光学学报, 2023, 43 (19): 1927001, 网络出版: 2023-10-23  


Optical Dipole Forces of Laguerre-Gaussian Femtosecond Laser Pulses with High Radial Modes on Cascade Three-Level Atoms
1 华北电力大学数理学院,北京 102206
2 华北电力大学核科学与工程学院,北京 102206
3 河北省物理学与能源技术重点实验室,河北 保定 071000

When atoms are exposed to a non-uniform laser field, there will be gradient potential due to the electric dipole interactions between the light field and the atoms, and therefore atoms will be subjected to the action of optical dipole forces. With the recent development of ultra-short laser technology and light manipulation techniques, new types of light fields with complex spatial structures are possible to be constructed. Meanwhile, the application of these new laser fields in optical tweezers to achieve special and accurate control of micro-particles becomes a hotspot in light-matter interactions. Compared with the fundamental transverse mode Gaussian beams, these laser fields, such as hollow Gaussian beam, Laguerre-Gaussian beam, Bessel-Gaussian beam, and Airy beam, have more complex field structures and special optical characteristics. Additionally, they can provide extensive controllable degrees of freedom and more atomic beam guidance pathways for laser manipulation. Our paper studies the electric dipole interactions between the femtosecond Laguerre-Gaussian laser pulses of high radial modes and the three-level atomic systems. The spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of optical potential traps and optical dipole forces exerted by different radial modes of the femtosecond Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams are analyzed. We also reveal the advantages of Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams with high radial modes in atom trapping and manipulation. This theoretical study is expected to give insight into the optical manipulation of micro-particles with structured optical laser fields and provide guidance for possible experimental studies.


The semi-classical theory is employed to study the interactions of optical dipole forces between the femtosecond Laguerre-Gaussian laser pulses with high radial modes and the cascade three-level atoms. The laser field is treated with the classical Maxwell's theory and the atoms are treated with the quantum mechanical density matrix theory. Based on the density matrix theory, the optical Bloch equations for a cascade three-level system are derived without rotating wave approximation, and the coupled optical Bloch equation is solved numerically by utilizing the self-consistent numerical scheme. The induced electric dipole moments are then calculated from the product matrix trace of the density matrix operator and the electric dipole moment operator. The optical potentials and optical dipole forces are simulated for different radial modes of the femtosecond Laguerre-Gaussian lasers. Without generality loss, the atomic sodium is taken as the prototype for the cascade three-level atomic model, and the transitions from the ground state 3s to 3p and from 3p to 4s excited states of the sodium atom in the visible and infrared light bands respectively are chosen.

Results and Discussions

When the three-level atomic systems are exposed to a Laguerre-Gaussian beam of the n-th radial mode, there will be n+1 optical potential wells/barriers formed for negative/positive laser field detuning. With the same peak intensity of the laser field, by increasing the radial mode number n, the depth of the main potential well/barrier remains constant, but the spatial range of the main potential well/barrier becomes narrower, and the optical dipole force becomes stronger due to the increasing radial gradient of the potential (Figs. 1 and 2). Therefore, the particles are bound in much narrower optical potentials induced by the Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams of the higher radial modes, which is more conducive to the accurate manipulation and capture of particles. The transverse dipole force exerted by a Laguerre-Gaussian beam of the n-th radial mode has 2nnodal circles in the radial direction, and the direction of the dipole force is opposite on both sides of a nodal circle due to the changing electric field gradient. Therefore, the atomic beam will be split and trapped in the optical potential wells at different positions (Figs. 3 and 4). When atoms are exposed to an ultra-short femtosecond laser field, the carrier-wave effect becomes important and the induced optical dipole force oscillates with a frequency two times the carrier-wave frequency of the laser field.


This study provides insight into the optical manipulation of micro-particles in structured optical beam fields. Our attention is paid to the influence of the radial mode of the Laguerre-Gaussian beams on the optical potential and optical dipole force. The higher radial mode leads to steeper optical potential and larger optical dipole force. The Laguerre-Gaussian beam of the n-th radial mode will generate n+1 optical potential wells/barriers under negative/positive laser field detuning, and the corresponding optical dipole force has 2n nodal circles in the radial direction with opposite signs on both sides of any nodal circle. Therefore, atoms can be split and bound in much narrower optical potentials induced by the Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams of higher radial modes, and the Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams of higher radial modes are beneficial to the accurate manipulation, capture, and steering of particles. In the time regime, the carrier-wave effect induced by the femtosecond laser pulse is important and the optical dipole force oscillates with a frequency two times the carrier-wave frequency of the laser field.

1 引 言





2 理论方法



















3 数值计算模型

采用级联三能级原子模型来研究具有柱对称结构的高阶径向LG0n飞秒激光脉冲场与原子的光力学相互作用,其相互作用特性主要取决于所采用的LG激光束的径向阶次和原子体系的能级结构特点,对具体的原子和激光场的参数取值具有一定的普适性。通常情况下,原子、分子的较低几个激发态能级处于红外和可见光波长范围内。为不失一般性,选取钠原子的3s价电子基态、3p价电子激发态和4s价电子激发态作为级联三能级原子模型的能级结构参量29-30。选取的第一激发态共振跃迁频率ω10=3.19 rad/fs,对应波长λ10=589 nm,第二激发态共振跃迁频率ω21=1.65 rad/fs,对应波长λ21=1140 nm,相邻两个能级间的跃迁电偶极矩μ=μ10=μ21=1.85×10-29 Cm。假设初始时刻原子处于基态,即在t=0时刻,ρ00=1ρ11=ρ22=0。原子激发态衰减速率分别取γ11=109 s-1γ22=1012 s-1,各非对角元相干相互作用的弛豫速率γmn=1013 s-1

定义激光场失谐量Δ1=ω-ω10Δ2=ω-ω21。入射LG0n光场载波频率ω取两种不同的值1.0 rad/fs4.0 rad/fs,相应的入射光波长分别为1884 nm471 nm,两个取值分别对应两种相反的光场频率失谐情况。在电场峰值强度E0=7.41×109 V/m的飞秒强激光作用下,相邻两个能级跃迁的拉比振荡频率为Ω=μE0/=1.3 rad/fs,与入射光场载波频率ω可比。入射LG0n光束的束腰半径w0=10 μm,脉冲宽度τp=23.5 fs,脉冲峰值时刻为t0=50 fs。基于以上级联三能级体系模型和光场参量,通过数值求解非旋波近似下的光学布洛赫方程,对具有不同径向阶次的柱对称LG0n飞秒激光脉冲的光力场作用进行模拟分析。

4 计算结果与讨论

对不同径向阶次和不同失谐量情况下柱对称LG0n飞秒激光脉冲的光力场作用V(r,t)式(7)]进行讨论。图1所示为入射光场载波频率ω1.0 rad/fs时,级联三能级体系在不同径向阶次的LG0n激光场中的光学势V(r,t)分布。当ω=1.0 rad/fs时,激光场频率相对于两个级联激发跃迁0→1、1→2的失谐量分别为Δ1=-2.19 rad/fsΔ2=-0.65 rad/fs,均为负失谐,此时的光学势为束缚势,原子被囚禁在一定宽度的势阱内。在n=0的基横模高斯光束LG00作用下,整个横向空间只有一个以光轴为中心的光学势阱。当n>0时,光学势V(r,t)除了具有一个位于光轴的锥形主势阱,还会在主势阱周围形成相对较浅的n个次级环形势阱。随着光脉冲径向阶次n的增大,位于光轴的主势阱深度不变,但主势阱的宽度变窄;环绕主势阱的次级环形光势阱的数目增多,但深度减小。

图 1. 当激光场为负失谐时,不同径向阶次的飞秒光束LG0n脉冲作用下的光学势V(r,t)的时空分布。(a)n=0;(b)n=1;(c)n=2;(d)在t=50 fs的脉冲峰值时刻,各阶次LG0n光场中光学势V(r,t)关于r的径向分布情况

Fig. 1. Optical potential V(r,t) induced by different orders of femtosecond pulsed LG0n fields with negative detunings. (a) n=0; (b) n=1; (c) n=2; (d) radial distribution of optical potential V(r,t) at t=50 fs when the field intensity takes its maximum

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ω=4.0 rad/fs情况下,激光场相对于0→1、1→2两步级联跃迁均为正失谐Δ1=0.81 rad/fsΔ2=2.35 rad/fs,此时的光学势为排斥势,且排斥势场存在n个势能为0的节线圆,形成n+1个势垒(图2)。在正失谐的基横模(n=0)高斯型光场中,原子将被驱离光轴,形成环绕光轴的“原子空洞”;在正失谐的径向高阶LG0nn>0)光束作用下,原子将在两侧排斥势的作用下聚集到n个势能为0的光学势节线圆附近。与图1(d)相比,图2(d)中距离光轴0~5 μm的光学势垒呈现不平滑分布,这主要是因为光场频率ω=4.0 rad/fs更接近基态与第一激发态间的共振跃迁频率ω10,此时激光场中心位置附近与原子具有更强的非线性相互作用,使得能级粒子数分布和感生偶极矩μ式(4)]对电场强度分布更加敏感[图2(d)插图],从而导致光学势垒V(r,t)在光强峰值附近不平滑分布。需要特别指出的是,对n>0的正失谐LG0n激光场,虽然在光强为0的节线圆处形成的势阱比负失谐情况下的主势阱浅,但此时由光场引起的原子能级的Stark移动和非线性光学效应也较弱,被囚禁在节线圆附近势阱内的原子受到的非线性光学效应较弱。

图 2. 当激光场正失谐时,不同阶次的飞秒脉冲LG光束LG0n作用下的光学势V(r,t)的时空分布。(a)n=0;(b)n=1;(c)n=2;(d)在t=50 fs的脉冲峰值时刻,各阶次LG0n光场中光学势V(r,t)关于r的径向分布情况,插图给出了相应的感生电偶极矩μ的分布情况

Fig. 2. Optical potential V(r,t) induced by different orders of femtosecond pulsed LG0n fields with positive detunings. (a) n=0; (b) n=1; (c) n=2; (d) radial distribution of optical potential V(r,t) at t=50 fs when the field intensity takes its maximum, the inset shows the induced electric dipole moment μ

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为了进一步研究原子在径向高阶LG0n脉冲激光场中的光力学行为,对激光场中原子所受的径向ODF Fr(r,t)式(8)]进行分析。图3所示为在激光场负失谐情况下,不同径向阶次的LG0n飞秒脉冲激光场产生的Fr(r,t)的时空分布。与图1所示的光学俘获势相对应,在负失谐情况下,近光轴处的ODF主要为方向指向光轴的吸引力,使得原子向光轴汇聚,但是最大ODF并不是分布在轴心处,这是因为径向ODF Fr(r,t)是由电场横向强度的梯度决定的,而不是由光场强度决定的。比较图3(a)、(c)、(e)与图3(b)、(d)、(f),可以看到,在光场峰值强度不变的情况下,随着光场径向阶次n的增大,ODF峰值增大,同时径向ODF的空间分布也出现节线圆,除位于光轴上的力场零点外,ODF节线圆的数目等于2n,即ODF径向节线圆的数目为LG光束节线圆数目的2倍,ODF的节线圆位置对应光场的极大值和极小值位置。在ODF节线圆的两侧,电场强度具有相反的梯度变化趋势,使得ODF反向。因此,在高阶径向LG0n光束的作用下,原子将被分束聚集到节线圆两侧的光学势阱内。图3(e)、(f)所示为LG0nn=1, 2)光场中,靠近光轴的3个ODF空间极值点处ODF随时间的分布情况。对于不同阶次的LG0n光场,ODF极值出现在不同的径向位置r处。在飞秒脉冲激光场中,ODF是以两倍于激光载波频率的频率进行振荡,在同一空间位置处,虽然ODF大小会随着光场发生变化,但是ODF方向不会改变。例如,在激光场负失谐情况下,在ODF的第一个径向节线圆内,ODF始终是负值,方向指向光轴,原子将获得方向指向光轴的加速度,使得原子向轴心处聚焦。图3使用的激光场参量与图1相同。

图 3. ω=1.0 rad/fs的激光场负失谐情况下,不同径向阶次的LG0n飞秒脉冲激光场中的ODF分布。(a)n=1和(b)n=2的LG0n飞秒脉冲激光场产生的Fr(r,t)的时空分布;(c)n=1和(d)n=2的LG0n场中,Fr(r,t)在不同时刻沿径向r的分布情况;(e)n=1和(f)n=2的LG0n场中,不同径向位置rFr(r,t)的时间演化情况

Fig. 3. Optical dipole force Fr(r,t) induced by ω=1.0 rad/fs negatively detuned femtosecond pulsed LG0n fields. Spatial-temporal distribution of Fr(r,t) with (a) n=1 and (b) n=2; radial distribution of the optical dipole force Fr(r,t) with (c) n=1 and (d) n=2 at different time instants; temporal evolution of the optical dipole force Fr(r,t) with (e) n=1 and (f) n=2 at different radial positions

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图 4. ω=4.0 rad/fs的激光场正失谐情况下,LG0n飞秒脉冲激光场中的Fr(r,t)分布。径向阶次为(a)n=1和(b)n=2的LG0n飞秒脉冲激光场产生的Fr(r,t)的时空分布;(c)n=1和(d)n=2的LG0n场中,Fr(r,t)在不同时刻沿径向r的分布情况;(e)n=1和(f)n=2的LG0n场中,不同径向位置rFr(r,t)的时间演化情况

Fig. 4. Optical dipole force Fr(r,t) induced by ω=4.0 rad/fs positively detuned femtosecond pulsed LG0n fields. Spatial-temporal distribution of Fr(r,t) with (a) n=1 and (b) n=2; radial distribution of the optical dipole force Fr(r,t) with (c) n=1 and (d) n=2 at different time instants; temporal evolution of the optical dipole force Fr(r,t) with (e) n=1 and (f) n=2 at different radial positions

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5 结 论



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