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The Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction of Emission Line-selected z ∼ 2.5 Galaxies Is Less Than 15%

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Published 2017 June 1 © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Michael J. Rutkowski et al 2017 ApJL 841 L27 DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/aa733b

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Recent work suggests that strong emission line, star-forming galaxies (SFGs) may be significant Lyman continuum leakers. We combine archival Hubble Space Telescope broadband ultraviolet and optical imaging (F275W and F606W, respectively) with emission line catalogs derived from WFC3 IR G141 grism spectroscopy to search for escaping Lyman continuum (LyC) emission from homogeneously selected z ∼ 2.5 SFGs. We detect no escaping Lyman continuum from SFGs selected on [O ii] nebular emission (N = 208) and, within a narrow redshift range, on [O iii]/[O ii]. We measure 1σ upper limits to the LyC escape fraction relative to the non-ionizing UV continuum from [O ii] emitters, fesc ≲ 5.6%, and strong [O iii]/[O ii] > 5 ELGs, fesc ≲ 14.0%. Our observations are not deep enough to detect fesc ∼ 10% typical of low-redshift Lyman continuum emitters. However, we find that this population represents a small fraction of the star-forming galaxy population at z ∼ 2. Thus, unless the number of extreme emission line galaxies grows substantially to z ≳ 6, such galaxies may be insufficient for reionization. Deeper survey data in the rest-frame ionizing UV will be necessary to determine whether strong line ratios could be useful for pre-selecting LyC leakers at high redshift.

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1. Introduction

Star-forming galaxies (SFGs) likely reionize neutral hydrogen in the early universe (see the review in Loeb & Barkana 2001), when quasars are not sufficiently numerous to contribute significantly to the ionizing background (Ricci et al. 2017; cf. Giallongo et al. 2015). Verifying this assumption by directly measuring the ionizing output of Lyman continuum (LyC; λ < 912 Å) is impossible—the IGM effectively attenuates all LyC flux emitted along the line of sight to z > 6 redshift galaxies. Instead, the ionizing output of high-redshift SFGs must be constrained by surveys of low-redshift analogs, or indirectly (e.g., Jones et al. 2013). Criteria for pre-selecting LyC emitting candidates from among the class of all SFGs that produce LyC are crucial for such studies—large, blind, deep surveys are infeasible with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the only telescope currently capable of obtaining high-resolution LyC imaging and spectroscopy.

Previously, pre-selection was made on actively SF galaxies (Schaerer 2003; young, massive stars emit copious ionizing radiation, QH > 1047 s−1;). Studies with the HUT (Leitherer et al. 1995) and the HST SBC (e.g., Malkan et al. 2003; Siana et al. 2010) do not detect escaping LyC. Large archival studies of LyC emission from SFGs (Cowie et al. 2009) and Hα-selected emission line galaxies (Rutkowski et al. 2016) have generally reported non-detections, likely indicating that the strong star formation may be conducive to LyC escape, but does not guarantee it. Until recently, few LyC leakers were known; local starbursts Tol 0440-381, Tol 1247-232, Mrk 54, and Haro11 (e.g., Leitherer et al. 2016; Puschnig et al. 2016) and, at z ≳ 2, fewer than ∼10, UV-selected SFGs (e.g., de Barros et al. 2016; Mostardi et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2016).

Recently, five (of five galaxies targeted) z ≲ 0.3 compact (re ≲ 1 kpc) SFGs selected for their anomalously high nebular oxygen ratios (O32 = [O iii]λ5007 Å/[O iiλλ3727,3729 Å] > 5) have been confirmed as LyC leakers (fesc ∼ 5%–15%; Izotov et al. 2016a, 2016b), with an additional 2–3 compact O32 galaxies predicted to be LyC leakers based upon their Lyα profiles (Verhamme et al. 2017). Furthermore, Naidu et al. (2017) applied an F275W–F336W color selection to identify three SFG LyC leakers at z ≲ 2 in the HDUV (PID: 13779; PI: P.Oesch), each with O32 ≳ 3. The success rate of LyC detection in O32 emitters makes this nebular-line diagnostic appealing for pre-selection. Here, we investigate that potential utility. In Section 2, we discuss the selection of ELGs using HST IR grism spectroscopic catalogs combined with rest-frame UV–optical imaging in the CANDELS fields. In Section 3, we present new measurements to the absolute escape fraction, fesc, for these ELGs. We assume ΛCDM cosmology with Ωm = 0.27, ΩΛ = 0.73, and H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 (Komatsu et al. 2011).

2. Emission Line Galaxy Selection in CANDELS

The HST WFC3/IR grism has been remarkably successful for surveying SFGs with strong emission lines at z ∼ 1–3, as the [O ii]λλ3726,3729 Å doublet, a well-calibrated signature of star formation (Kewley et al. 2004), can be detected with the G141 grism (λc ≃ 1.4 μm) in 2 ≲ z ≲ 3.5 SFGs. The G141 cannot resolve this doublet; thus, to avoid potential line misidentification of a candidate [O ii] emission line, a photometric redshift is critical. In the HST CANDELS fields, the broadband UV–optical SED for galaxies is well sampled, ensuring the robust identification of z ≳ 2 [O ii]-emitters. Unfortunately, rest-frame, broadband LyC imaging is not available across the entire survey footprint. Thus, in our search here for LyC emission from z ∼ 2.5 SFGs, we are limited to probing ∼40% of the area in GOODS-South and GOODS-North.

Within these regions, we select [O ii]-emitters identified by the 3D-HST G141 grism survey. We selected ELGs requiring (1) (S/N)[O ii] > 3 and (2) within the redshift range 2.38 < z < 2.9, where z ≡ "z_best" measured by Momcheva et al. (2016) using both grism and broadband photometry. The lower-redshift limit of this sample is fixed to ensure the broadband (WFC3/UVIS F275W) imaging is strictly sensitive to rest-frame LyC emission. In total, we select 208 [O ii]-emitters (74, 109, and 25 in ERS, GOODS-N, and UVUDF, respectively), with a mean (median) SFR = 8.0 (3.9) M yr−1 and stellar mass M ≃ 109.9(109.6), respectively. Included in this sample are 13 ELGs that were also considered in the unpublished LyC survey in the ERS field presented by Smith et al. (2016).

We note that within a narrow redshift range the G141 grism is simultaneously sensitive to [O ii] and [O iii]. Thus, we select a second, independent sample of SFGs requiring: (1) 2.25 < z < 2.31; (2) (S/N)[O iii] > 3; and (3) (S/N)Hβ > 1.5.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. We identify 41 z ∼ 2.3 O32-emitters in the CANDELS fields. Here, we plot O32 for the sources as measured from their G141 grism spectra against stellar masses derived from SED fits in Momcheva et al. (2016). We overplot contours indicating the O32 distribution measured for SDSS galaxies (Tremonti et al. 2004) and indicate with shaded regions the parameter space populated by high-redshift Lyα emitters and Lyman Break galaxies at z ∼ 2−3 (Nakajima & Ouchi 2014).

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This redshift range implies that the sample's LyC photometry could include a contribution from non-ionizing emission in the bandpass. As illustrated in Figure 2, the F275W throughput, T, ≳1% at λ < 3086 Å (910 Å at z = 2.39). Only in the case of zero attenuation by intervening neutral gas and dust (i.e., fesc ≡ 100%) will the contribution redward of the Lyman edge to the F275W photometry be negligible (<0.5%). The contribution by non-ionizing photons to the measured ionizing flux will introduce a systematic uncertainty to fesc strictly less than unity measured using the broadband method we apply in Section 3. Any candidate LyC leakers identified in this sample must be considered tentative pending spectroscopic follow-up.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. HST F275W broadband filter throughput, T (solid curve), declines to <1% at λ ≳ 3086 Å, corresponding to λ = 910 Å at z > 2.39. Thus, the Lyman edge falls within the bandpass for SFGs selected at 2.25 < z < 2.31 (indicated by dashed-dotted vertical lines), implying the measurement of LyC can be contaminated by non-ionizing emission. For a 1 Myr, solar-metallicity burst simple stellar population model (with no correction for attenuation by gas applied) from Bruzual & Charlot (2003; dashed curve, scaled, in fν), this contamination is ≲0.5% only if fesc = 100%. For fesc < 100%, contamination by the non-ionizing continuum to the LyC photometry will necessarily increase to 100% as fesc decreases to zero.

Standard image High-resolution image

We identify 41 O32 emitters (22 and 19 in the GOODS-N and ERS, respectively; Figure 1). For the measurement of O32, we require [O iii]λ5007, which we derive from [O iii]λλ4959,5007 Å reported in 3D-HST catalogs, applying a uniform correction that assumes an intrinsic ratio of λ5007/λ4959 = 2.98 (Storey & Zeippen 2000) to correct for the contribution of [O iii]λ4959. Of these O32 emitters, 13 are identified with O32 > 5. By comparison with the [O ii]-emitter sample, these ELGs have a similarly high mean (median) SFR = 6.8 (4.1) M yr−1 and moderate stellar mass M ≃ 1010.0(109.7).

In the following analysis of both samples, we use publicly available F275W imaging mosaicked by the individual survey teams (see Table 1). In GOODS-North, the HDUV team has prepared public mosaics "v0.5" combining five of eight HDUV pointings with CANDELS-Deep data. We note that the WFC3/UVIS is susceptible to significant (∼50% losses) charge transfer inefficiencies. To mitigate this, UVUDF and GOODS-North imaging programs (referenced in column 4 of Table 1) included a ∼10e post-flash to minimize charge losses. In the case of the ERS, these data were among the first data obtained with the then newly installed WFC3 and were minimally affected by the CTE (see Smith et al. 2016 for details). In preparation for analysis, we extracted 12farcs × 12farcs postage stamps from the science and associated rms maps centered on each ELG. For uniformity, all stamps were rebinned to a common pixel frame of 0farcs09 pix−1, the coarsest scale for which mosaics are available.

Table 1.  Archival F275W imaging

Field Survey Areaa Survey Depth (3σ)b References NO ii N${}_{{{\rm{O}}}_{32}}$ N${}_{{{\rm{O}}}_{32}\gt 5}$
GOODS-North CANDELS-Deep 120 27.8 Koekemoer et al. (2011) 52 7 4
  HDUVc 70 27.9 d 57 15 4
GOODS-South UVUDF 4.5 28.2 Rafelski et al. (2015) 25
  ERS 60 26.5 Windhorst et al. (2011) 74 19 5


aApproximate area in square arcminutes. bWe report published point-source completeness limits [AB mag] but estimate the depth from the sky variance for the HDUV GOODS-N public mosaic. cFor HDUV, mosaics are available at http://www.astro.yale.edu/hduv/DATA/v0.5/. dHST Program 13872.

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3. The LyC Escape Fraction of z ≃ 2.3 ELGs

Broadband imaging surveys readily make differential measurements of the ionizing (LyC) to non-ionizing (UV, measured at λrest ≃ 1500 Å) luminosity from galaxies. At high redshift, LyC from young stars within galaxies will be attenuated by neutral gas and dust in the ISM, as well as by neutral H i in the IGM along the line of sight. This partly motivates a definition of the relative escape fraction, following Steidel et al. (2001):

Equation (1)

τIGM is the (redshift-dependent) IGM attenuation of LyC by neutral H i, typically modeled on measurements from absorption line surveys toward high-redshift bright quasars (e.g., Fardal et al. 1998). The intrinsic UV-to-LyC ratio must be modeled for each galaxy individually, but typically ranges between 2 and 10 for SFGs with ages less than ∼108yr. If the magnitude of extinction due to dust in the ISM can be estimated from the SED, then the absolute escape fraction can be directly related to fesc,rel as

Equation (2)

We measured ionizing and non-ionizing photometry in the F275W and F606W postage stamps, respectively, using Source Extractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996) in dual image mode, with the F606W as the detection image.10

The median F275W S/N for all ELGs is consistent with a statistical non-detection ($\langle {SNR}\rangle =0.12$), as measured within each ELG's corresponding F606W aperture defined in source extraction. A visual inspection of all F275W stamps confirms that no individual ELGs are LyC leakers, including those [O ii]-emitters in the Smith et al. (2016) sample. Note that for the median F606W (rest-frame UV) continuum m = 25 AB of this sample, the surveys limit fesc,rel ≲ 2% in the deepest (UVUDF) and fesc,rel ≲ 12% in the shallowest (ERS) mosaics. Smith et al. report a detection of fesc = 0.14% for the sample that overlaps with the [O ii]-emitter sample. Within the HDUV field, no LyC leakers have been previously identified.11

To measure fesc, we apply the stacking procedure defined in Siana et al. (2010), summing over all pixels in the F275W and F606W stamps associated with the F606W-defined segmentation map. Furthermore, we sum in quadrature the associated errors from the error maps, applying a (small) correction for correlated noise introduced in the rebinning of the error maps where necessary (Casertano et al. 2001). This stacking yields no statistically significant detections of LyC leakers. A visual inspection of the associated stacked LyC frames (combined using IRAF imcombine; Figure 3) reveals no perceptible LyC flux within an aperture defined by the non-ionizing UV image stack. Here, we have cleaned all LyC stamps before stacking, using the segmentation maps, to replace pixels not associated with the ELG with randomly assigned pixel values consistent with the sky background measured within each stamp. In Table 2, we report fesc for each stack as upper limits.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Stacked rest-frame LyC images for the (a) [O ii] and (b) strong (O32 > 5) emitters. A linear grayscale appropriately scaled for each stack is provided. A 1farcs scale-bar is overplotted (red) on each stacked image. All fesc measurements are provided in Table 2.

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 2.  Measured UV/LyC Flux Ratios: Upper Limits to fesc

Selection Nobjs Δ(z) Observed fν,LyCa Observed fν,UV IGM corr. UV/LyC ${f}_{\mathrm{esc},\mathrm{rel}}^{\mathrm{LyC}}$ b ${f}_{\mathrm{esc}}^{\mathrm{LyC}}$
[O ii] 208 2.38 < z < 2.9 0.45 ± 0.27 (1.6σ) 9.12 >41.49 <7.0% <5.6%
All O32 41 2.25 < z < 2.31 0.16 ± 0.140 (1.1σ) 4.53 >38.44 <7.8% <6.7%
O32 > 5 13 2.25 < z < 2.31 −0.02 ± 0.090 (−0.16σ) 1.15 >15.81 <18.9% <14.0%


aFlux densities reported here in μJy. bWe assume (LUV/LLyC)int = 3; italicized entries indicate non-detections and should be interpreted as limits.

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In rest-frame UV morphology, these galaxies are compact. For reference, an aperture defined to include 90% of the segmentation pixels common to all galaxies has an area of ∼0.3 square arcseconds (physical radius, r ≲ 4 kpc), in good agreement with the measurements of z ∼ 2 galaxy sizes from Shibuya et al. (2015). Many galaxies (>70%) do show faint irregular UV features. Though we used the segmentation map (defined by the rest-frame UV morphology) to define pixels to include in the stacking of each galaxy, in principle these asymmetric low surface brightness features could be lost to the sky when stacked.

We measure fesc,rel, correcting each galaxy for IGM attenuation using the correction factor from the piecewise parameterization of the redshift distribution and column density of intergalactic absorbers (see Haardt & Madau 2012). For reference, exp[τIGM] = 1.72 (2.56), at z = 2.29 (2.56), the median redshift of the O32 ([O ii])-selected samples. Assuming (LUV/LLyC)int = 3, appropriate for a young (∼107 yr), solar-metallicity stellar population (Rutkowski et al. 2016), we measure fesc,rel ≲ 7.0%, 7.8%, and 18.9% (1σ) for the [O ii]-, all O32-, and high O32-selected samples. We measure fesc correcting for dust attenuation for each galaxy individually. We measure τUV,dust assuming a Calzetti et al. (2000) reddening law (RV = 4.05) and calculating stellar E(BV) from the best-fit AV measured from the broadband SED by Skelton et al. (2014).

We report fesc < 5.6% for the [O ii]-selected sample. Note that the upper limit on fesc measured for random sub-samples of [O ii]-emitters drawn exclusively from the individual (unbinned) mosaics scale approximately as ${N}^{-1/2}$, as expected from purely Poisson statistics. Thus, in future work, using a re-reduction of all available F275W imaging in the CANDELS fields to improve the size of the [O ii]-selected sample emitters, we will test for variations in fesc in sub-samples selected on, e.g., UV luminosity or inclination.

For the full O32-selected sample, we measure fesc < 6.7%; for the O32 > 5 sample, fesc < 14%, consistent with the expectation for Poissonian statistics if the extinction correction is appropriately re-normalized to reflect the higher average extinction reported for the O32 > 5 sample. The mean IGM transmission for the O32- and [O ii]-selected samples differs by a factor of ∼1.5, the O32-emitters are intrinsically more luminous (∼3×), and the possibility of a non-negligible contribution from non-ionizing flux in the F275 bandpass (see Section 2) makes a direct comparison of fesc upper limits for these samples more difficult.

4. Discussion

If these SFGs are analogs to the high-redshift sources of reionization, the measured upper limits can be informative. First, the 1σ upper limit to fesc measured for [O ii]-emitter sample is inconsistent with the threshold of fesc ≳ 13% required if high-redshift SFGs reionize the universe (see Robertson et al. 2015) compatible with the independent constraints on the ionization history of the IGM from the CMB (the electron scattering opacity, τes; see Planck Collaboration et al. 2016) and QSO absorption line studies (Mesinger & Haiman 2007). This tension is alleviated considering the 3σ fesc upper limit and noting that dwarf galaxies less massive than these ELGs (with median M ≃ 109.5–10 M) are expected to contribute most significantly to reionization (Wise et al. 2014; Robertson et al. 2015).

Note Rutkowski et al. (2016) measured, for (Hα-selected) z ∼ 1 SFGs, fesc < 4% (3σ). Selecting more distant SFGs using the same grism spectroscopy here, we are more sensitive to intrinsically brighter line luminosities, ∼4 brighter at z ∼ 2.5 than z ∼ 1, though intrinsically we can expect [O ii]/Hα ≲ 1 (≃0.5 at z ≃ 0.1; Mouhcine et al. 2005). As such, the average SFR for the [O ii]-selected sample is ∼2× that of the Hα sample in previous work, though the median SFR is measured for 3D-HST sources from the broadband SED in contrast to, e.g., Rutkowski et al. (2016), which used the extinction-corrected Hα luminosity. Thus, we caution any strict interpretation of the fesc upper limits derived here for z ≃ 2.5 SFGs and previous work at z ≃ 1 as evidence for an evolution in fesc.

Our observations are not deep enough to detect fesc ∼ 10%, typical of the low-redshift LyC emitters (Izotov et al. 2016b), which have comparably high nebular emission line ratios or similar star formation rate surface densities, ΣSFR.12 Our upper limit on fesc derived for the high O32 ELGs is marginally consistent (fesc,rel (3σ) ≲ 0.57) with the detection of LyC in a similar galaxy (ion2; ${f}_{\mathrm{esc},\mathrm{rel}}={0.64}_{-0.1}^{1.1}$) studied by de Barros et al. (2016), though difficult to reconcile with the high fesc > 50% observed for the z = 3.2 strong O32 (≳10%) emitter observed by Vanzella et al. (2016).

We call attention to fesc measured for the small number of SFGs identified with high O32 emission and the implication for the contribution of their high-redshift analogs to reionization. Generally, reionization proceeds when a sufficient ionizing background can be maintained by either a large number of relatively inefficient LyC leakers or relatively fewer emitters that efficiently source LyC. The number of ionizing background photons in a cosmological volume is proportional to fesc × nSFG, where nSFG is the volume density of SF galaxies and fesc ≃ 10% is necessary for reionization. However, not all SF galaxies are LyC leakers. In fact, it is well established that the general population of SFGs have an escape fraction ≪10% (Siana et al. 2010; Grazian et al. 2016), and only the extreme O32 galaxies appear to meet the requisite fesc (Izotov et al. 2016b). If fleak is the fraction of SF galaxies that are LyC leakers, then the previous relationship for the number of ionizing photons, Nion, can be rewritten as Nion ∝ fesc × fleak × nSFG. In the WFC3 spectroscopic parallel survey (WISP; Atek et al. 2010), sensitive to both [O ii] and [O iii] emission at 1.4 ≲ z ≲ 2.3, 50% of the cataloged galaxies are detected in both oxygen lines (Ross et al. 2016). Only ∼4% of these sources are O32 > 5 emitters. With the upper limits presented here, assuming fleak ∼ 4% and that this fraction does not evolve substantially to z ∼ 6, such extreme objects would not support reionization. High-redshift (z > 3) SFGs do exhibit, on average, an enhanced ionization state relative to low-redshift SFGs (e.g., Stanway et al. 2014), inferred from the [O iii]/Hβ ratio. Recently, Faisst (2016) modeled this increased ionization state with redshift to predict the evolution of the escape fraction evolution with redshift of O32-emitters and found such galaxies to be nearly sufficient to reionize the universe at z ∼ 6. Clearly, direct measurement of the median escape fraction for strong emitters (O32 > 5) with HST at z < 3 is critical. This, in combination with the direct measure of the evolution of the number density of such extreme O32 galaxies toward the epoch of reionization (z > 7), a key result for JWST, will ultimately determine whether such sources may reionize the universe.

5. Conclusion

We have combined archival high-resolution HST UV imaging in the rest-frame LyC for z ∼ 2.5 galaxies in the CANDELS deep fields, selected on the presence of nebular oxygen emission lines in the 3D-HST IR grism spectra. We do not detect LyC escaping from [O ii]- or O32-selected emitters individually.

We stack the individual non-detections, and measure for each stack upper limits to the absolute escape fraction less than 5.6%, 6.7%, and 14% (1σ), respectively. Our limits on fesc (3σ) for such relatively massive galaxies do not rule out the possibility that SFGs are able to sustain reionization. However, whether at z ≳ 2, strong star formation and high O32 ratios alone are indicative of significant LyC escape remains uncertain. Furthermore, we note that at z ∼ 2 the class of galaxies with extreme O32 ratios remain exceedingly rare. In order for galaxies to be able to sustain reionization, SFGs must evolve substantially from z ∼ 6 to present, such that at high redshift most have such highly ionized ISM conditions indicated by the high O32 ratio. Such galaxies will be prime targets for JWST at z > 3, and future grism surveys and further constraints on LyC emission from lower-redshift O32-selected ELGs will be important for calibrating the evolution of LyC toward the epoch of reionization. Deep HST surveys of large volumes at intermediate redshift will be necessary to obtain the large sample sizes of strong O32-emitters necessary to determine whether LyC escape is linked to these observable parameters such that their contribution can be meaningfully extrapolated to the epoch of reionization probed by JWST.

This research was supported by NASA NNX13AI55G, HST-AR-12821.01, and HST-GO-13352 using observations from NASA/ESA HST, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. M.H. acknowledges the support of the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB), and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. This work was funded by NASA JWST Interdisciplinary Scientist grants to R.A.W., NAG5-12460 and NNX14AN10G from GSFC, and HST-AR-13877.001-A and HST-AR-14591.001-A.


  • 10 

    We use the relevant detection parameters DETECT_MINAREA = 6, DETECT_THRESH = 3, BACK_SIZE = 10, BACK_FILTERSIZE = 5, and BACK_FILTTHRESH = 1.5, found by extensive testing to determine those parameters that most accurately differentiated source from sky pixels in the segmentation maps.

  • 11 

    Naidu et al. (2017) identified six candidate LyC leakers, all at z ≃ 2.

  • 12 

    We measure −2 ≲ log(ΣSFR) ≲ 1 [M yr−1 kpc−2] for O32-emitters, using the 3D-HST broadband SFR and area from each galaxy's F606W segmentation map.

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