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A Search for Extra-tidal RR Lyrae in Globular Clusters NGC 5024 and NGC 5053

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Published 2020 June 18 © 2020. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Chow-Choong Ngeow et al 2020 AJ 160 31 DOI 10.3847/1538-3881/ab930b

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Recently, Kundu et al. reported that the globular cluster NGC 5024 (M53) possesses five extra-tidal RR Lyrae. In fact, four of them were instead known members of a nearby globular cluster NGC 5053. The status of the remaining extra-tidal RR Lyrae is controversial depending on the adopted tidal radius of NGC 5024. We have also searched for additional extra-tidal RR Lyrae within an area of ∼8 deg2 covering both globular clusters. This includes other known RR Lyrae within the search area, as well as stars that fall within the expected range of magnitudes and colors for RR Lyrae (and yet outside the cutoff of two-thirds of the tidal radii of each globular cluster for something to be called extra-tidal) if they were extra-tidal RR Lyrae candidates for NGC 5024 or NGC 5053. Based on the the proper-motion information and their locations on the color–magnitude diagram, none of the known RR Lyrae belong to the extra-tidal RR Lyrae of either globular clusters. In the cases where the stars satisfied the magnitude and color ranges of RR Lyrae, analysis of time series data taken from the Zwicky Transient Facility do not reveal periodicities, suggesting that none of these stars are RR Lyrae. We conclude that there are no extra-tidal RR Lyrae associated with either NGC 5024 or NGC 5053 located within our search area.

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1. Introduction

As an ancient population that is orbiting around our Galaxy in its halo, globular clusters could leave tidal tails along their orbits. Indeed, tidal tails have already been detected in some globular clusters such as Palomar 5 (Odenkirchen et al. 2001; Rockosi et al. 2002), NGC 5466 (Belokurov et al. 2006), Palomar 1 (Niederste-Ostholt et al. 2010), Palomar 14 (Sollima et al. 2011), Palomar 15 (Myeong et al. 2017), Eridanus (Myeong et al. 2017), NGC 7492 (Navarrete et al. 2017), and M5 (Grillmair 2019). The existence of tidal tails from globular clusters were also supported from theoretical modeling and simulations (for examples, see Combes et al. 1999; Yim & Lee 2002; Dehnen et al. 2004; Capuzzo Dolcetta et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2006; Fellhauer et al. 2007; Montuori et al. 2007; Hozumi & Burkert 2015). The tidally stripped stars in the tails are preferentially low-mass stars (Combes et al. 1999; Baumgardt & Makino 2003), which could include RR Lyrae (Jordi & Grebel 2010). As low-mass high-amplitude pulsating stars, RR Lyrae can be easily identified from time domain surveys based on their characteristic light-curve shapes. RR Lyrae are precise distance indicators hence distances to the tidal tails can be constrained if the extra-tidal RR Lyrae can be found in the associated tidal tails. Furthermore, RR Lyrae are more luminous than the main-sequence stars at similar mass, hence they can be used to reveal the presence of tidal tails around distant globular clusters. In this regard, it is important and interesting to search for extra-tidal RR Lyrae associated with globular clusters. As demonstrated in Kunder et al. (2018) and Minniti et al. (2018), findings of extra-tidal RR Lyrae could be used to constrain the history of orbital motion and the dynamic processes of the parent globular clusters.

Extra-tidal RR Lyrae stars have been found around several globular clusters. Based on wide-field imaging, Fernández-Trincado et al. (2015) reported about a dozen RR Lyrae located at a distance similar to ω Centauri (NGC 5139), which are also located outside the tidal radius (rt) of this cluster. However the authors suggested that they are unlikely to be associated with the tidal debris of ω Centauri. In contrast, eight extra-tidal RR Lyrae candidates were found for NGC 6441, as their radial velocities are consistent with the cluster and they are located between 1 and 3 tidal radii from the cluster (Kunder et al. 2018). Using Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2; Gaia Collaboration et al. 2016, 2018a) data, Minniti et al. (2018) discovered that there is an excess of RR Lyrae outside the tidal radius of M62 (NGC 6266), which the authors interpreted as tidally stripped RR Lyrae while the cluster is crossing the Galactic bulge. Recently, Price-Whelan et al. (2019) found 17 RR Lyrae that most likely belong to the stellar stream of Palomar 5, with a few of them previously identified as potential members (Vivas et al. 2001; Wu et al. 2005; Vivas & Zinn 2006). An independent search of RR Lyrae in the stellar stream of Palomar 5 was also performed in Ibata et al. (2017).

In addition to the individual globular clusters, Kundu et al. (2019) performed a systematic search for extra-tidal RR Lyrae around globular clusters with Gaia DR2 data and the Gaia DR2 RR Lyrae Catalog (Clementini et al. 2019). Out of the 56 globular clusters, the authors identify 11 globular clusters possessing extra-tidal RR Lyrae based on their positions (out to three times the tidal radius of each cluster), proper motions, and locations in the color–magnitude diagrams (CMDs). Among these 11 globular clusters, six globular clusters have one extra-tidal RR Lyrae while another three clusters have two (including Palomar 5). The remaining two globular clusters, NGC 5024 and NGC 3201, were found to have 5 and 13 extra-tidal RR Lyrae, respectively. The extra-tidal RR Lyrae in NGC 5024 merit further discussion, as four of them are located on one side of the cluster at a (projected) distance near three times the tidal radius (that is, 55farcm1). This is close to a nearby globular cluster: NGC 5053 located at a projected distance of ∼57farcm7 away from NGC 5024. In fact, these four extra-tidal RR Lyrae of NGC 5024 are instead known RR Lyrae from NGC 5053 as listed in the Updated Catalog of Variable Stars in Globular Clusters (Clement et al. 2001; Clement 2017, hereafter Clement's Catalog), as illustrated in Figure 1. Hence the number of extra-tidal RR Lyrae in NGC 5024 should be reduced to one.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. ZTF mosaic (see Section 3 for more details on ZTF) r-band reference images, with ZTFID of 1573 and CCD 15, that display the positions of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053. The cyan circle indicates the radius of 3 × rt of NGC 5024 as adopted in Kundu et al. (2019). The red squares represent the extra-tidal RR Lyrae identified in Kundu et al. (2019), while the green crosses are known RR Lyrae of NGC 5053 taken from Clement's Catalog (Clement et al. 2001; Clement 2017).

Standard image High-resolution image

Since NGC 5053 is not included in the list of 56 globular clusters given in Kundu et al. (2019), it may contain additional (uncatalogued) extra-tidal RR Lyrae. Separately, we wish to ascertain whether there could be more extra-tidal RR Lyrae from NGC 5024, in addition to the one that was identified and discussed above. The goal of this work is to search for (additional) extra-tidal RR Lyrae in NGC 5024 and NGC 5053, given the close proximity of these two globular clusters in the sky. Note that based on imaging observations using the Canada–Hawaii–France Telescope, Chun et al. (2010) reported there was a tidal bridge feature between NGC 5024 and NGC 5053. However, such a tidal bridge feature was not confirmed in Jordi & Grebel (2010). Nevertheless, Jordi & Grebel (2010) found extra-tidal halos in both globular clusters, and confirmed the detection of a tidal tail for NGC 5053 reported in Lauchner et al. (2006). On the other hand, a possible tidal tail could be present for NGC 5024 (Beccari et al. 2008) but no conclusive result can be determined.

In Section 2, we compile a list of known and candidate RR Lyrae collected from the literature, and determine if any of them are extra-tidal RR Lyrae. In Section 3, we search for potential new extra-tidal RR Lyrae using Gaia DR2 data and time series data taken from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The conclusion of this work is presented in Section 4.

2. Known and Candidate RR Lyrae in the Vicinity of the Clusters

The tidal radii rt of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 were adopted from de Boer et al. (2019) as 22farcm8 ± 1farcm4 and 15farcm2 ± 3farcm3, respectively. For consistency, these tidal radii were based on the fitted spherical potential escapers stitched (SPES) model8 to the number density profile constructed from Gaia DR2 and literature data, converted from parsec to arcminute using the distances provided in Harris et al. (1996, 2010; the 2010 edition, hereafter Harris Catalog),9 where the distances to NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 are 17.9 kpc and 17.4 kpc, respectively. Because the areas enclosed by the 3rt regions for these two clusters overlapped, we defined a circle with a radius of 1fdg6, centered at (α, δ)J2000 = (198.48568, + 17.90798)° (see Figure 4), to search and identify RR Lyrae from the literature within this ∼8 deg2 area.

We collected known and candidate RR Lyrae located within this circle from various catalogs. These catalogs include Clement's Catalog (NGC 5024: 64 stars; NGC 5053: 10 stars), the catalog from the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) International Variable Star Index (VSX; Watson et al. 2006, 55 stars), and those from Sesar et al. (2017, 91 stars). The primary recent sources for RR Lyrae compiled in Clement's Catalogs are Arellano Ferro et al. (2011) for NGC 5024 and Nemec (2004) for NGC 5053, respectively. We selected all entries in Sesar et al. (2017) within the predefined circle regardless of the final classification scores S3ab and S3c, hence some of them with low scores were considered RR Lyrae candidates.10 All of the above were queried via the SIMBAD's VizieR service. We have also searched the Gaia DR2 RR Lyrae Catalog (Clementini et al. 2019, the gaiadr2.vary_rrlyrae Table; 79 stars) and RR Lyrae in the Gaia DR2 high-amplitude pulsating stars Catalog (Rimoldini et al. 2019, the gaiadr2.vari_classifier_result Table; 70 stars) via the astronomical data query language (ADQL) interface from the Gaia archive.11 We combined the query results from these two tables, using the source_id, for a total of 80 RR Lyrae from Gaia DR2 (hereafter GaiaDR2RRL catalog). Finally, we merged all of the above catalogs, using positional matching, to create a master catalog that contains 125 RR Lyrae and candidates within the circle mentioned earlier.

A further examination of these 125 RR Lyrae revealed that 29 RR Lyrae candidates do not have any counterparts in either Clement's Catalog, the VSX catalog, or the GaiaDR2RRL catalog. All of them have classification scores S3ab and S3c smaller than 0.52 in the Sesar et al. (2017) catalog, with brightness fainter than ∼18.5 mag in the r band or Gaia's G band. We believe they are either misclassified or background RR Lyrae that are unrelated to NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 (the RR Lyrae in these two globular clusters should be brighter than ∼17.5 mag in the r or G band), hence we removed them from our master catalog (a detailed investigation of them is beyond the scope of this work). The remainder of the 96 RR Lyrae in our master catalog will be divided into two groups, and analyzed with criteria similar to those outlined in Kundu et al. (2019), as presented in the following subsections.

2.1. Group A: Known Members in NGC 5024 and NGC 5053

In Table 1 we summarize the basic information for the 74 known RR Lyrae located in NGC 5024 and NGC 5053. Positions of these RR Lyrae in the CMDs are presented in Figure 2. The stars, including the extra-tidal RR Lyrae identified in Kundu et al. (2019), are undoubtedly RR Lyrae stars as they are located as expected on the horizontal branch on the CMDs of these two globular clusters. The four extra-tidal RR Lyrae that belong to NGC 5053 (green points in Figure 2), but were misidentified as members of NGC 5024, are well positioned on the horizontal branch for the NGC 5053's CMD, but shifted upward in the case of NGC 5024's CMD (due to difference in the distance of these two globular clusters). In contrast, the one remaining extra-tidal RR Lyrae of NGC 5024 fits well to the horizontal branch of NGC 5024 (cyan point in Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2. The clean color–magnitude diagram (CMD) for NGC 5024 (left panel) and NGC 5053 (right panel) based on Gaia photometry. The color coded symbols represent the known RR Lyrae, based on Clement's Catalog, in these two globular clusters. Extra-tidal RR Lyrae identified in Kundu et al. (2019) are abbreviated as ET RR Lyrae (four of them belong to NGC 5053 and are shown as large green points). Procedures for obtaining the clean CMD are explained in Appendix A. The CMD for NGC 5053 is similar to those presented in Sarajedini & Milone (1995).

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 1.  Known RR Lyrae in NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 (Group A)

Namea αJ2000 δJ2000 Δ5024b Δ5053b Gaia DR2 ID Gc Bp − Rpc pmRAd pmDEd
NGC 5024 V61 198.22967 18.17014 0.12 57.76 3938022017256098432 −99.99 −99.99 0.224 ± 0.652 0.351 ± 0.449
NGC 5024 V57 198.23150 18.16617 0.14 57.56 3938022017253298816 16.620 −99.99 0.820 ± 0.549 −3.508 ± 0.425
NGC 5024 V63 198.23454 18.16686 0.26 57.43 3937271394410272128 −99.99 −99.99 0.596 ± 0.657 0.233 ± 0.479
NGC 5024 V72 198.23308 18.16453 0.27 57.43 3937271394411045760 −99.99 −99.99 2.074 ± 0.339 0.021 ± 0.231
NGC 5024 V71 198.22658 18.16500 0.28 57.77 3938022017255714688 −99.99 −99.99 −2.708 ± 0.789 −1.737 ± 0.813
NGC 5024 V91 198.22342 18.17044 0.41 58.08 3938022017256046592 −99.99 −99.99 2.884 ± 0.445 1.536 ± 0.333
NGC 5024 V53 198.23263 18.17544 0.46 57.77 3938022395210336128 −99.99 −99.99 −99.99 −99.99
NGC 5024 V54 198.22629 18.17542 0.49 58.09 3938022017256105344 16.633 −99.99 −3.039 ± 0.587 5.163 ± 0.476
NGC 5024 V62 198.22500 18.17494 0.50 58.14 3938022017255910528 −99.99 −99.99 0.153 ± 0.687 −0.421 ± 0.481
NGC 5024 V46 198.22721 18.17694 0.55 58.09 3938022017255848704 16.622 0.544 −0.734 ± 0.288 −1.025 ± 0.166
NGC 5024 V52 198.23300 18.17697 0.55 57.80 3938022395212860928 16.782 −99.99 0.783 ± 0.392 −1.968 ± 0.438
NGC 5024 V58 198.23167 18.15861 0.58 57.33 3937271394411059072 16.665 0.564 0.910 ± 0.345 −0.307 ± 0.238
NGC 5024 V45 198.22983 18.15761 0.63 57.39 3937271394410013312 16.640 0.560 −0.027 ± 0.259 −0.525 ± 0.184
NGC 5024 V60 198.23742 18.16014 0.63 57.09 3937271394411025920 16.385 −99.99 −99.99 −99.99
NGC 5024 V64 198.21883 18.17014 0.66 58.31 3938022017255783424 −99.99 −99.99 −2.644 ± 1.265 1.637 ± 0.863
NGC 5024 V55 198.22275 18.17683 0.67 58.30 3938022085972624768 16.484 −99.99 0.001 ± 0.253 −0.828 ± 0.144
NGC 5024 V56 198.22371 18.15722 0.75 57.69 3937271360050576512 16.778 −99.99 −2.101 ± 0.442 −3.017 ± 0.257
NGC 5024 V92 198.22879 18.18064 0.75 58.12 3938022395213189248 −99.99 −99.99 −1.276 ± 0.402 −1.295 ± 0.238
NGC 5024 V59 198.23608 18.15578 0.82 57.03 3937271394411208192 −99.99 −99.99 0.108 ± 0.638 −2.325 ± 0.489
NGC 5024 V44 198.21525 18.16683 0.86 58.39 3938021982896346240 16.718 0.470 −0.399 ± 0.235 −2.076 ± 0.129
NGC 5024 V51 198.23996 18.18047 0.92 57.56 3938022395210481408 −99.99 −99.99 1.433 ± 0.235 −0.515 ± 0.135
NGC 5024 V43 198.22117 18.18208 0.98 58.54 3938022085975189504 16.664 0.580 0.285 ± 0.225 −0.592 ± 0.164
NGC 5024 V31 198.24821 18.16803 1.03 56.78 3937271772365640960 16.608 0.605 −0.807 ± 0.186 −1.311 ± 0.128
NGC 5024 V41 198.23646 18.18569 1.11 57.89 3938022395210877312 16.760 0.378 0.203 ± 0.180 −1.318 ± 0.119
NGC 5024 V42 198.21058 18.17225 1.15 58.78 3938022051615475712 16.640 0.621 −2.918 ± 0.340 −1.781 ± 0.190
NGC 5024 V37 198.21783 18.18483 1.22 58.78 3938022085972862848 16.693 0.622 −0.247 ± 0.168 −1.229 ± 0.115
NGC 5024 V09 198.25029 18.15697 1.33 56.35 3937271321396679936 16.777 0.632 −0.447 ± 0.193 −1.355 ± 0.144
NGC 5024 V18 198.20250 18.17033 1.58 59.13 3938022047320224768 16.822 0.406 −0.580 ± 0.312 −1.941 ± 0.217
NGC 5024 V08 198.25171 18.18475 1.58 57.11 3938022429571836288 16.772 0.534 0.858 ± 0.320 −1.812 ± 0.191
NGC 5024 V40 198.23276 18.19852 1.83 58.46 3938022498291497088 16.843 0.354 −0.051 ± 0.166 −1.600 ± 0.113
NGC 5024 V07 198.25363 18.19165 1.94 57.23 3938022429572023424 16.844 0.562 0.440 ± 0.221 −1.190 ± 0.166
NGC 5024 V24 198.19700 18.15900 1.97 59.09 3938021948535632768 −99.99 −99.99 −0.077 ± 0.168 −1.389 ± 0.110
NGC 5024 V06 198.26630 18.17220 2.07 56.01 3937271733713546624 16.706 0.614 0.027 ± 0.229 −1.650 ± 0.160
NGC 5024 V25 198.26841 18.17703 2.24 56.05 3937271733710749056 16.720 0.544 −0.176 ± 0.192 −1.622 ± 0.147
NGC 5024 V23 198.25978 18.14332 2.25 55.49 3937271119532519808 16.772 0.430 −0.397 ± 0.242 −2.690 ± 0.180
NGC 5024 V32 198.19893 18.14327 2.33 58.56 3938021841161792640 16.758 0.451 −0.008 ± 0.159 −1.517 ± 0.121
NGC 5024 V10 198.19053 18.18207 2.41 60.06 3938022253478651392 16.722 0.478 −0.327 ± 0.175 −1.294 ± 0.115
NGC 5024 V38 198.23812 18.12791 2.46 56.15 3937270977799285376 16.714 0.597 −0.646 ± 0.159 −1.428 ± 0.104
NGC 5024 V03 198.21410 18.12926 2.51 57.41 3937271149597965312 16.818 0.493 −0.341 ± 0.153 −1.174 ± 0.107
NGC 5024 V29 198.26779 18.14637 2.51 55.17 3937271497489647616 −99.99 −99.99 −0.482 ± 0.177 −1.250 ± 0.128
NGC 5024 V11 198.18912 18.15054 2.57 59.25 3938021909878970752 16.765 0.533 −0.151 ± 0.173 −1.178 ± 0.118
NGC 5024 V47 198.21008 18.20686 2.59 59.83 3938022738809664000 16.742 0.372 −0.245 ± 0.174 −1.042 ± 0.130
NGC 5024 V33 198.18278 18.17024 2.71 60.12 3938022154692482944 16.729 0.673 0.086 ± 0.179 −1.397 ± 0.126
NGC 5024 V01 198.23478 18.12049 2.87 56.12 3937270982093531648 16.770 0.518 0.249 ± 0.169 −1.560 ± 0.114
NGC 5024 V19 198.27926 18.15730 2.87 54.92 3937271531849398400 16.802 0.434 −0.111 ± 0.187 −1.393 ± 0.143
NGC 5024 V35 198.26011 18.21047 3.06 57.50 3938022567010985984 16.824 0.446 −0.374 ± 0.182 −1.167 ± 0.139
NGC 5024 V02 198.20952 18.11687 3.30 57.31 3937269676423468672 16.788 0.372 −0.609 ± 0.194 −1.337 ± 0.116
NGC 5024 V04 198.18288 18.12395 3.78 58.87 3938020367987656320 16.800 0.432 0.191 ± 0.163 −1.351 ± 0.106
NGC 5024 V17 198.16807 18.19833 3.98 61.66 3938023082407017088 16.806 0.465 0.244 ± 0.170 −1.226 ± 0.113
NGC 5024 V16 198.19250 18.11085 4.06 58.04 3937269642063727360 16.871 0.345 −0.195 ± 0.170 −1.423 ± 0.122
NGC 5024 V27 198.17261 18.12322 4.25 59.38 3938020333627916928 16.723 0.593 −0.515 ± 0.154 −1.178 ± 0.109
NGC 5024 V34 198.19045 18.10722 4.30 58.05 3937269642063726080 −99.99 −99.99 −0.123 ± 0.174 −1.372 ± 0.125
NGC 5024 V36 198.26373 18.25287 5.43 58.72 3939524087576094848 16.825 0.413 −0.065 ± 0.186 −1.354 ± 0.144
NGC 5024 V15 198.30162 18.23205 5.59 56.23 3939523915777402368 16.847 0.364 −0.511 ± 0.197 −1.091 ± 0.164
NGC 5024 V05 198.16285 18.09508 5.83 59.19 3937269573344246528 16.725 0.577 −0.158 ± 0.162 −1.170 ± 0.103
NGC 5024 V26 198.14894 18.08894 6.64 59.78 3937269191089937536 16.753 0.448 −0.278 ± 0.173 −1.519 ± 0.113
NGC 5024 V20 198.28781 18.07121 6.68 52.10 3937269809565198720 16.801 0.449 −0.107 ± 0.169 −1.505 ± 0.130
NGC 5024 V14 198.33562 18.11195 6.89 50.79 3937270359321073792 16.784 0.488 −0.016 ± 0.180 −1.541 ± 0.154
NGC 5024 V28 198.17547 18.27716 7.25 63.72 3938026930697675648 16.715 0.506 −0.210 ± 0.158 −1.241 ± 0.110
NGC 5024 V21 198.35868 18.16208 7.33 51.20 3938772017327358336 16.818 0.418 −0.586 ± 0.198 −1.318 ± 0.150
NGC 5024 V12 198.34930 18.22126 7.50 53.63 3938773048119562496 16.742 0.511 −0.258 ± 0.171 −1.355 ± 0.131
NGC 5024 V30 198.25068 18.03440 8.11 53.16 3937268160297720576 16.824 0.479 −0.182 ± 0.147 −1.464 ± 0.116
NGC 5024 V13 198.36767 18.08693 9.23 48.46 3937267133802945024 16.718 0.497 0.116 ± 0.209 −1.422 ± 0.168
NGC 5024 V48 198.30983 18.36777 12.81 60.85 3939527386110983424e 16.800 0.392 −0.085 ± 0.166 −1.636 ± 0.117
NGC 5053 V10 199.13554 17.71290 58.45 1.50 3938494459361028992 −99.99 −99.99 −0.278 ± 0.213 −0.727 ± 0.146
NGC 5053 V08 199.14179 17.71116 58.82 1.78 3938494463656186880 16.620 0.435 −0.367 ± 0.156 −1.166 ± 0.105
NGC 5053 V04 199.11674 17.66565 58.91 2.09 3938493948260097024 16.501 −99.99 −0.495 ± 0.140 −1.370 ± 0.128
NGC 5053 V06 199.14425 17.71869 58.73 2.11 3938494566735402880 16.695 0.333 −0.192 ± 0.150 −1.504 ± 0.108
NGC 5053 V03 199.14842 17.73773 58.43 3.03 3938682273986049792 16.575 0.537 −0.378 ± 0.135 −1.252 ± 0.101
NGC 5053 V07 199.08220 17.74399 54.89 3.16 3938682445784738688e 16.549 0.371 −0.318 ± 0.158 −1.390 ± 0.106
NGC 5053 V02 199.05154 17.69631 54.77 3.51 3938681827309432448e 16.609 0.460 −0.145 ± 0.147 −1.286 ± 0.107
NGC 5053 V05 199.17174 17.63628 62.52 5.10 3938492883108232960 16.513 0.617 −0.330 ± 0.132 −1.341 ± 0.101
NGC 5053 V01 198.99724 17.74100 50.73 7.05 3938682995540541440e 16.526 0.545 −0.355 ± 0.151 −1.350 ± 0.095
NGC 5053 V09 199.04957 17.80299 51.64 7.15 3938686637672823424e 16.523 0.618 −0.377 ± 0.139 −1.149 ± 0.092


aKnown RR Lyrae adopted from Clement's Catalog. The number −99.99 means no data. bΔ represents the angular distance, in arcminutes, for a given RR Lyrae to the center of the cluster. cIntensity mean magnitudes and colors taken from the Gaia DR2 RR Lyrae Catalog (i.e., the gaiadr2.vary_rrlyrae Table). dProper motions in mas yr−1 taken from Gaia DR2 main catalog. eExtra-tidal RR Lyrae for NGC 5024 identified in Kundu et al. (2019).

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To further evaluate the associations of these known RR Lyrae to the two globular clusters, we compared their proper motions with the measured proper motions of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 in Figure 3. The circles in this figure denote the boundaries of the proper motions such that RR Lyrae located within the circles are considered to have proper motions consistent with the globular clusters. It is worth pointing out that the proper motions of the two globular clusters, as measured in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b), are close to each other: the proper motions in R.A. are ${\mathrm{pmRA}}_{c}^{5024}\,=-0.1466\pm 0.0045\ (\mathrm{mas}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1})$ and ${\mathrm{pmRA}}_{c}^{5053}=-0.3591\,\pm 0.0071\ (\mathrm{mas}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1})$, while in the decl. they are ${\mathrm{pmDE}}_{c}^{5024}\,=-1.3514\pm 0.0032\ (\mathrm{mas}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1})$ and ${\mathrm{pmDE}}_{c}^{5053}=-1.2586\,\pm 0.0048\ (\mathrm{mas}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1})$. Therefore, it is difficult to associate these RR Lyrae with either of the globular clusters based on proper motions alone. Figure 3 reveals that this is indeed the case: proper motions of the known RR Lyrae in NGC 5024 are consistent with the proper motions of both globular clusters (left panels of Figure 3),12 and a similar situation holds for the RR Lyrae in NGC 5053 (right panels of Figure 3). For the five extra-tidal RR Lyrae identified in Kundu et al. (2019), their proper motions are fully consistent with either NGC 5024 or NGC 5053 (middle panels of Figure 3). This explains why Kundu et al. (2019) would include the four RR Lyrae from NGC 5053 as the extra-tidal RR Lyrae for NGC 5024 based on the proper-motion analysis.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Comparisons of the proper motions of the known RR Lyrae in NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 to the values of the two globular clusters themselves. The red and blue dashed lines in each panel represent the measured proper motions of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053, respectively, adopted from Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b). The dashed and solid circles represent the selection criteria of ΔPM = pmT/2 and ΔPM = pmT, respectively; see Appendix A for the definitions of ΔPM and pmT. The colored symbols are same as in Figure 2. For better visualization, we divided the known RR Lyrae to those belonging to NGC 5024 (left panels; red points), NGC 5053 (right panels; blue points), and the extra-tidal RR Lyrae (middle panels; green and cyan points).

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Finally, we comment on the only extra-tidal RR Lyrae of NGC 5024, V48, which is located 12farcm81 away from NGC 5024. In Kundu et al. (2019), the adopted tidal radius of NGC 5024 is 18farcm37, hence two-thirds of it is 12farcm25 which puts V48 at a borderline to be considered an extra-tidal RR Lyrae. In contrast, two-thirds of the tidal radius adopted in this work is 15farcm20, then V48 will no longer be an extra-tidal RR Lyrae of NGC 5024. The cutoff of two-thirds of the tidal radius was based on the criterion defined in Kundu et al. (2019), at which the authors did not elaborate the reason for adopting such cutoff radius (also, see the discussion in Section 4). Other tidal radii, in arcminutes, of NGC 5024 that can be found in the literature range from 14.79 ± 7.19 (Jordi & Grebel 2010), 16.25 (McLaughlin & van der Marel 2005), 16.91 (Kharchenko et al. 2013), 21.85 (Peterson & King 1975), 21.87 ± 0.53 (Lehmann & Scholz 1997), and 22.48 (Trager et al. 1995).13 Therefore, depending on the adopted tidal radius, V48 could be either an extra-tidal RR Lyrae or not.

2.2. Group B: Other Known RR Lyrae in the Vicinity

For the remaining 22 RR Lyrae, 17 and 5 of them are known RR Lyrae from the VSX and GaiaDR2RRL catalogs, respectively. Among the five RR Lyrae from the GaiaDR2RRL catalog, three of them are located within 2'of the center of NGC 5024.14 Two of them have G > 19.7 mag hence they could be the background stars, and the RR Lyrae with the Gaia DR2 ID of 3938022017256004352 has a G-band magnitude of 16.538 ± 0.001 mag. This RR Lyrae could be a new member of NGC 5024, but no proper-motion information available in the Gaia DR2 main catalog. Nevertheless, we excluded these three RR Lyrae in this work. The locations of other 19 RR Lyrae with respect to NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 are shown in Figure 4. These RR Lyrae were further grouped into four subgroups based on their locations relative to the two globular clusters, as summarized in Table 2. The comparisons of their proper motions to those of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053, as well as their positions on the CMD, are displayed in Figure 5. Two RR Lyrae, PS1-3PI J131315.63 + 181410.1 (or PS1-3PI J131315 in Table 2) and Gaia DR2 ID 3938041533584189184, were found to be misidentified RR Lyrae (see Appendix B for more details).

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Locations of the 17 known RR Lyrae in Group B on the (inverted) ZTF mosaic r-band reference images. Two cyan circles indicate the 3rt radii for both globular clusters, while the dashed magenta circle represents the adopted search radius of 1fdg6. For clarity, names for some of the RR Lyrae were shortened (see Table 2) and for the two RR Lyrae listed in the GaiaDR2RRL catalog only the last six digits were shown.

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Figure 5.

Figure 5. Left panels: comparison of the proper motions for the known RR Lyrae in Group B, as listed in Table 2. These RR Lyrae were further divided into four subgroups. Definitions of the circles and dashed lines are same as in Figure 3. Right panels: positions of these RR Lyrae on the CMD. The color bars represent the distance (Δ, in arcminute) to the center of either globular cluster.

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Table 2.  Known RR Lyrae in the Vicinity of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 (Group B)

VSX Name αJ2000 δJ2000 Δ5024 Δ5053 Gaia DR2 ID G Bp − Rp pmRA pmDE
Within the 3rt of both clusters (filled plus signs in Figure 5)
PS1-3PI J131558a 198.99365 17.59436 55.55 9.32 3938679383472421760 20.073 0.475 −1.748 ± 1.410 −0.104 ± 1.038
RS Com 198.66493 17.19691 63.35 39.62 3936953979146081792 15.564 0.530 −6.653 ± 0.096 −3.796 ± 0.068
Within the 3rt of NGC 5024 (filled squares in Figure 5)
PS1-3PI J131315a 198.31514 18.23614 6.33 55.74 3938773288637827712 −99.99 −99.99 −1.586 ± 1.901 −1.337 ± 1.094
198.02127 18.42893 19.66 76.08 3938041533584189184 −99.99b −99.99b −99.99 −99.99
CSS J131054a 197.72836 18.41797 32.28 89.96 3938090393134378752 −99.99 −99.99 6.555 ± 0.057 −7.511 ± 0.038
RR Com 197.64986 18.01958 34.28 85.72 3938004631227430144 16.318 0.490 0.347 ± 0.123 −2.788 ± 0.090
CSS J130829a 197.12431 17.98337 64.05 114.84 3937956660735121664 18.714 0.503 −1.405 ± 0.576 −0.072 ± 0.475
CSS J130923a 197.34989 18.83797 64.22 121.45 3938306378448284672 16.499 0.535 −3.361 ± 0.131 −0.028 ± 0.088
Within the 3rt of NGC 5053 (filled circles in Figure 5)
OP Com 199.55205 17.36733 89.52 32.10 3938423098479656960 16.716 0.485 −1.960 ± 0.149 −2.672 ± 0.097
OQ Com 199.67464 17.75669 86.06 32.28 3938510097337185280 14.969 0.572 1.007 ± 0.079 −5.827 ± 0.067
RT Com 199.22275 17.10860 85.22 36.05 3936916973707946752 14.016 0.550 5.249 ± 0.053 −13.564 ± 0.042
Not within the 3rt of either clusters (filled triangles in Figure 5)
Z Com 197.07614 18.54048 69.41 126.61 3938269613528220672 13.735 0.513 3.182 ± 0.049 −19.942 ± 0.046
RV Com 199.47250 18.67250 76.92 61.83 3938893311498825984 14.031 0.457 −11.983 ± 0.058 −5.711 ± 0.050
BG Com 199.93618 18.30730 97.57 59.44 3938639839708973056 15.854 0.480 −5.195 ± 0.100 −1.275 ± 0.080
CSS J131532a 198.88418 19.22940 73.73 92.67 3939689422341157120 18.364 0.524 −1.381 ± 0.461 −0.808 ± 0.393
CSS J131445a 198.68950 16.51934 102.37 74.90 3936774724391121280 15.510 0.483 −4.652 ± 0.089 −3.667 ± 0.062
CSS J132009a 200.03928 17.48136 111.25 54.59 3938440072190455296 18.686 0.525 −1.244 ± 0.496 −1.007 ± 0.430
199.83771 17.06256 113.36 56.45 3746246947188342784 18.432 0.327 −2.256 ± 0.461 −0.267 ± 0.365
PS1-3PI J131801a 199.50486 16.81444 109.17 57.70 3936893742228790528 18.218 0.484 −1.921 ± 0.366 −0.664 ± 0.286

Notes. The meanings of each column are same as in Table 1.

aPS1-3PI J131558 = PS1-3PI J131558.47 + 173539.6; PS1-3PI J131315 = PS1-3PI J131315.63 + 181410.1; PS1-3PI J131801 = PS1-3PI J131801.16 + 164851.9; CSS J130829 = CSS J130829.7 + 175900; CSS J130923 = CSS J130923.9 + 185016; CSS J131054 = CSS J131054.8 + 182504; CSS J131532 = CSS J131532.1 + 191346; CSS J131445 = CSS J131445.4 + 163109; CSS J132009 = CSS J132009.3 + 172853. bThe Gaia DR2 main catalog listed G = 19.480 ± 0.020 and BP − Rp = 1.392 for this RR Lyrae.

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

Seven RR Lyrae appeared to have proper motions consistent with either of the globular clusters as shown in the left panels of Figure 5, and they also satisfied the proper-motion criterion given in Kundu et al. (2019). However, these seven RR Lyrae are all fainter than G ∼ 18 mag in the CMD,15 as presented in right panel of Figure 5, hence they most likely belong to the background population of RR Lyrae in the Galactic halo. In contrast, three RR Lyrae are located in the magnitude range of 16.0 < G < 17.5, enclosing the expected magnitudes of the horizontal branch stars in NGC 5024 and NGC 5053. CSS J130923.9 + 185016 is located right on top of the horizontal branch of NGC 5053 but it is closer to NGC 5024 on the sky. Similarly, OP Com seems to match with the horizontal branch of NGC 5024 but it is located near NGC 5053. Proper motions of these two RR Lyrae exhibit a large deviation relative to either of the globular clusters and hence they do not appear to be members or extra-tidal RR Lyrae of these two clusters. The most promising candidate of the extra-tidal RR Lyrae is RR Com, which is located within 3rt of NGC 5024. The mean brightness of this RR Lyrae is G = 16.3176 ± 0.0002 mag, about ∼0.4 mag brighter than the horizontal branch of NGC 5024 (see upper right panel of Figure 5), and similar to the RR Lyrae V60 in NGC 5024 (with G = 16.3854 ± 0.0009 mag). In fact, RR Com was picked up in Kundu et al. (2019) as a potential extra-tidal RR Lyrae for NGC 5024 but rejected based on the proper-motion criterion.

3. Searching for New RR Lyrae

Since none of the known RR Lyrae within our search area of ∼8 deg2 were found to be definitive extra-tidal RR Lyrae of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053, we attempt to search for new RR Lyrae within the same area in this section. Given that RR Lyrae are high-amplitude variable stars, and the expected extra-tidal RR Lyrae would have similar brightness as those in the NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 with G ∼ 16.7 mag (the averaged value for RR Lyrae listed in Table 1), any such new extra-tidal RR Lyrae should already have been detected from time domain all-sky surveys such as Pan-STARRS1 (as done in Sesar et al. 2017) or Gaia (Clementini et al. 2019) that can reach to a depth fainter than ∼20 mag. The fact that we did not find any extra-tidal RR Lyrae, based on the known RR Lyrae, in the previous sections indicates that most likely we will not find any new RR Lyrae around G ∼ 16.7 mag located within our search area.

3.1. Selecting Candidates from Gaia DR2

We began the search for new RR Lyrae using the Gaia DR2 main catalog. We selected 664 stars located within the search area of ∼8 deg2 defined in the previous section and that satisfied the conditions 16.0 < G < 17.5 and 0.2 < (BP − RP) < 0.8 (roughly bracketed the positions of expected RR Lyrae in the CMD). We further excluded those stars located within two-thirds of the tidal radius of either globular clusters, leaving 291 stars in our sample. Finally, we applied the proper-motion criterion from Kundu et al. (2019) in either the R.A. or decl. directions, but not both, leaving 79 stars (including RR Com) to be examined with ZTF light curves in the next subsection. If we enforce the Kundu et al. (2019) proper-motion criterion to be satisfied in both directions, this would leave only nine stars in the sample.

3.2. Light Curves from ZTF

The ZTF (operating 2018–2020) is a dedicated time domain wide-field synoptic sky survey aimed to explore the transient universe. ZTF utilizes the Palomar 48 inch Samuel Oschin Schmidt telescope, together with a new mosaic CCD camera, that provides a field of view of 47 squared degrees to observe the northern sky in customized gri filters. Further details regarding ZTF can be found in Bellm et al. (2019), Graham et al. (2019), and Dekany et al. (2020) and will not be repeated here. Imaging data taken from ZTF were processed with a dedicated reduction pipeline, as detailed in Masci et al. (2019); the final data products included reduced images and catalogs based on point-spread function (PSF) photometry.

Light curves of the 79 stars identified in the previous subsection were extracted from the ZTF's PSF catalogs spanning from 2017 November16 to 2020 January. The number of data points per light curves, in the format of minimum/median/maximum, are 13/110/202 in the g band, 35/172/318 in the r band, and 5/39/78 in the i band. Following Yang & Sarajedini (2010), we calculated the ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$ values for each star relative to a constant model using all gri-band data:

where $N={N}_{g}+{N}_{r}+{N}_{i}-3$. To guard against outliers, we also calculated the median absolute deviation (MAD) values for the same set of light curves,

where $\tilde{x}$ is the median value of array x. The left panel of Figure 6 presents the values of MAD versus ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$, where some large values of ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$ seem to be affected by outliers. The product of these two values, ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}\times \mathrm{MAD}\equiv s$, appears to be a good metric to distinguish between variable and nonvariable stars, as shown in bottom right panel of Figure 6. The only known RR Lyrae among the 79 stars, RR Com, clearly stands out in this figure. Light curves for the two stars (including RR Com) with the highest values of s are presented in Figure 7. Undoubtedly, the star in the right panel of Figure 7 is not a RR Lyrae (nor a variable star of any sort).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Left panel: MAD vs. ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$ values for the 79 Gaia stars selected in Section 3.1 based on the gri-band ZTF light curves. Right panel: the ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$, MAD, and ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}\times \mathrm{MAD}$ values as a function of Gaia G-band magnitudes. The red starry symbols in all panels represent RR Com.

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Figure 7.

Figure 7. Left panel: ZTF light curves for RR Com, which is a known double-mode pulsator (Poleski 2014) that is simultaneously pulsating in two periods. The ZTF light curves were folded with a single period adopted from the VSX Catalog, hence the phased light curves appeared to exhibit scatters. Right panel: ZTF light curves for the star with the second highest $s\equiv {\chi }_{\nu }^{2}\times \mathrm{MAD}$ value, which were affected by few outliers in the light curves. Nevertheless, it is clear that this star does not exhibit RR-Lyrae-like light curves. If the obvious outliers were removed, the ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$ and MAD values were reduced to 4.1286 and 0.0340, respectively, and this star no longer belongs to the second highest s value in the sample. N is the number of data points in each light curve.

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Visually inspecting these light curves reveals that those light curves with s < 0.17 do not shown signs of variability. There were 65 stars with s < 0.17 in the sample, including the nine stars that satisfied the proper-motion criterion in Kundu et al. (2019) mentioned in the previous subsection. A few example light curves are presented in Figure 8. We searched for a periodicity on the rest of stars with s > 0.17, excluding RR Com, using the Lomb–Scargle periodogram implemented in the Astropy package (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018). The periodicity search was done on the r-band light curves (as this band has the most data points) within the period range of 0.2–1.2 days, appropriate for the possible periods of RR Lyrae. Among about a dozen stars with s > 0.17, the majority of them do not show any periodicity, and there were four stars displaying some variability but without a convincing periodicity. Their ZTF light curves are displayed in Figure 9, and none of them are RR Lyrae.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. ZTF light curves for randomly selected stars with s < 0.17, where $s\equiv {\chi }_{\nu }^{2}\times \mathrm{MAD}$. N is the number of data points in each light curve.

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Figure 9.

Figure 9. ZTF light curves for stars with s > 0.17, where $s\equiv {\chi }_{\nu }^{2}\times \mathrm{MAD}$, that exhibit variability but for which no credible period can be detected. N is the number of data points in each light curve.

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4. Conclusion

In this work, we re-evaluated the claim of Kundu et al. (2019) that there are five extra-tidal RR Lyrae associated with globular cluster NGC 5024. Four of these RR Lyrae were known members of a nearby globular cluster NGC 5053. The remaining extra-tidal RR Lyrae, V48 of NGC 5024, could either be an extra-tidal RR Lyrae of NGC 5024 or not—depending on the adopted tidal radius of NGC 5024. One of the criteria employed in Kundu et al. (2019) is such that extra-tidal RR Lyrae should be located outside the two-thirds of the tidal radius for a given globular cluster. Other similar work in literature, however, adopted the criterion of one tidal radius to select the extra-tidal RR Lyrae (Kunder et al. 2018; Minniti et al. 2018). If the criterion of one tidal radius is adopted, then V48 will no longer be an extra-tidal RR Lyrae of NGC 5024.

Besides the RR Lyrae that were known members of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 from Clement's Catalog, we compiled a list of known RR Lyrae within an area of ∼8 deg2 from the literature. Using the similar selection criteria as in Kundu et al. (2019), together with the Gaia DR2 data, none of these known RR Lyrae were found to be extra-tidal RR Lyrae of either globular clusters. Finally, using Gaia DR2 data, we selected stars within our search area but outside the two-thirds of the tidal radii of both globular clusters that fall in the range of 16.0 < G < 17.5 and 0.2 < (BP − RP) < 0.8, as well as satisfied the proper-motion criterion from Kundu et al. (2019) in either direction. A further variability and periodicity analysis of these stars with the ZTF light curves data revealed that none of them were new RR Lyrae. Therefore, we have concluded there were no extra-tidal RR Lyrae for either NGC 5024 or NGC 5053 within our search area of ∼8 deg2 that covered both globular clusters.

We thank the useful discussions and comments from T. de Boer, P. Mroz, and an anonymous referee which improved the manuscript. We thank the funding from Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan) under the contract 107-2119-M-008-014-MY2, 107-2119-M-008-012, and 108-2628-M-007-005-RSP.

Based on observations obtained with the Samuel Oschin Telescope 48 inch and the 60 inch Telescope at the Palomar Observatory as part of the Zwicky Transient Facility project. Major funding has been provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant No. AST-1440341 and by the ZTF partner institutions: the California Institute of Technology, the Oskar Klein Centre, the Weizmann Institute of Science, the University of Maryland, the University of Washington, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the TANGO Program of the University System of Taiwan.

This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement.

This research has made use of the SIMBAD database and the VizieR catalog access tool, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. This research has made use of the International Variable Star Index (VSX) database, operated at AAVSO, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

This research made use of Astropy,17 a community-developed core Python package for Astronomy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018).

Facilities: Gaia - , PO:1.2 m. -

Software: Astropy package (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018), Astroquery (Ginsburg et al. 2019).

Appendix A: Constructing the Proper Motion and CMDs for the Clusters

We utilize the proper motions and color–magnitude diagrams (PMD and CMD, respectively) to evaluate the probable membership of the selected RR Lyrae and candidates (as described in Section 2) in the vicinity of the two globular clusters studied in this work. More precisely, these diagrams, constructed using the data in Gaia DR2 catalog, are used to reject RR Lyrae and candidates that are obviously not members of the clusters. Sources within 1 tidal radius of each globular cluster were queried from the Gaia DR2 main catalog (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018a), and the corresponding PMD and CMD are shown in Figure A1. As can be seen from the figure, there are large scatters in the PMD and many outliers in the CMD, which are probably foreground or background sources. Since our goal is not to establish the cluster membership of each Gaia source, but construct a clean CMD to be compared with the RR Lyrae and candidates, we adopted a simple criterion to select the Gaia sources. For each Gaia source, we calculated ΔPM = [(pmRA − pmRAc)2 + (pmDE − pmDEc]2)1/2, where pmRA and pmDE are proper motions for each source in R.A. and decl., respectively, and the subscript c represents the measured proper motions of the clusters (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018b). Only those sources with ΔPM < pmT/2 are kept as the clean sample, where pmT is the quadrature sum of pmRAc and pmDEc. The clean CMDs of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053 are presented in Section 2.

Figure A1.

Figure A1. Gaia sources, queried from the DR2 main catalog, located within 1 tidal radius of NGC 5024 and NGC 5053. The left panels present the proper motions of these sources, while the right panels are the corresponding CMD. The dashed lines in left panels are the measured proper motions for each cluster adopted from Gaia Collaboration et al. (2018b), while the dashed circles represent the selection criterion of ΔPM = pmT/2 (only sources within the circles were be used to construct the clean CMD).

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Appendix B: Light Curves for Two Misidentified RR Lyrae

We have examined the ZTF light curves for RR Lyrae listed in Table 2, and found that two of them do not display RR-Lyrae-like light curves. These two putative RR Lyrae are PS1-3PI J131315.63 + 181410.1 (abbreviated as PS1-3PI J131315) and Gaia DR2 ID 3938041533584189184, but we classify them as non-RR Lyrae. Other RR Lyrae in Table 2 display the light-curve shapes expected for ab- or c-type RR Lyrae after folding the ZTF light curves with their published periods.

  • PS1-3PI J131315. This star is identified in Sesar et al. (2017) with final classification scores of S3ab=0.93 and S3c=0.02, suggesting this star has a high probability of being an ab-type RR Lyrae. The period of PS1-3PI J131315 is found to be 0.6386368 days (Sesar et al. 2017). However the Lomb–Scargle periodogram applied to its r-band ZTF light curve did not reveal any significant peak between 0.2 and 1.2 days (see left panel of Figure B1). The folded ZTF light curves for this star, either with the published period or the best period (corresponding to the highest peak in the Lomb–Scargle periodogram), as shown in right panel of Figure B1, do not resemble those of ab-type RR Lyrae.
  • 3938041533584189184. This star is identified in Rimoldini et al. (2019) as an ab-type RR Lyrae with a best_class_score=0.6279, but there is no period found for this star. We ran the Lomb–Scargle periodogram on the ZTF r-band light curve for this star, and no significant peak was found between 0.2 and 1.2 days. The Lomb–Scargle periodogram and the folded ZTF light curves with the best period are displayed in Figure B2. Clearly, this star is not an ab-type RR Lyrae.

Figure B1.

Figure B1. Left panel: the Lomb–Scargle periodogram for PS1-3PI J131315 based on the r-band ZTF light curve, shown in the inset figure. The horizontal red and orange dashed lines represent the false-alarm probability of 0.1 and 0.01, respectively. Right panel: folded ZTF gri-band light curves with the best period, corresponding to the highest peak in the Lomb–Scargle periodogram. Note that the best period does not necessary represent the true period.

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Figure B2.

Figure B2. Same as Figure B1, but for the star with the Gaia DR2 ID 3938041533584189184.

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  • In the case of NGC 5053, even though the Wilson model is a better fit to its number density (de Boer et al. 2019), the derived tidal radius from the Wilson model, 18farcm1 ± 1farcm5, is in good agreement with the value based on the SPES model.

  • We thank T. de Boer for verifying this.

  • 10 

    The scores have a value between 0 and 1, where 1 represents the star having a very high probability of being an RR Lyrae, and 0 if the star is not classified as an RR Lyrae. These scores have an associated level of purity and completeness as described in Sesar et al. (2017). For example, S3ab > 0.8 implies the underlying star is an ab-type RR Lyrae with purity of 91% and completeness of 77% at ∼80 kpc.

  • 11 
  • 12 

    There are few NGC 5024 RR Lyrae located outside the circles in left panels of Figure 3, indicating a possibility that they may not belong to NGC 5024. However they are all located within ∼2farcm3 from the center of NGC 5024. The investigation of their memberships with NGC 5024 is not main scope of this paper, hence we will not study them in detail further.

  • 13 

    Values taken from Table 4 of Lehmann & Scholz (1997).

  • 14 

    The Gaia DR2 ID for these three RR Lyrae are: 3938022017256004352, 3938022085975309952, and 3938022463930328960.

  • 15 

    In the case of PS1-3PI J131315.63 + 181410.1, there is no G-band intensity mean magnitude given in the gaiadr2.vary_rrlyrae table. Nevertheless the Gaia DR2 main catalog listed a value of G = 20.222 ± 0.007 mag for this RR Lyrae.

  • 16 

    Part of the data were taken during the ZTF commissioning phase from 2017 November to 2018 March.

  • 17 
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