measurements at a very high redshift from JWST/NIRSpec for comparison. We measure the slope of the MZR to be β ∼ 0.25 for both z ∼ 2 and z ∼ 3. Our slopes at low mass are slightly lower than those found by Sanders et al. (2021), but ours are in lower mass ranges. The shallower normalization could be accounted for the MZR evolution from ours zmedian = 1.90 and 2.88 to theirs z ∼ 2.3 and 3.3. Furthermore, we follow their analytical model to understand what physical processes set the slope at the dwarf mass range. In the Peeples & Shankar (2011) model, the metallicity of the ISM is expressed as

Equation (4)

Following the assumption by Sanders et al. (2021) that the gas fraction ${\mu }_{\mathrm{gas}}={10}^{{\mu }_{0}}{{M}_{* }}^{-0.36}$ (μ0 = 3.89 and 3.96 for z ∼ 2 and 3, respectively), the coefficient α = 0.7 · (0.64 + β), the nucleosynthetic stellar yield $y/{Z}_{\mathrm{ISM}}={10}^{9.2-(12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}}))}$, and the metal loading factors of inflowing gas accretion ζin = 0, we calculate the loading factors of outflowing galactic winds ζout at each stacked point and linear fit. We get

Equation (5)

And we find that $\mathrm{log}({\zeta }_{\mathrm{out}}/\alpha {\mu }_{\mathrm{gas}})$ is only a little bit above zero over the mass range, with ζout ≈ 1.01–1.5 × α μgas. Thus, our results indicate that the shallower MZR may be attributed to a shallower M* scaling of the metal loading of the galactic outflows ζout at the low-mass end. We generalize their conclusions that outflows ζout remain the dominant mechanism other than gas fraction μgas that sets the MZR slope, and μgas gradually carries more relative importance and rise to nearly the same order as ζout for the low-mass regime.

Table 3. Comparison of MZR from Different Works, which Is Defined as $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})=\beta \times \mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{10}^{8}{M}_{\odot })+{Z}_{8}$

Papers zmedian Slope β Intercept Z8 Calibration
This work, stack1.900.223 ± 0.0178.123 ± 0.012 
 2.880.294 ± 0.0108.008 ± 0.013Bian et al. (2018, hereafter B18)
Individual1.900.229 ± 0.0288.079 ± 0.027 
 2.880.295 ± 0.0437.981 ± 0.051 
This work, stack1.900.314 ± 0.0538.064 ± 0.043Sanders et al. (2023)
 2.880.586 ± 0.0517.748 ± 0.059 
Li et al. (2023)20.16 ± 0.028.18 ± 0.03 B18
 30.16 ± 0.018.08 ± 0.01only O32
Sanders et al. (2021)2.20.30 ± 0.027.91 ± 0.04 B18
 3.30.29 ± 0.027.83 ± 0.04 
Henry et al. (2021)1.90.22 ± 0.037.98 ± 0.06* Curti et al. (2017)
Wang et al. (2022b)2.20.14 ± 0.028.17 ± 0.03 B18
Heintz et al. (2023)7–100.337.29Sanders et al. (2023)
Curti et al. (2023b)3–60.21 ± 0.047.80 ± 0.03Laseter et al. (2023)
Nakajima et al. (2023)4–100.25 ± 0.037.74 ± 0.06* Nakajima et al. (2022)

Note. The intercept provided in Sanders et al. (2021) and Nakajima et al. (2023) is Z10 instead of Z8, where Z8 = − 2β + Z10. The errors they correspond to (marked by an asterisk) are only conservative upper limits: ${\sigma }_{8}=\sqrt{{(-2)}^{2}{\sigma }_{\beta }^{2}+{\sigma }_{10}^{2}\,+\,2{\sigma }_{\beta {Z}_{10}}}$, since we do not know the (negative) covariance ${\sigma }_{\beta {Z}_{10}}$ therein.

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Our MZR slope β ∼ 0.25 is steeper than those reported in Li et al. (2023) at the same redshifts and similar mass range as in Table 3. Although we use the same NIRISS data of the A2744-lensed field, we only match 28 out of 50 galaxies with the on-sky distances (d2d) lower than 1'' to the Abell catalog of Li et al. (2023), and only 18/50 of them are in agreement with our metallicity measurements within 1σ confidence interval. This difference likely arises from the updated calibration files used in our NIRISS data reduction, and from our Bayesian approach in the metallicity inference using multiple line ratios to joint fit other than only [O iii]/[O ii] from Bian et al. (2018). In addition, we include the new JWST/NIRCam imaging data covering the rest-frame optical wavelength ranges for our sample galaxies (Paris et al. 2023), use more complex SFH (DPL), and employ the latest JWST-based lensing model (Bergamini et al. 2023a) for more reliable stellar mass estimates. Another source of difference is their choice of exponentially declining SFH (τ model), which may not be appropriate for our high-redshift star-forming galaxies (Reddy et al. 2012), and might introduce a significant bias in stellar mass M* estimation (Pacifici et al. 2015; Carnall et al. 2018, 2019).

In agreement with previous work, we also find a tendency for the slope of the MZR to flatten out in the low mass at around M*/M ≲ 109, although not as significant. As for higher redshift z ∼ 3–10, our inferred slopes β are consistent with those by Curti et al. (2023b) and Nakajima et al. (2023), but our intercept Z8 are ∼0.3 dex higher. At that time, the metal might be enriching and hence the MZR might be building up (Curti et al. 2023b), and it is not until the SFR peaks at Cosmic Noon z ∼ 2–3 that the MZR exhibits a higher intercept.

The MZR measurements are also sensitive to different strong line calibrations, especially for the intercept Z8 (Kewley & Ellison 2008), as discussed in Section 3.2. In Table 3, we also provide the MZR from stacks using the Sanders et al. (2023) calibration for comparison. Although the measured slopes are significantly steeper than our default B18 MZR, they are still consistent with Heintz et al. (2023) for dwarf galaxies at higher redshift. We fit the stacked result presented by Henry et al. (2021) in the similar mass range, which assumes Curti et al. (2017) calibration. Our slope agrees with theirs β = 0.22 ± 0.03, but the intercept is ∼0.1 dex higher. This agrees with Wang et al. (2022b) and Li et al. (2023), who test that the calibrations of Bian et al. (2018) yielded a steeper MZR than the calibrations of Curti et al. (2017) when analyzing the same data.

Moreover, we compare our results with two simulation works presented separately in Figure 5. Our individual measurements are largely compatible with the result of the simulations IllustrisTNG (Torrey et al. 2019). But several high-metallicity galaxies lift the stacked MZR up high slightly, yielding a steeper slope than they predicted. Our measured slopes are in better agreement with the FIRE simulation results (Ma et al. 2016), which are capable of resolving high-z dwarf galaxies with sufficient spatial resolution.

In addition, all the MZRs discussed above are derived from galaxy populations residing in random fields. There has been continuous discussion about the environmental dependence of MZR shapes at high redshifts (Peng & Maiolino 2014; Bahé et al. 2017; Calabrò et al. 2022; Wang et al. 2023). Here we raise one recent observation of the MZR at z ∼ 2.2 showing a much shallower slope (β = 0.14 ± 0.02), measured using the HST grism spectroscopy of 36 galaxies residing in the core of the massive BOSS1244 protocluster (Wang et al. 2022b). Our work presented here confirms the significant difference between the MZR slopes measured in field and overdense environments, indicating the change in metal removal efficiency as a function of the environment.

4.2. Investigation of the Morphological Broadening Effect on Measurements of Line Flux and Metallicity

Since metallicity estimates heavily rely on line flux measurements, in this section we verify that different methodologies in deriving emission line fluxes from the NIRISS slitless spectroscopy with limited spectral resolution do not result in significant biases on the metallicity derivations.

For grism spectroscopy, it has long been recognized that the morphological broadening effect can change the overall spectral shape and flux levels of galaxies (see, e.g., van Dokkum et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2019, 2020). We thus systematically compare, for the first time, two methods to measure emission line flux from slitless spectroscopy, with and without the consideration of this morphological broadening effect. The 2D forward-modeling analysis of Grizli is depicted in Section 3.1. In this section, we describe the line profile fitting to 1D extracted spectra using LMfit. The morphology of a galaxy has already been taken into account when forward modeling its 2D spectrum by Grizli. The extracted 1D spectra are morphologically broadened along the dispersion direction, and can vary significantly in spectral slope and flux level for the same object due to the different projected 1D morphology (see Figures 8 and 9 of Wang et al. 2019 for examples). Therefore, we regard the 2D line flux as the reference intrinsic value and 1D flux as the measurement not corrected for the morphology. The difference has not yet been fully investigated, and thus demands immediate attention, with the upcoming advent of large slitless spectroscopic surveys, e.g., Euclid, Roman, and the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST).

In the top three panels of Figure 6, we show the comparison between line flux measured from 2D or 1D spectra and try to associate it with the half-light radius r50. The flux ratio of 2D to 1D deviates from 1 tangibly, and 2D flux modeled by Grizli are larger in most cases (47/48, 41/48, and 43/48 for [O iii], [O ii], and Hβ, respectively) than 1D flux fitted using LMfit by a median factor of ∼30% (with wide dispersion −0.3–5, where minus factor means 2D flux is lower than 1D flux). This strong offset does not seem to be related to S/N. As expected, we find it does correlate with the half-light radius r50 of the individual galaxies, although not as strong as the Pearson correlation coefficients R shown. The unit of r50 is the pixel, and here 1 pixel corresponds to 0farcs03, as illustrated in Section 2. Furthermore, Pearson R decreases as the S/N decreases from the first three brightest lines [O iii], [O ii] to Hβ, convincing us of this weak correlation. Linear fitting is employed in an attempt to describe this phenomenon, although it is based on limited data. This nonzero inconsistency first appears when we use 1D [O iii] flux to normalize our individual spectra for stacking. We rechecked our MZR using 2D [O iii] flux to normalize for stacking, and found the bias of metallicity is lower than 1σ. It indicates that the bias of the two flux measurements may be obscured by the stacking procedure, although we need a larger sample and more tests to verify this assertion. A more significant effect may be seen in the physical quantities directly determined by the line flux value, such as SFR.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Comparison between the emission line fluxes derived using the 2D/1D forward-modeling methods, explained in detail in Sections 3.1 and 3.5, respectively. The top three panels show the galaxy radius vs. the flux ratio of 2D to 1D for each line. The 2D fluxes are tangibly higher than 1D fluxes (above the black line), and it seems systematic for all three brightest lines of each source (with the same r50). We find a correlation between them (green line), although not so strong, with the Pearson correlation coefficients and the p-value exhibited in the top right corner, as well as the green result of linear fitting at the center. Their color marks the S/N of the flux from the 1D method, showing no significant correlation. The bottom three panels show the line flux ratio, while their color marks the metallicity or the dust extinction derived in Section 3.2 using the Grizli flux ratio. These two distributions nearly scatter across the equality line (in black) within the uncertainty. But there are several outliers and a slight systematic overestimation for 2D, which is more obvious for Hα/Hβ at the bottom right.

Standard image High-resolution image

Since the flux ratio of 2D to 1D exhibits a correlation with the half-light radius r50, we interpret this discrepancy as a morphological broadening effect. The morphological broadening of the spectrum is not due to physical factors such as velocity dispersion or radiative damping, but is simply an observational effect of the extended source (van Dokkum et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2020). For an ideal point source with no physical broadening effect, the emission line will be measured as a δ function. But if we could spatially resolve the galaxy, which is common in slitless spectroscopy, the emission line would be broadened as a result of the superposition of δ functions from individual pixels. Therefore, more parts of the line edge will be drowned in the noise, resulting in lower total line flux modeled by the Gaussian function. And of course, larger sources produce more broadening, yielding lower flux measurements. We, therefore, deem the top three panels of Figure 6 to be the first attempt to quantitatively analyze the impact of the morphological broadening effect. For large sources (r50 > 10), the intrinsic flux could be several times larger than the broadened flux.

Although the 2D measurements are larger than the 1D results, in general, it seems that this bias is the same for all emission lines of the same source. As one can notice in the top three panels of Figure 6, for a given source with the same abscissa r50, the corresponding ordinate values 2D/1D of all three lines are quite close to each other, although our naked eye can only recognize those outliers. And we have tested that these patterns are also independent of their S/Ns. Moreover, we show the line flux ratio in the bottom three panels of Figure 6, and they nearly follow the one-on-one line, with few outliers. That means even if this effect is not taken into account like in the 1D method, the flux ratios do not deviate from the 2D method significantly. Therefore, it indicates that the bias of the morphological broadening effect is systematic. We color-code them with the metallicity or the dust extinction Av derived in Section 3.2 using 2D Grizli flux ratio. The color patterns demonstrate the physical meaning of these line ratios, i.e., the gas-phase metallicity diagnostics O32 := [O iii]/[O ii], O3 := [O iii]/Hβ, and the dust extinction indicator Hα/Hβ. The dotted line in the lower right marks the "intrinsic" line ratio in the absence of dust attenuation Hα/Hβ = 2.86. The few sources below it may be due to low S/N and measurement errors (see, e.g., Nelson et al. 2016).

As a consequence, our key result of the metallicity measurement derived from the ratio of two lines in Section 3.2 will not be greatly influenced by the 2D/1D flux measurement method. However the direct line flux (e.g., Hβ) and the derived quantity (e.g., SFR) of a single emission line could be biased, and for a large source, the intrinsic flux could be several times larger than the measured one. The coarse linear fitting here might describe the distinction between 2D/1D forward-modeling flux of emission line to some extent. We interpret this discrepancy as a morphological broadening effect. We recommend carefully checking the way flux is measured to match the scientific requirement and carefully forward modeling the spectrum through the convolution of the morphological broadening effect. The systematic offset, for the first time, may present an important guideline for future work deriving line fluxes with wide-field slitless spectroscopy, especially for large sky surveys to be conducted by, e.g., Euclid, Roman, and CSST, where it is time-consuming for 2D emission line modeling.

5. Conclusions

We have presented a comprehensive measurement of the MZR at a dwarf mass range using grism slitless spectroscopy. The grism data are acquired by the GLASS-JWST ERS program, targeting the A2744-lensed field. From the joint analysis of the JWST/NIRISS and JWST/NIRCam data, we select a secure sample of 50 field galaxies with M*/M ∈ [106.9, 1010.0] and $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$ ∈[7.8, 8.7] at two redshift ranges z ∈ [1.8, 2.3] and z ∈ [2.6, 3.4], assuming the strong line calibration of Bian et al. (2018). Our galaxies are divided into several mass bins and their spectra are stacked to increase the S/N. Then we apply our forward-modeling Bayesian metallicity inference method to the stacked line fluxes. We derive the MZR in the A2744 lensed field as $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})=\beta \,\times \mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{10}^{8}{M}_{\odot })+{Z}_{8}$ with β = 0.223 ± 0.017 and β = 0.294 ± 0.010 in these two redshift ranges zmedian = 1.90 and zmedian = 2.88, respectively, as well as a slight evolution: ΔZ8 = − 0.11 ± 0.02, as presented in Table 3 and Figure 5. Our MZRs have slopes that are consistent with those reported by Sanders et al. (2021) at the higher-mass end and similar redshifts, suggesting that gas outflow mechanisms with the same metal removal efficiency extend to the low-mass regime (≲109 M*) at Cosmic Noon. This M* scaling of metallicity is well reproduced by the FIRE simulations (Ma et al. 2016).

In addition, we assess the impact of the morphological broadening on emission line measurement by comparing two methods of using 2D forward modeling and line profile fitting to 1D extracted spectra. We show that ignoring the morphological broadening effect when deriving line fluxes from grism spectra results in a systematic reduction of flux by ∼30% on average. The coarse linear fitting in Figure 6 could characterize the impact of the morphological broadening effect on modeling the emission line flux to some extent. The direct value (e.g., Hβ) and derived quantity (e.g., SFR) of a single emission line flux could be biased, if one does not account for the galaxy morphology. However, this systematic effect does not significantly influence the line ratio and its derived quantities, e.g., metallicity, dust extinction, age, etc. For this reason, we recommend careful inspection of the line modeling, especially for the next generation of large sky surveys, e.g., Euclid, Roman, and CSST.


We would like to thank the anonymous referee for the constructive comments that help us improve the clarity of this Letter. This Letter is dedicated to the memory of our beloved colleague Mario Nonino who passed away prematurely. We miss him and are indebted to him for his countless contributions to the GLASS-JWST project. This work is based on observations made with the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. The data were obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-03127 for JWST. These observations are associated with program JWST-ERS-1324. We acknowledge financial support from NASA through grant JWST-ERS-1324. X.H. thanks Xiaolei Meng, Lei Sun, and Lilan Yang for the useful discussion. We thank the entire GLASS team that helped shape the manuscript. X.W. is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research, grant No. YSBR-062. This research is supported in part by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), through project number CE170100013. We acknowledge support from the INAF Large grant 2022 "Extragalactic Surveys with JWST" (PI Pentericci). B.M. is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. K.G. is supported by the Australian Research Council through the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) Fellowship (project number DE220100766) funded by the Australian Government.

Facilities: JWST (NIRISS - , NIRCame) - , HST (ACS - , WFC3) - .

Software: Grizli (Brammer & Matharu 2021), Bagpipes (Carnall et al. 2018), LMfit (Newville et al. 2021), Emcee (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013).

Appendix A: Measured Quantities of Our Sample

In Table A1, we show the observed and measured physical properties of all 50 galaxies in our sample, including galaxy ID (ID Grism), coordinates (R.A. and Decl.) and grism redshift (zgrizm) analyzed by Grizli, the matched ID in photometry of Paris et al. (2023) (ID Photo.), the stellar mass M* estimated by SED fitting, the gravitational lensing magnification μ calculated using the model of Bergamini et al. (2023a), and the dust attenuation (Aν ), the dereddened Balmer emission line flux fHβ (with its derived SFR), and the gas-phase metallicity $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})$ jointly estimated using our Bayesian method. Note that M* and SFR have already been corrected by lensing magnification μ, but fHβ has not. In Table A2, we exhibit the emission line flux measurements by the 2D/1D method, which are discussed in detail in Section 4.2. Note that all fline are not corrected by μ.

Table A1. Measured Properties of Individual Galaxies

ID GrismR.A.Decl. zgrism ID Photo.log (M/M) μ AV Dereddened fHβ SFR12+ log(O/H)
 (deg)(deg)     (10−17erg s−1 cm−2)(M · yr−1) 
1.8 < zgrism < 2.3
007653.5863967−30.40934082.01404016 ${7.458}_{-0.008}^{+0.008}$ 4.97 ${0.45}_{-0.10}^{+0.10}$ ${2.69}_{-0.22}^{+0.24}$ ${2.12}_{-0.17}^{+0.19}$ ${8.00}_{-0.04}^{+0.06}$
009023.6170966−30.40837251.87604154 ${8.089}_{-0.053}^{+0.041}$ 1.68 ${0.14}_{-0.11}^{+0.24}$ ${0.18}_{-0.02}^{+0.05}$ ${0.36}_{-0.05}^{+0.09}$ ${8.08}_{-0.12}^{+0.10}$
013313.5766842−30.40608971.80804499 ${8.101}_{-0.017}^{+0.016}$ 2.37 ${0.70}_{-0.28}^{+0.30}$ ${0.53}_{-0.13}^{+0.18}$ ${0.68}_{-0.16}^{+0.23}$ ${8.24}_{-0.07}^{+0.06}$
013653.6141973−30.40606402.27504375 ${9.597}_{-0.020}^{+0.029}$ 1.77 ${0.10}_{-0.07}^{+0.17}$ ${0.78}_{-0.09}^{+0.14}$ ${2.32}_{-0.27}^{+0.41}$ ${8.61}_{-0.06}^{+0.05}$
021283.5985318−30.40176052.00905117 ${7.293}_{-0.008}^{+0.009}$ 3.55 ${0.21}_{-0.10}^{+0.11}$ ${1.90}_{-0.15}^{+0.18}$ ${2.08}_{-0.17}^{+0.20}$ ${7.90}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
023323.6023553−30.40073551.80405120 ${8.727}_{-0.032}^{+0.020}$ 2.55 ${0.05}_{-0.04}^{+0.09}$ ${1.08}_{-0.08}^{+0.11}$ ${1.26}_{-0.09}^{+0.13}$ ${8.31}_{-0.06}^{+0.05}$
026963.6164407−30.39777321.99605681 ${8.386}_{-0.020}^{+0.022}$ 1.65 ${0.11}_{-0.08}^{+0.14}$ ${0.69}_{-0.05}^{+0.09}$ ${1.59}_{-0.11}^{+0.22}$ ${8.13}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
027933.6041872−30.39718162.06805706 ${9.272}_{-0.007}^{+0.006}$ 2.10 ${0.65}_{-0.15}^{+0.15}$ ${2.29}_{-0.27}^{+0.30}$ ${4.53}_{-0.54}^{+0.60}$ ${8.50}_{-0.05}^{+0.04}$
033933.6060398−30.39352722.17706411 ${8.450}_{-0.006}^{+0.007}$ 1.93 ${0.34}_{-0.21}^{+0.26}$ ${0.58}_{-0.10}^{+0.16}$ ${1.41}_{-0.25}^{+0.39}$ ${7.97}_{-0.05}^{+0.05}$
035573.6118150−30.39248632.27806511 ${8.442}_{-0.008}^{+0.006}$ 1.75 ${0.01}_{-0.01}^{+0.02}$ ${3.26}_{-0.07}^{+0.08}$ ${9.84}_{-0.20}^{+0.23}$ ${8.00}_{-0.03}^{+0.04}$
036663.6042544−30.39165731.88006722 ${8.574}_{-0.018}^{+0.018}$ 1.91 ${0.80}_{-0.24}^{+0.27}$ ${0.73}_{-0.14}^{+0.19}$ ${1.26}_{-0.24}^{+0.33}$ ${8.27}_{-0.07}^{+0.06}$
037843.6031401−30.39104612.17706860 ${7.622}_{-0.014}^{+0.013}$ 1.99 ${0.04}_{-0.03}^{+0.07}$ ${0.74}_{-0.03}^{+0.05}$ ${1.75}_{-0.06}^{+0.11}$ ${7.94}_{-0.03}^{+0.04}$
037853.6132702−30.39109371.87906796 ${8.832}_{-0.008}^{+0.008}$ 1.67 ${1.02}_{-0.11}^{+0.11}$ ${2.77}_{-0.25}^{+0.27}$ ${5.47}_{-0.49}^{+0.54}$ ${8.35}_{-0.05}^{+0.04}$
038543.5867377−30.39076572.20606519 ${9.827}_{-0.004}^{+0.003}$ 6.37 ${1.47}_{-0.09}^{+0.09}$ ${28.19}_{-2.07}^{+2.24}$ ${21.60}_{-1.59}^{+1.72}$ ${8.43}_{-0.03}^{+0.03}$
040013.6100121−30.38947952.17307049 ${8.746}_{-0.002}^{+0.002}$ 1.73 ${0.14}_{-0.10}^{+0.14}$ ${0.97}_{-0.08}^{+0.12}$ ${2.64}_{-0.22}^{+0.33}$ ${8.20}_{-0.05}^{+0.06}$
044573.5869454−30.38700371.85807544 ${7.936}_{-0.018}^{+0.020}$ 3.60 ${0.14}_{-0.10}^{+0.15}$ ${1.32}_{-0.12}^{+0.19}$ ${1.17}_{-0.11}^{+0.17}$ ${8.28}_{-0.05}^{+0.04}$
044823.5819407−30.38663701.88407610 ${8.282}_{-0.039}^{+0.037}$ 3.69 ${0.49}_{-0.30}^{+0.40}$ ${0.69}_{-0.17}^{+0.30}$ ${0.62}_{-0.15}^{+0.27}$ ${8.25}_{-0.10}^{+0.08}$
045393.5988518−30.38637431.85707644 ${8.819}_{-0.012}^{+0.012}$ 2.09 ${0.15}_{-0.10}^{+0.19}$ ${0.81}_{-0.08}^{+0.14}$ ${1.24}_{-0.12}^{+0.22}$ ${8.36}_{-0.09}^{+0.07}$
045793.5993864−30.38614342.06007704 ${8.045}_{-0.060}^{+0.047}$ 2.07 ${0.32}_{-0.22}^{+0.35}$ ${0.28}_{-0.05}^{+0.11}$ ${0.56}_{-0.11}^{+0.23}$ ${8.17}_{-0.10}^{+0.09}$
046113.5790397−30.38594122.18707751 ${7.423}_{-0.019}^{+0.021}$ 3.65 ${0.04}_{-0.03}^{+0.07}$ ${1.13}_{-0.05}^{+0.07}$ ${1.48}_{-0.06}^{+0.09}$ ${7.92}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
048423.5992144−30.38417622.02808183 ${7.675}_{-0.063}^{+0.048}$ 2.00 ${0.31}_{-0.23}^{+0.47}$ ${0.18}_{-0.04}^{+0.10}$ ${0.35}_{-0.08}^{+0.20}$ ${7.96}_{-0.09}^{+0.09}$
049463.5701934−30.38373251.86008099 ${9.245}_{-0.004}^{+0.004}$ 2.96 ${0.81}_{-0.09}^{+0.10}$ ${6.44}_{-0.50}^{+0.55}$ ${6.98}_{-0.54}^{+0.59}$ ${8.45}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
051233.5920216−30.38250051.86008565 ${6.894}_{-0.022}^{+0.021}$ 2.52 ${1.16}_{-0.27}^{+0.27}$ ${3.38}_{-0.68}^{+0.85}$ ${4.31}_{-0.86}^{+1.08}$ ${7.99}_{-0.08}^{+0.08}$
057153.6103731−30.38018451.87708541 ${9.688}_{-0.013}^{+0.017}$ 1.75 ${0.07}_{-0.05}^{+0.10}$ ${1.66}_{-0.08}^{+0.14}$ ${3.12}_{-0.15}^{+0.26}$ ${8.55}_{-0.05}^{+0.04}$
057473.5985949−30.37851881.91509272 ${9.087}_{-0.003}^{+0.003}$ 1.97 ${0.07}_{-0.06}^{+0.12}$ ${1.29}_{-0.07}^{+0.14}$ ${2.26}_{-0.13}^{+0.24}$ ${8.21}_{-0.09}^{+0.09}$
057703.5997721−30.37786561.88009586 ${8.124}_{-0.007}^{+0.008}$ 1.94 ${0.52}_{-0.25}^{+0.29}$ ${0.50}_{-0.10}^{+0.15}$ ${0.86}_{-0.18}^{+0.26}$ ${7.91}_{-0.06}^{+0.06}$
058663.5911011−30.38169971.88308556 ${8.764}_{-0.002}^{+0.002}$ 2.53 ${0.36}_{-0.07}^{+0.07}$ ${7.80}_{-0.44}^{+0.48}$ ${10.20}_{-0.58}^{+0.63}$ ${8.12}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
059523.5950311−30.37611791.83209990 ${7.142}_{-0.023}^{+0.022}$ 2.06 ${1.23}_{-0.21}^{+0.21}$ ${9.04}_{-1.48}^{+1.73}$ ${13.57}_{-2.22}^{+2.59}$ ${8.09}_{-0.06}^{+0.06}$
2.6 < zgrism < 3.4
000733.5893372−30.41591132.64702987 ${9.594}_{-0.002}^{+0.002}$ 3.02 ${0.04}_{-0.03}^{+0.07}$ ${0.94}_{-0.07}^{+0.09}$ ${2.36}_{-0.18}^{+0.24}$ ${8.50}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
006713.5845970−30.40979952.65703939 ${8.673}_{-0.003}^{+0.003}$ 3.94 ${0.30}_{-0.22}^{+0.35}$ ${1.80}_{-0.41}^{+0.91}$ ${3.50}_{-0.79}^{+1.78}$ ${8.23}_{-0.06}^{+0.07}$
011923.6134541−30.40684772.84804407 ${7.536}_{-0.037}^{+0.051}$ 1.87 ${3.46}_{-0.82}^{+0.38}$ ${14.35}_{-9.01}^{+8.19}$ ${69.48}_{-43.64}^{+39.67}$ ${8.32}_{-0.13}^{+0.09}$
015143.6074237−30.40647853.19604281 ${9.358}_{-0.002}^{+0.002}$ 2.47 ${0.31}_{-0.21}^{+0.32}$ ${1.49}_{-0.34}^{+0.70}$ ${7.21}_{-1.65}^{+3.37}$ ${8.33}_{-0.06}^{+0.06}$
015883.6129938−30.40508443.04304550 ${8.844}_{-0.011}^{+0.010}$ 1.87 ${1.95}_{-0.43}^{+0.38}$ ${30.17}_{-11.84}^{+17.12}$ ${171.88}_{-67.45}^{+97.54}$ ${8.45}_{-0.06}^{+0.05}$
015893.6128172−30.40498343.04204444 ${9.489}_{-0.013}^{+0.012}$ 1.88 ${1.60}_{-0.45}^{+0.41}$ ${18.68}_{-7.79}^{+11.97}$ ${105.86}_{-44.17}^{+67.84}$ ${8.58}_{-0.06}^{+0.05}$
016593.6198203−30.40431772.92204709 ${8.984}_{-0.003}^{+0.003}$ 1.72 ${0.34}_{-0.24}^{+0.42}$ ${2.34}_{-0.52}^{+1.33}$ ${13.11}_{-2.91}^{+7.44}$ ${7.92}_{-0.04}^{+0.05}$
020253.5982393−30.40231202.65104978 ${8.593}_{-0.002}^{+0.002}$ 4.30 ${1.50}_{-0.41}^{+0.36}$ ${7.80}_{-2.95}^{+3.96}$ ${13.84}_{-5.22}^{+7.03}$ ${8.43}_{-0.07}^{+0.05}$
023893.6094671−30.40037622.66505237 ${9.550}_{-0.013}^{+0.003}$ 1.94 ${0.18}_{-0.13}^{+0.24}$ ${2.01}_{-0.31}^{+0.67}$ ${7.99}_{-1.22}^{+2.68}$ ${8.33}_{-0.05}^{+0.05}$
026213.6136448−30.39864362.84305484 ${9.252}_{-0.007}^{+0.008}$ 1.80 ${0.16}_{-0.12}^{+0.22}$ ${1.67}_{-0.30}^{+0.53}$ ${8.35}_{-1.50}^{+2.67}$ ${8.58}_{-0.06}^{+0.06}$
026543.6118526−30.39817343.04105594 ${8.928}_{-0.012}^{+0.013}$ 1.89 ${0.33}_{-0.25}^{+0.51}$ ${0.49}_{-0.14}^{+0.44}$ ${2.74}_{-0.80}^{+2.49}$ ${8.43}_{-0.08}^{+0.08}$
027033.6093784−30.39838942.69105425 ${9.975}_{-0.002}^{+0.002}$ 1.94 ${0.79}_{-0.37}^{+0.37}$ ${8.82}_{-3.01}^{+4.61}$ ${35.95}_{-12.26}^{+18.77}$ ${8.57}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
028553.5749452−30.39677463.12505793 ${8.053}_{-0.034}^{+0.035}$ 3.71 ${2.84}_{-0.95}^{+0.73}$ ${51.19}_{-33.57}^{+65.75}$ ${156.43}_{-102.59}^{+200.91}$ ${8.10}_{-0.11}^{+0.10}$
029133.6078376−30.39628622.66605857 ${8.679}_{-0.009}^{+0.008}$ 2.12 ${0.36}_{-0.26}^{+0.50}$ ${0.52}_{-0.15}^{+0.49}$ ${1.90}_{-0.55}^{+1.78}$ ${8.39}_{-0.07}^{+0.08}$
030183.6070933−30.39561512.98006039 ${7.838}_{-0.006}^{+0.006}$ 2.10 ${0.79}_{-0.33}^{+0.38}$ ${2.75}_{-0.85}^{+1.41}$ ${13.27}_{-4.10}^{+6.78}$ ${7.82}_{-0.02}^{+0.03}$
035313.6112440−30.39245932.98106626 ${7.154}_{-0.035}^{+0.037}$ 1.81 ${2.65}_{-1.13}^{+0.94}$ ${4.85}_{-3.53}^{+9.43}$ ${27.17}_{-19.77}^{+52.86}$ ${7.85}_{-0.04}^{+0.12}$
048983.6022598−30.38430362.66307846 ${9.904}_{-0.003}^{+0.004}$ 1.96 ${0.59}_{-0.35}^{+0.40}$ ${5.77}_{-1.99}^{+3.50}$ ${22.71}_{-7.84}^{+13.78}$ ${8.38}_{-0.08}^{+0.06}$
051843.5859437−30.38211763.05308570 ${7.880}_{-0.008}^{+0.007}$ 3.28 ${1.19}_{-0.44}^{+0.51}$ ${4.26}_{-1.65}^{+3.33}$ ${13.95}_{-5.39}^{+10.91}$ ${8.10}_{-0.06}^{+0.07}$
053433.5778395−30.38118843.39008654 ${9.129}_{-0.008}^{+0.008}$ 3.45 ${0.14}_{-0.11}^{+0.22}$ ${2.45}_{-0.31}^{+0.71}$ ${9.80}_{-1.23}^{+2.84}$ ${8.25}_{-0.04}^{+0.05}$
054753.6060732−30.38016512.69108838 ${9.951}_{-0.003}^{+0.003}$ 1.82 ${0.42}_{-0.26}^{+0.32}$ ${8.46}_{-2.21}^{+3.81}$ ${36.75}_{-9.62}^{+16.57}$ ${8.56}_{-0.05}^{+0.04}$
055263.5914083−30.37977632.71808958 ${8.432}_{-0.003}^{+0.004}$ 2.53 ${0.07}_{-0.05}^{+0.11}$ ${4.10}_{-0.24}^{+0.51}$ ${13.12}_{-0.78}^{+1.63}$ ${8.08}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$
060573.6033100−30.37425753.04310305 ${9.083}_{-0.006}^{+0.006}$ 1.84 ${0.94}_{-0.63}^{+0.73}$ ${2.58}_{-1.42}^{+4.15}$ ${14.86}_{-8.17}^{+23.91}$ ${8.35}_{-0.10}^{+0.11}$

Note. Column (1) is the source ID reduced from JWST/NIRISS Grism data by our source detection Grizli procedure. Columns (2) and (3) are the equatorial coordinates R.A. and decl. in equinox with an epoch of J2000. Column (4) is the secure redshift determined by Grizli in Section 3.1. Column (5) is the matched ID of the GLASS photometric catalog Paris et al. (2023). Column (6) is the stellar mass fitted from the catalog. Column (7) is the magnification of the gravitational lensing effect by the A2744 cluster. Columns (8) and (9) are the dust attenuation AV and dereddened Hβ flux estimated in Section 3.2. Column (10) is the star formation rate determined by dereddened ${f}_{{H}_{\beta }}$. Column (11) is gas-phase metallicity represented by oxygen abundance.

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Table A2. Flux Derived from 2D/1D Forward Modeling of the Individual Galaxies

IDR.A.Dec. zgrism 2D Forward Modeling of Emission Line Fluxes fline [10−17erg s−1 cm−2 ]1D Extracted Line Profile Fitting of Emission Line Fluxes fline [10−17erg s−1 cm−2 ]
 (deg)(deg) [O II][Ne III]Hγ Hβ [O III]Hα [S II][O II][Ne III]Hγ Hβ [O III]Hα [S II]
1.8 < zgrism < 2.6
007653.5863967−30.40934082.0141.44 ± 0.070.69 ± 0.09...1.69 ± 0.0514.92 ± 0.105.49 ± 0.090.77 ± 0.081.52 ± 0.151.04 ± 0.11...1.84 ± 0.1014.51 ± 0.194.77 ± 0.160.79 ± 0.16
009023.6170966−30.40837251.8760.37 ± 0.100.11 ± 0.120.17 ± 0.070.20 ± 0.051.82 ± 0.090.35 ± 0.070.11 ± 0.070.11 ± 0.080.01 ± 0.06...0.08 ± 0.040.66 ± 0.070.14 ± 0.060.02 ± 0.05
013313.5766842−30.40608971.8080.42 ± 0.050.07 ± 0.060.10 ± 0.030.25 ± 0.052.31 ± 0.080.89 ± 0.070.21 ± 0.080.33 ± 0.060.07 ± 0.04...0.18 ± 0.051.42 ± 0.070.60 ± 0.070.19 ± 0.08
013653.6141973−30.40606402.2752.00 ± 0.200.86 ± 0.420.02 ± 0.350.61 ± 0.171.72 ± 0.231.96 ± 0.220.77 ± 0.230.67 ± 0.13......0.24 ± 0.130.73 ± 0.210.74 ± 0.160.42 ± 0.18
021283.5985318−30.40176052.0091.04 ± 0.060.71 ± 0.08...1.52 ± 0.0512.32 ± 0.094.65 ± 0.080.19 ± 0.071.14 ± 0.150.84 ± 0.16...1.58 ± 0.1210.95 ± 0.214.15 ± 0.220.17 ± 0.17
023323.6023553−30.40073551.8043.37 ± 0.401.28 ± 1.12...1.31 ± 0.168.22 ± 0.232.35 ± 0.24...0.95 ± 0.21......0.40 ± 0.112.60 ± 0.160.72 ± 0.16...
026963.6164407−30.39777321.9961.10 ± 0.070.21 ± 0.08...0.59 ± 0.056.98 ± 0.091.77 ± 0.070.08 ± 0.080.71 ± 0.070.14 ± 0.06...0.25 ± 0.053.93 ± 0.091.04 ± 0.080.04 ± 0.05
027933.6041872−30.39718162.0682.41 ± 0.100.15 ± 0.220.03 ± 0.271.08 ± 0.075.30 ± 0.114.07 ± 0.120.71 ± 0.121.77 ± 0.14...0.38 ± 0.130.74 ± 0.114.09 ± 0.173.07 ± 0.160.37 ± 0.16
033933.6060398−30.39352722.1770.36 ± 0.030.23 ± 0.050.10 ± 0.060.39 ± 0.055.21 ± 0.091.26 ± 0.080.15 ± 0.080.24 ± 0.03......0.20 ± 0.043.02 ± 0.070.69 ± 0.070.11 ± 0.06
035573.6118150−30.39248632.2783.72 ± 0.131.31 ± 0.201.64 ± 0.204.33 ± 0.1540.62 ± 0.288.57 ± 0.18...1.11 ± 0.36...0.54 ± 0.292.47 ± 0.3114.33 ± 0.662.27 ± 0.38...
036663.6042544−30.39165731.8800.50 ± 0.060.13 ± 0.070.12 ± 0.040.33 ± 0.052.51 ± 0.071.14 ± 0.060.14 ± 0.060.40 ± 0.080.12 ± 0.060.14 ± 0.040.26 ± 0.061.86 ± 0.080.99 ± 0.060.17 ± 0.07
037843.6031401−30.39104612.1770.62 ± 0.040.33 ± 0.050.34 ± 0.050.85 ± 0.048.27 ± 0.081.95 ± 0.060.04 ± 0.060.41 ± 0.060.29 ± 0.060.31 ± 0.050.52 ± 0.065.53 ± 0.101.31 ± 0.080.07 ± 0.05
037853.6132702−30.39109371.8791.80 ± 0.080.24 ± 0.130.27 ± 0.070.90 ± 0.057.12 ± 0.083.71 ± 0.070.57 ± 0.071.39 ± 0.110.42 ± 0.090.21 ± 0.070.55 ± 0.075.06 ± 0.112.77 ± 0.090.31 ± 0.10
038543.5867377−30.39076572.20616.62 ± 0.53...3.90 ± 0.762.22 ± 0.3228.81 ± 0.4327.59 ± 0.472.21 ± 0.475.87 ± 0.56......1.26 ± 0.519.92 ± 0.8812.02 ± 0.751.90 ± 0.72
040013.6100121−30.38947952.1731.45 ± 0.060.19 ± 0.080.42 ± 0.070.90 ± 0.067.27 ± 0.102.45 ± 0.090.24 ± 0.080.81 ± 0.060.21 ± 0.050.23 ± 0.050.48 ± 0.053.95 ± 0.091.31 ± 0.08...
044573.5869454−30.38700371.8582.67 ± 0.170.78 ± 0.350.42 ± 0.161.04 ± 0.0810.02 ± 0.133.37 ± 0.160.66 ± 0.121.29 ± 0.230.65 ± 0.200.12 ± 0.110.60 ± 0.125.68 ± 0.191.88 ± 0.230.30 ± 0.17
044823.5819407−30.38663701.8840.76 ± 0.20...0.23 ± 0.140.43 ± 0.083.43 ± 0.121.35 ± 0.13...0.36 ± 0.120.13 ± 0.10...0.42 ± 0.062.09 ± 0.110.62 ± 0.10...
045393.5988518−30.38637431.8571.10 ± 0.15...0.35 ± 0.140.91 ± 0.074.48 ± 0.101.94 ± 0.110.32 ± 0.100.52 ± 0.16......0.57 ± 0.083.09 ± 0.131.13 ± 0.130.20 ± 0.12
045793.5993864−30.38614342.0600.28 ± 0.060.20 ± 0.080.15 ± 0.150.36 ± 0.051.79 ± 0.080.59 ± 0.070.13 ± 0.070.27 ± 0.080.07 ± 0.040.14 ± 0.060.27 ± 0.051.28 ± 0.090.41 ± 0.080.16 ± 0.09
046113.5790397−30.38594122.1870.85 ± 0.070.66 ± 0.120.63 ± 0.091.31 ± 0.0710.26 ± 0.122.93 ± 0.12...0.49 ± 0.100.20 ± 0.100.32 ± 0.090.74 ± 0.095.89 ± 0.161.66 ± 0.15...
048423.5992144−30.38417622.0280.14 ± 0.050.07 ± 0.06...0.09 ± 0.061.67 ± 0.100.31 ± 0.080.05 ± 0.090.04 ± 0.04......0.03 ± 0.050.61 ± 0.060.14 ± 0.05...
049463.5701934−30.38373251.8606.04 ± 0.201.46 ± 0.320.93 ± 0.192.56 ± 0.1015.20 ± 0.1610.09 ± 0.183.20 ± 0.244.40 ± 0.410.64 ± 0.320.50 ± 0.282.20 ± 0.2411.87 ± 0.397.47 ± 0.431.95 ± 0.57
051233.5920216−30.38250051.8600.70 ± 0.180.80 ± 0.230.41 ± 0.130.98 ± 0.1211.33 ± 0.204.06 ± 0.17...0.33 ± 0.090.28 ± 0.080.13 ± 0.050.29 ± 0.052.84 ± 0.100.97 ± 0.080.05 ± 0.05
057153.6103731−30.38018451.8772.99 ± 0.260.24 ± 0.52...1.82 ± 0.116.09 ± 0.154.36 ± 0.130.30 ± 0.161.41 ± 0.30...0.17 ± 0.181.38 ± 0.164.56 ± 0.243.10 ± 0.250.53 ± 0.24
057473.5985949−30.37851881.9151.82 ± 0.18...0.26 ± 0.171.69 ± 0.108.82 ± 0.153.29 ± 0.130.24 ± 0.131.23 ± 0.170.41 ± 0.140.20 ± 0.101.08 ± 0.105.16 ± 0.161.71 ± 0.130.22 ± 0.13
057703.5997721−30.37786561.8800.20 ± 0.050.05 ± 0.040.12 ± 0.030.32 ± 0.043.74 ± 0.070.94 ± 0.06...0.07 ± 0.02...0.03 ± 0.020.17 ± 0.041.86 ± 0.060.45 ± 0.06...
058663.5911011−30.38169971.8837.90 ± 0.281.44 ± 0.522.12 ± 0.235.38 ± 0.1258.64 ± 0.2317.07 ± 0.171.58 ± 0.164.25 ± 1.032.19 ± 0.880.51 ± 0.604.64 ± 0.5330.49 ± 0.988.14 ± 0.711.12 ± 0.66
059523.5950311−30.37611791.8322.28 ± 0.270.44 ± 0.360.92 ± 0.262.63 ± 0.2124.84 ± 0.4010.22 ± 0.36...0.47 ± 0.130.47 ± 0.120.18 ± 0.100.51 ± 0.114.60 ± 0.181.90 ± 0.21...
2.6 < zgrism < 3.4
000733.5893372−30.41591132.6472.92 ± 0.090.68 ± 0.160.43 ± 0.140.52 ± 0.113.07 ± 0.17......1.85 ± 0.180.78 ± 0.18...0.25 ± 0.241.25 ± 0.34......
006713.5845970−30.40979952.6572.38 ± 0.070.67 ± 0.120.53 ± 0.101.32 ± 0.1111.72 ± 0.19......1.38 ± 0.060.46 ± 0.060.39 ± 0.070.83 ± 0.116.44 ± 0.17......
011923.6134541−30.40684772.8480.21 ± 0.030.05 ± 0.03...0.39 ± 0.042.79 ± 0.08......0.31 ± 0.060.12 ± 0.06...0.55 ± 0.092.93 ± 0.15......
015143.6074237−30.40647853.1962.30 ± 0.070.17 ± 0.130.78 ± 0.160.95 ± 0.118.07 ± 0.18......1.79 ± 0.090.10 ± 0.050.60 ± 0.120.52 ± 0.095.94 ± 0.19......
015883.6129938−30.40508443.0434.43 ± 0.180.33 ± 0.370.93 ± 0.653.78 ± 0.2722.23 ± 0.45......1.56 ± 0.140.22 ± 0.11...1.55 ± 0.177.23 ± 0.31......
015893.6128172−30.40498343.0423.91 ± 0.250.39 ± 0.42...3.47 ± 0.4013.46 ± 0.66......0.90 ± 0.110.26 ± 0.11...0.92 ± 0.163.18 ± 0.26......
016593.6198203−30.40431772.9221.17 ± 0.060.79 ± 0.1056.41 ± 184.721.67 ± 0.0918.21 ± 0.23......0.70 ± 0.080.51 ± 0.10...0.81 ± 0.1010.26 ± 0.26......
020253.5982393−30.40231202.6511.95 ± 0.050.46 ± 0.090.56 ± 0.081.59 ± 0.089.59 ± 0.14......2.18 ± 0.110.93 ± 0.110.40 ± 0.131.83 ± 0.188.63 ± 0.28......
023893.6094671−30.40037622.6654.12 ± 0.100.46 ± 0.220.53 ± 0.161.46 ± 0.1613.24 ± 0.24......2.85 ± 0.180.82 ± 0.19...1.11 ± 0.328.52 ± 0.47......
026213.6136448−30.39864362.8433.12 ± 0.180.78 ± 0.490.21 ± 0.541.24 ± 0.254.72 ± 0.36......1.08 ± 0.120.31 ± 0.12...0.49 ± 0.161.66 ± 0.25......
026543.6118526−30.39817343.0410.82 ± 0.110.21 ± 0.12...0.16 ± 0.121.99 ± 0.19......0.40 ± 0.060.17 ± 0.07...0.10 ± 0.090.83 ± 0.14......
027033.6093784−30.39838942.6915.58 ± 0.190.80 ± 0.281.81 ± 0.253.77 ± 0.2215.56 ± 0.43......1.80 ± 0.160.09 ± 0.120.35 ± 0.131.10 ± 0.224.42 ± 0.28......
028553.5749452−30.39677463.1251.39 ± 0.140.44 ± 0.190.26 ± 0.562.65 ± 0.3427.32 ± 0.60......0.56 ± 0.11...0.48 ± 0.311.25 ± 0.229.57 ± 0.37......
029133.6078376−30.39628622.6660.81 ± 0.070.23 ± 0.120.08 ± 0.110.13 ± 0.122.37 ± 0.17......0.52 ± 0.080.12 ± 0.080.22 ± 0.080.14 ± 0.061.43 ± 0.18......
030183.6070933−30.39561512.9800.45 ± 0.040.44 ± 0.056.49 ± 7.831.24 ± 0.0612.21 ± 0.14......0.49 ± 0.080.55 ± 0.10...0.88 ± 0.137.95 ± 0.22......
035313.6112440−30.39245932.9810.03 ± 0.030.09 ± 0.03...0.52 ± 0.062.26 ± 0.10......0.04 ± 0.020.04 ± 0.02...0.25 ± 0.040.92 ± 0.07......
048983.6022598−30.38430362.6635.35 ± 0.121.11 ± 0.241.34 ± 0.183.15 ± 0.2320.20 ± 0.40......2.27 ± 0.100.53 ± 0.100.34 ± 0.121.28 ± 0.237.77 ± 0.39......
051843.5859437−30.38211763.0531.21 ± 0.040.40 ± 0.060.38 ± 0.121.19 ± 0.0713.50 ± 0.15......0.89 ± 0.070.26 ± 0.070.14 ± 0.100.93 ± 0.1210.98 ± 0.21......
053433.5778395−30.38118843.3904.62 ± 0.136.91 ± 71.992.22 ± 0.361.58 ± 0.2019.79 ± 0.34......2.88 ± 0.19...0.72 ± 0.320.68 ± 0.1912.66 ± 0.60......
054753.6060732−30.38016512.6919.38 ± 0.34...4.09 ± 0.605.15 ± 0.3922.07 ± 0.59......2.06 ± 0.190.39 ± 0.202.03 ± 0.221.71 ± 0.265.77 ± 0.41......
055263.5914083−30.37977632.7185.31 ± 0.071.63 ± 0.092.07 ± 0.093.63 ± 0.1041.78 ± 0.24......3.65 ± 0.251.52 ± 0.231.19 ± 0.281.94 ± 0.3723.44 ± 0.73......
060573.6033100−30.37425753.0431.50 ± 0.100.51 ± 0.17...1.04 ± 0.226.87 ± 0.44......0.57 ± 0.080.17 ± 0.10...0.51 ± 0.182.90 ± 0.38......

Note. The first four columns are the same as Table A1. Columns (5)–(11) and (12)–(18) are the 2D/1D forward-modeling flux, respectively, for each emission line. The error bars shown in the table correspond to 1σ confidence intervals.

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