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astroplan: An Open Source Observation Planning Package in Python

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Published 2018 February 23 © 2018. The American Astronomical Society.
, , Citation Brett M. Morris et al 2018 AJ 155 128 DOI 10.3847/1538-3881/aaa47e

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We present astroplan—an open source, open development, Astropy affiliated package for ground-based observation planning and scheduling in Python. astroplan is designed to provide efficient access to common observational quantities such as celestial rise, set, and meridian transit times and simple transformations from sky coordinates to altitude-azimuth coordinates without requiring a detailed understanding of astropy's implementation of coordinate systems. astroplan provides convenience functions to generate common observational plots such as airmass and parallactic angle as a function of time, along with basic sky (finder) charts. Users can determine whether or not a target is observable given a variety of observing constraints, such as airmass limits, time ranges, Moon illumination/separation ranges, and more. A selection of observation schedulers are included that divide observing time among a list of targets, given observing constraints on those targets. Contributions to the source code from the community are welcome.

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1. Introduction

The Astropy Project is a community effort to develop a common core package for astronomy in Python and to foster an ecosystem of interoperable astronomy packages. The astropy core package contains all of the machinery necessary for computing whether or not a given object is observable from a location on the Earth at specified times. It defines an object-oriented framework for specifying times and coordinates on the sky and Earth. In this paper, we assume that the reader has some familiarity with the tools available in astropy, see Astropy Collaboration et al. (2013) or the online documentation.12

There are several practical algorithms useful for observation planning that are not included in astropy. Some questions that users may seek to answer using astropy would require substantial effort, such as: "is this star currently above 30° altitude from the Apache Point Observatory?" or "what time is astronomical twilight this evening on MaunaKea?"

astroplan is an Astropy affiliated package for ground-based observation planning and scheduling, which provides functionality for answering these questions. It is a pure-Python package that provides an efficient application programming interface (API) for quick access to common observational calculations, while using the full accuracy and precision of astropy under-the-hood to handle the sky and time coordinate transformations.

The most similar existing Python software that can be used to plan observations is pyephem (Rhodes 2011). astroplan is different from pyephem in a few fundamental ways. astroplan provides support for computing the positions of the Sun, Moon, stars, and major planets. It uses astropy's modern and more accurate IAU2000/2006 methods and NASA's DE430 planetary ephemeris. astroplan is built around the astropy objects that specify times and coordinates. astroplan users can use the extensively documented and constantly improving astropy framework for specifying times and coordinates. pyephem uses package-specific implementations of times and coordinates that are not cross-compatible with packages in the Astropy Project ecosystem. pyephem supports the Sun, Moon, stars, major planets, asteroids and comets, and uses the older IAU1976/1980 precession/nutation methods, and VSOP87 planetary ephemerides.

Here, we briefly outline some key features of astroplan version 0.4 and the design decisions that went into making them. In Section 2, we outline the astroplan API, and in Section 3, we direct the reader to the online documentation and resources for teaching and learning astroplan.

2. API

2.1. Basic Operations

We begin by defining the Observer object, which specifies the location of an observer on the Earth. Most of the major observatories included in IRAF (National Optical Astronomy Observatories 1999) are accessible by name in astroplan via the at_site class method:

Example 1. Define a common observer

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An observer can be located anywhere on the Earth with use of astropy's EarthLocation object.

Example 2. Define a custom observer

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In order to account for atmospheric refraction in different environments, several atmospheric parameters can be described on the Observer object, including the atmospheric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity.

Targets with fixed celestial coordinates are described by FixedTarget objects, which contain their coordinate and name:

Example 3. Define a fixed celestial target

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The from_name class method uses tools from astropy.coordinates to query Simbad, NED, and VizieR for target coordinates by name through the Sesame Name Resolver (Schaaff 2004). Non-fixed targets apart from the Sun and Moon are not implemented in astroplan at the time of writing, and community contributions for supporting minor bodies are welcome.

Rise and set times are the cornerstone computations of observation planning. astroplan computes the rise and set times of an object by transforming the sky coordinates of the object (e.g., ICRS, galactic, etc.) into a grid of altitude-azimuth coordinates for that target as seen by an observer at a specific location on the Earth, at 10-minute intervals over a 24-hr period. The rise or set time is then computed by linear interpolation between the two coordinates nearest to zero. The meridian/anti-meridian transit time is computed similarly; it takes a numerical derivative of the altitudes before searching for the appropriate zero crossing. The user can also define a rise or set horizon other than 0° altitude, which is useful for observatories with non-zero altitude limits.

We chose to compute rise and set times with a grid-search to maximize accuracy, rather than speed. In particular, we sought to preserve the astropy altitude-azimuth coordinate transformation, which accounts for atmospheric refraction.

Convenience methods are included to compute the altitude-azimuth coordinates of a target at a given time, and the times of rise, set, meridian, and anti-meridian transit.

Example 4. Find target altitude/azimuth and rise time

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Times can be defined in a variety of scales using astropy Time objects, including UTC, TAI, TCB, TCG, TDB, TT, UT1.

The sky coordinates of the major solar system bodies are computed using the jplephem package, which provides an API for querying JPL's Satellite Planet Kernel files. The methods for querying the positions of solar system bodies were originally developed for astroplan, and have since been moved into the astropy.coordinates package.

Common plots are accessible through the astroplan.plots module—see Figure 1 for a few examples. There are many more example plots and the source code that generates them, which are available in the online documentation.13

Figure 1.

Figure 1. An airmass plot and a sky chart for observing Sirius and Rigel from Apache Point Observatory, made with the astroplan.plots methods plot_airmass and plot_sky. The underlying altitude/azimuth calculation powered by astropy.coordinates includes atmospheric refraction.

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2.2. Observing Constraints

Planning astronomical observations often requires an observer to determine whether or not a celestial object is observable given a list of observing constraints. astroplan contains a generic framework for defining observing constraints and computing the "observability" of a list of targets given those constraints.

For example, suppose an observer is planning to observe low-mass stars in Praesepe in the optical and infrared from the W.M. Keck Observatory. The constraints imposed by the telescope and science case require all observations to occur: (i) between astronomical twilights; (ii) while the Moon is separated from Praesepe by at least 45°; and (iii) while Praesepe is above the lower elevation limit of Keck I, about 33°. These observing constraints can be specified with the AtNightConstraint, MoonSeparationConstraint, and AltitudeConstraint objects. We demonstrate this use case with astroplan in a long code example in Appendix A.

Other built-in constraints allow users to specify acceptable ranges of: Moon illuminations, airmass, Sun separations (e.g., for non-optical observations), and local times. The observing constraint classes take as inputs: targets, times, and an observer; and the constraints return Boolean matrices indicating whether or not those targets are observable at each time.

The constraints framework is modular and written to be extensible. Users can implement their own constraints for a particular observatory or science case by following a tutorial in the online documentation14 to produce constraint objects that are compatible with the astroplan scheduling framework.

2.3. Transiting Exoplanets and Eclipsing Binaries (EBs)

The astroplan.periodic module contains a framework for defining systems with periodic events, such as exoplanets and binaries. There are specialized classes for eclipsing systems, such as EBs and transiting exoplanets. The module makes use of the generic terms "primary eclipse" and "secondary eclipse," where the primary eclipse is a "transit" in the case of exoplanets. There are convenience functions for computing the next primary or secondary eclipses of an exoplanet or EB, or as well as computing ingress and egress times of the next primary or secondary eclipse.

Example 5. Find upcoming exoplanet transit times

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There are also complementary methods in the constraints module for use with the periodic system framework. Users can determine which eclipse events are observable from an observatory with a list of constraints. We include a brief tutorial for using the periodic module with queries from online exoplanet parameter databases in Appendix B.

2.4. Scheduling Observations

The scheduling framework enables users to define observing blocks, which denote an observation of a target or group of targets for an amount of time in a particular instrument configuration. Each observing block can be assigned a numerical priority, which by convention spans the range [0, 1] where zero is low priority. Priorities can be assigned by an observer based on which potential observations are most important to them to get scheduled. A set of observing blocks gets assigned a rank, which for example, might be the rank a proposal receives from a telescope time allocation committee (TAC).

Each observing block has a list of associated constraints. We compute a score for each constraint on an observing block, which can be a Boolean or float in the range [0, 1] where zero is unfavorable. For example, the score computed from an airmass constraint will be highest when the airmass is low, while the score computed from an altitude constraint will be highest when the altitude is high. Other constraints, like the AtNightConstraint, yield Boolean scores.

These scored observing blocks can be assigned to time slots by a scheduler, which chooses the order for which observing blocks get scheduled first, and the times to assign them. Each scheduler creates an observing schedule based on one of several strategies for filling time slots with observing blocks. As of astroplan version 0.4, there are two schedulers implemented: the sequential and priority schedulers.

The sequential scheduler begins by selecting the best-scored observing block at the beginning of the observing time. It then continues to choose the next best-scored block for the next observation, until all available observing time is allocated, or all observing blocks have been allocated.

The priority scheduler takes a prioritized list of observing blocks. The priority for each observing block could be assigned by an observatory TAC, for example, or by an individual observer who needs to schedule their observations given their scientific priorities. The scheduler will first allocate the highest priority observing block to the best-scored time slot for that observing block, and then schedule the next priority block at its best time, etc.

The two schedulers presently implemented are most useful for planning an individual observer's observations; a complete example is available in Appendix C. We intend to continue to develop the scheduling module to support queue scheduling for observatories with many observing programs. A wide range of strategies exist for planning observations, however, so the code for the schedulers is adaptable for users to adopt to other strategies either via subclassing or creating new scheduler classes. The package welcomes contributions of this sort from the community.

2.5. Testing and Development

astroplan has an extensive testing suite. In addition to simple unit tests, which check that sensible inputs yield sensible outputs, there are also many tests that compare the accuracy of astroplan outputs. The tests are executed remotely whenever changes are made to the source code or documentation within the astroplan repository. The astroplan outputs are commonly compared against outputs from the independent python ephemeris package pyephem (Rhodes 2011). The difference in rise and set times with astroplan and pyephem is always $\lt 8$ minutes (with atmospheric refraction), and the differences are probably attributable to intrinsically different interpretations of these times.

Contributions to the package from the community are welcome. The source code is hosted on GitHub,15 where users can contribute new features. astroplan follows the open development model refined by astropy, and many tutorials on contributing to the source code of either package are available in the astropy documentation.16

3. Documentation

3.1. Online Documentation

Detailed, tested, living documentation for astroplan is available online via Read the Docs.17 This paper is intended as a brief introduction to astroplan's core functionality and the algorithms used throughout the package, so we refer the reader to the online documentation for the complete API description and complete tutorials for each module with examples.

3.2. astroplan in the Classroom

astroplan is incorporated into the curriculum for undergraduate majors in astronomy at the University of Washington, in the "Introduction to Programming for Astronomical Applications" course. The lesson plan on observing with Python is built around the task of planning astronomical observations. Along the way, it guides students through using the time, coordinate, and quantity objects of astropy, building up to their combined use in observation planning with astroplan. Jupyter notebooks guiding students through these lessons are freely available online.18

4. Summary

astroplan is a pure-Python, open source, Astropy affiliated package for observation planning and scheduling. It provides methods for computing common observational quantities such as target rise, set, and transit times, and it specifies a framework for testing the "observability" of targets given observing constraints.

B.M.M., J.B.M. and K.V. gratefully acknowledge support from the Google Summer of Code program in 2015 and 2016. B.M.M. acknowledges financial support from the Python Software Foundation and from the University of Washington eScience Institute, with funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. We thank Eric Agol and Suzanne Hawley for supporting B.M.M. to devote some PhD thesis time toward developing and maintaining astroplan. B.M.M. graciously acknowledges support from Jake VanderPlas, as well.

This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France (Wenger et al. 2000).

Software: astroplan (Morris et al. 2017), ipython (Perez & Granger 2007), numpy (Van Der Walt et al. 2011), scipy (Jones et al. 2001), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), astropy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013), pyephem (Rhodes 2011), jplephem.19


We outline here some in-depth code examples that demonstrate a few intended use cases for astroplan. We again encourage the reader to visit the online documentation described in Section 3 for many example inputs and outputs.

Appendix A: Observing Constraints

In Section 2.2, we outlined a list of example observing constraints, which we might like to evaluate at various times with astroplan. We will observe Praesepe from Keck Observatory, and we are setting the following constraints: (i) observe between astronomical twilights; (ii) observe while the Moon is separated from Praesepe by at least 45°; and (iii) observe while Praesepe is above the lower elevation limit of Keck I, about 33°. These observing constraints can be specified with the AtNightConstraint, MoonSeparationConstraint, and AltitudeConstraint objects. Other built-in constraints include: Moon illumination, airmass limits, Sun separation limits (e.g., for non-optical observations), and local time constraints. The observing constraint classes take the following parameters as input: targets, times, and an observer. The constraints return Boolean matrices indicating whether or not those targets are observable at each time.

The following code will compute whether or not Praesepe is observable given the constraints listed above. The array observablility will contain "True" for times when Praesepe is observable given the specified constraints, and "False" otherwise. We visualize the observability grid in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Diagram summarizing the "observability grid" of Praesepe given each observing constraint, at each hour within the time range. Dark squares represent times when the observing constraint is not satisfied.

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A warning may be printed if astropy or astroplan need to update the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) tables before computing a target's altitude and azimuth. The altitude and azimuth of a target depends on the orientation of the Earth, which varies on short timescales due to shifts in the Earth's moment of inertia. In order to account for these unpredictable variations in the Earth's position with time, astropy (and therefore astroplan) use constantly updated tables from the IERS, which specify the Earth's orientation with observations of quasars.

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Appendix B: Eclipsing Binary and Transiting Exoplanet Ephemerides

Suppose you want to observe a newly discovered eclipsing binary or a well-known transiting exoplanet. You can compute the time of the next primary eclipse or transit event with the EclipsingSystem object.

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With the latest version of astroquery (Ginsburg et al. 2017), you can query the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute Exoplanet Archive (Akeson et al. 2013) or the Exoplanet Orbit Database (Wright et al. 2011; Han et al. 2014) for exoplanet system parameters:

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Appendix C: Scheduling Observations

In this example, suppose we want to create a schedule for observations at Apache Point Observatory in the first half of the night of 2016 July 7 UTC. We will schedule 16 exposures of Deneb and M13, each in three color filters: B, G, and R. We must observe these targets when they meet the following constraints: (1) the airmass of the target is $\lt 3;$ (2) the time is between civil twilights; (3) the time is between 02:00–08:00 UTC, which corresponds to the first half of the night at Apache Point.

astroplan provides control over the many parameters that affect observation scheduling. In the example below, we take into account the slew rate of the telescope, the time it takes to change filters, and a user-input priority for each observing block, see Figure 3.

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. Airmass plot showing the scheduled observing blocks. As we constrained the observations to occur before 8:00 UTC, but Deneb does not reach its highest altitude until after 8:00 UTC, the scheduler assigned the Deneb observing blocks as late as possible before the 8:00 UTC, thus minimizing the airmass of Deneb during the observations. As M13 is observable at its minimum airmass, the scheduler centered the three observing blocks on the times when M13 is at minimum airmass. The black lines between observing blocks represent transitions, which account for instrument reconfiguration dead time—in this example, filter changes and telescope slews add some dead time.

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